5 tips to maximize your workouts – Eating and exercise

Eating and exercise go hand in hand. When and what you eat can be important to how you feel when you exercise, whether it’s a casual workout or training for a competition. Consider these eating and exercise tips.

1. Drink up

Don’t forget to drink fluids. You need adequate fluids before, during and after exercise to help prevent dehydration.

To stay well hydrated for exercise, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you:

  • Drink roughly 2 to 3 cups (473 to 710 milliliters) of water during the two to three hours before your workout.
  • Drink about 1/2 to 1 cup (118 to 237 milliliters) of water every 15 to 20 minutes during your workout. Adjust amounts related to your body size and the weather.
  • Drink roughly 2 to 3 cups (473 to 710 milliliters) of water after your workout for every pound (0.5 kilogram) of weight you lose during the workout.

Water is generally the best way to replace lost fluids. But if you’re exercising for more than 60 minutes, use a sports drink. Sports drinks can help maintain your body’s electrolyte balance and give you a bit more energy because they contain carbohydrates.

2. Eat after you exercise

To help your muscles recover and to replace their glycogen stores, eat a meal that contains both carbohydrates and protein within two hours of your exercise session if possible. Good post-workout food choices include:

  • Yogurt and fruit
  • Peanut butter sandwich
  • Low-fat chocolate milk and pretzels
  • Post-workout recovery smoothie
  • Turkey on whole-grain bread with vegetables

3. Snack well

Most people can eat small snacks right before and during exercise. The key is how you feel. Do what works best for you. Snacks eaten soon before exercise probably won’t give you added energy if your workout lasts less than 60 minutes, but they may prevent distracting hunger pangs. If your workout is longer than 60 minutes, you may benefit by including a carbohydrate-rich food or beverage during the workout. Good snack options include:

  • An energy bar
  • A banana, an apple or other fresh fruit
  • Yogurt
  • A fruit smoothie
  • A whole-grain bagel or crackers
  • A low-fat granola bar
  • A peanut butter sandwich
  • Sports drink or diluted juice

A healthy snack is especially important if you plan a workout several hours after a meal.

4. Eat a healthy breakfast

If you exercise in the morning, get up early enough to finish breakfast at least one hour before your workout. Be well-fueled going into a workout. Studies suggest eating or drinking carbohydrates before exercise can improve workout performance and may allow you to work out for a longer duration or higher intensity. If you don’t eat, you might feel sluggish or lightheaded when you exercise.

If you plan to exercise within an hour after breakfast, eat a light breakfast or drink something such as a sports drink. Emphasize carbohydrates for maximum energy.

Good breakfast options include:

  • Whole-grain cereals or bread
  • Low-fat milk
  • Juice
  • A banana
  • Yogurt
  • A pancake

And remember, if you normally have coffee in the mornings, a cup before your workout is probably OK. Also know that anytime you try a food or drink for the first time before a workout, you risk an upset stomach.

5. Watch the portion size

Be careful not to overdo it when it comes to how much you eat before exercise. The general guidelines suggest:

  • Large meals. Eat these at least three to four hours before exercising.
  • Small meals or snacks. Eat these about one to three hours before exercising.

Eating too much before you exercise can leave you feeling sluggish. Eating too little might not give you the energy you need to keep feeling strong throughout your workout.

6 WordPress security tips & best practices every site owner should know

WordPress security is one of the most important topics for any site owner. Whether you’re managing a boutique eCommerce shop or 50 client sites, experiencing a security breach can mean a loss in time, money, and credibility — all things no one wants to face.

While there’s no “one-size-fits-all” security solution for every WordPress site, there are a few best practices that can make a big impact. In this article, we’ll explain why sites get hacked in the first place, share security tips that are easy to implement in your workflow, and show you how Flywheel can help (beyond keeping your server secure). Here’s a quick overview.

Follow these WordPress security best practices to keep your site secure:

Ready to boost your WordPress site security? Let’s start at the beginning!

Why do WordPress sites get hacked?

Before we jump straight into WordPress security best practices, it can be helpful to understand why websites get hacked in the first place. Generally speaking, hackers tend to target websites for the following reasons:

  • To send spam emails through your site.
  • To steal your information, such as data, mailing lists, stored credit cards, etc.
  • To trick your site into installing malware on your users’ machines (or your own).

While a security event might feel like a personal attack, it’s often part of a larger scheme, such as a Distributed Denial of Service attack. Rather than target a single site, hackers might target the infrastructure your site is operating on, affecting numerous sites at once. That’s why it’s important to know some basic WordPress security standards, even if you’re just running a personal website.

In addition to the above, WordPress may be targeted specifically, simply due to its widespread popularity. Because it now powers more than 40% of all websites, WordPress is a large “area of opportunity” for online attackers.

But that alone shouldn’t be cause for alarm. WordPress is an open source CMS with a highly dedicated and involved community of contributors, which means there are a ton of people continuously working to improve the security of the platform.

The truth is that any website can experience a security issue at any time, and the same goes for sites built with WordPress. Luckily, there are several best practices you can implement to increase the security of your WordPress sites and make it far more difficult for hackers to mess things up.

6 WordPress security best practices

1. Keep your themes, plugins, and WordPress version up to date

One of the easiest ways to give your site an extra security boost is to keep everything updated. While it might feel tedious to keep up with plugin updates (especially if you’re trying to manage multiple WordPress websites) those updates are published for a reason (which is often security-related).

If developers discover a vulnerability in their code, they’ll usually push an update to fix it. The longer your site uses the outdated version, the more likely it is to be targeted by hackers.

