Is This a Miracle Molecule?

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C60 is the newest buzzword in the natural health world. It’s recommended for everything from avoiding sunburn, to hair growth, to longevity. C60 benefits the whole body and acts as an antioxidant to help protect against free radical damage.

This molecule works by donating electrons to neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidation. You’ll usually see it as a C60-infused olive oil, but it can also be dissolved in other oils or sold in capsule form.

What Is C60?

C60 is short for “Carbon 60.” It refers to the number of carbon atoms that, when connected, form a molecule called a fullerene. More specifically, a Buckminsterfullerene, or “buckyballs” for short.

This odd name comes from scientist and architect Buckminster Fuller. He often used geodesic domes (like you might see at a botanical garden) in his building designs. These domes resembled the newly discovered molecules so the molecule was named in his honor.

The scientists who made these discoveries received a Nobel Prize for their work in 1996.

Where Does C60 Come From?

C60 is a synthetic molecule derived from graphite in a lab. The scientists vaporize graphite so the carbon can form new bonds, changing its shape to that of a soccer ball.

C60 As a Health Supplement

C60 first got attention with the landmark 2012 Baati Rat Study. This study looked into C60’s effects on toxicity, oxidative stress, and long life.

According to researchers, C60 benefits may help with a laundry list of health concerns, including:

  • sun damage/sunburns
  • radiation protection
  • viral infections
  • oxidative stress
  • amyloid plaques in the brain (linked with Alzheimer’s disease)
  • allergies
  • enhance brain activity

It may also stimulate the immune system against cancer and promote healthy hair growth. Those are a lot of benefits in one little molecule! The researchers concluded fullerene promoted longevity in rats, with exciting possibilities for humans. They noted that C60 could be the most efficient material for longer life.

C60 fullerene is a powerful antioxidant that fights damaging free radicals like superoxide in the body. Although superoxide is a natural byproduct of our cell’s metabolism, it’s not something we want hanging around.

According to 2013 research,  Scientists believe it works by absorbing protons, creating a positive charge. When C60 passes through cell membranes and into mitochondria, our body’s natural energy-producers, it decreases oxidative stress.

Fat Soluble vs Water Soluble

It’s important to note there’s a difference between fat-soluble C60 and water-soluble C60. Mice given water-soluble Carboxyl C60 went from a 120-day to a 128-day lifespan. That’s only an increase of 6.67%. Regular C60 dissolved in olive oil though nearly doubled the mice’s life span.

There have been some mixed results, however. Although this research seems impressive, a more recent 2021 study did not get the same results. The scientists saw no improvement in the animal’s lifespan.

C60 Health Benefits

C60 molecules have a wide range of potential benefits for overall wellness. Although most of the research is on animals there are also some human studies. Scientists have explored C60 benefits for skincare in human trials and the results are encouraging.

C60 Benefits for Skin Care

According to research, C60 may have anti-aging effects and promote clear, youthful skin. When used in lotion, it’s been shown to protect against sunburn. C60 also seems to help with acne, according to a small study of a C60-containing gel. Applying the gel twice a day over two months helped lower breakouts and plump up the skin.


C60 may help lower skin inflammation when it comes to eczema. In a mouse study from Nanobiotechnology, C60 helped calm inflammation and restore the skin barrier. But the inflammation-lowering benefits go beyond the skin. A 2019 rat study for osteoarthritis found that C60 was also helpful for inflamed joints.


This molecule with its antioxidant and inflammation-fighting properties may help slow the aging process. As mentioned above, scientific studies showed a potentially increased lifespan in animals. Again, it was more effective at doing this when dissolved in oil.

Increased Energy

C60 might just even replace your morning cup of coffee. C60 may help with energy production by collecting inside mitochondria. It acts as a buffer against reactive oxygen species (ROS), which slow energy production. While it may not happen for everyone, most people notice better energy and metabolism.

Healthy Weight

Another potential effect of C60 is weight loss. In an animal study, researchers noted that C60 not only lowered inflammation but helped normalize weight. Since weight gain and inflammation often go together, it makes sense that less inflammation could also lead to weight loss.

Another way C60 may also help with weight loss is by addressing metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. Research in the journal Biomaterials found that C60 in squalane oil helped stop fat cells from forming. The scientists suggested using this for metabolic syndrome and other obesity-related issues.

Brain and Cognition

Insulin resistance may also play a role in Alzheimer’s, with some even calling Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes. Amyloid plaques are another key characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease. In a 2017 rat model of Alzheimer’s, C60 helped improve learning and memory by protecting against amyloid plaque formation.

It’s possible that C60 works in part by lowering inflammation and addressing metabolic syndrome.

Cancer Support

C60 benefits could even help with cancer recovery. In a 2021 mouse study, researchers combined C60 powder with nano-sized diamond powder to create a composite. The combination was then used on cancer cells, successfully causing them to self-destruct and shrink the tumor. The scientists hope this combination could help increase survival time in cancer patients.

Because C60 is so good at addressing free radical damage, it may also help with cancer. It’s this oxidative damage to DNA that leads to abnormal cell growth and, eventually, a cancer diagnosis.

C60 Benefits for Muscle Recovery

Another 2017 rat study explored whether C60 could lessen muscle fatigue by