While it might take some time, staying up to date with all plugins, themes, and WordPress core updates is a great way to limit security risks. If you’re using a managed WordPress host, WordPress updates should be performed automatically, helping you stay on top of the latest updates to core.

When it comes to keeping your plugins updated, solutions such as Smart Plugin Manager automatically check your plugins for updates at a pre-scheduled time. Using machine learning and visual testing, Smart Plugin Manager also ensures that your site doesn’t break when updates occur.

Pro tip: If you’re managing updates for multiple client sites, you may want to consider bundling this work into a security package that you sell on a recurring basis, that way you’re getting paid for this simple but tedious task!

2. Apply username and password best practices

There’s nothing new about this security tip, but it’s absolutely worth a reminder:

Use unique passwords. Use strong usernames. Use a password manager.

Hackers weren’t born yesterday; they know all the most common passwords and will test every single one with the username “admin.” So, do a quick audit.

  • Are your usernames hard to guess?
  • Are your passwords unique?
  • Have your passwords been updated recently?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to remember all these login credentials, I highly recommend a password manager, such as 1Password. Not only will it help you create and store complex credentials, it makes logging into sites a breeze. (Especially if you’re working with a team!)

3. Limit login attempts

Now that your login credentials have been strengthened, take your login security a step further by limiting login attempts! This is one of the best ways to defend against brute force attacks trying to gain access to your site.

To limit login attempts, you can use a plugin like Limit Login Attempts, which will block any attempt to log into your site after three errors, putting a block on it for twenty minutes.

Sure, it might get in your own way if you forget your password, but that’s what password managers are for, remember?

4. Move the WordPress login URL

Another way to make your WordPress site extra secure is to change the login page. It’s pretty common knowledge that to log into a site, you just add /wp-admin to the end of the URL. By changing the link, you effectively hide the entryway to your site, making it harder for hackers to find.

There are a variety of ways you can change your login URL, but the WPS Hide Login plugin is a good place to start! Just don’t forget what you change the URL to, and remember to share it with any other site collaborators or clients.

5. Use two-factor authentication

Another great way to make your credentials more secure is to use two-factor authentication. This security method acts as a temporary second password that updates every 30 seconds or so. To gain access to your site, hackers would have to guess both your true password and the temporary security code within that 30 second timeframe, greatly increasing your chances of blocking them!

Two-factor authentication is great because you can use it with a variety of logins related to the sites you manage. For example, Flywheel allows you to enable two-factor authentication on your hosting account, and you can also add it to individual WordPress sites.

6. Add Captcha to your forms

As you’ve probably gathered, locking down your site’s login page is incredibly important. That isn’t the only form you should focus on, however. Don’t forget about blog comments, checkout pages, or any other open form on your website!

Each of these forms present opportunities for hackers to submit information to your site, such as malicious links in a comment. Even if it doesn’t directly affect your site’s performance, having shady links will create a confusing user experience, and may even hurt your business.

To prevent this type of activity, you can install a WordPress plugin like Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft.

WordPress security is an important topic for each and every site owner to understand, and while it’s a constantly evolving area of focus, the tips and best practices above should provide a solid baseline for keeping your WordPress sites safe and secure.

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Fitness Gear

We all need a workout outfit that flatters and feels comfortable—and stays put. Our editors rounded up a number of the simplest workout gear for real women because there’s nothing wrong with eager to look good while breaking a sweat.

Loose, oversized tees paired with baggy pants are pass when it involves exercising or doing yoga. Rather, it’s all about colourful, chic gym clothes that hug your curves and assist you make a method statement.

These snug, compression garments are scientifically engineered and are essential for workouts, yoga, gyms or maybe just an off-the-cuff jog.

Fitness gear is about safety

Talking about the importance of fitness gear, They are extremely important for 2 reasons — performance and safety. These clothes apply a equitqble pressure on different parts of our body. This, in turn, stimulates blood flow and helps our muscles work optimally. It enhances their performance by providing much needed oxygen to specific body parts and muscles that are being worked out. This reduces the development of metabolic wastes and lactic acid.

When you are exercising at a better level, there are chances of things going wrong and your gear can protect you from external temperature changes, and even accidental falls, and injuries. Furthermore, it allows you to perform at your best and the highest level. These special workout gears are made with fabrics that are all-season friendly — they keep you warm in winter and funky in summer.

Anti-bacterial material helps avoid body odour

Fitness gear of reputed brands are made from fabrics that are anti-bacterial, in order that they help minimise body odor .

Spoilt for choice

There are many varieties of fitness gear available. The idea is to find something that you are comfortable in, which will allow you to move to the best of your ability. These tight fit clothes are available during a spread of clothes including vests, racer back tops, long-sleeved tees, hooded jackets, full-length and knee-length tights, calf-guards, skull caps, and ankle and full socks.

Tips to keep in mind while working out

1. Wear the right gym gear to get the best out of your workout — snug compression fits always protect you while you exercise.

2. The right shoes — ones that support you — are important.

3. Spraying on some anti-perspiration products can help minimise excessive odour.

4. Keep yourself hydrated all the time — before, during and after your gym session.

5. Avoid wearing makeup when you are exercising.

6. Use a hair tie or hair band when you are doing yoga and cardio.

7. Avoid fungal infection by keeping yourself clean and dry.

8. Protect your skin with petroleum jelly if you have excessively dry skin.

9. After your gym session make sure you wash the sweat off your face and change into fresh, dry clothes.

Fitness means various things to different people and Health has something for everybody , whether you’re just getting started with a workout routine or are training since before TikTok was a thing.

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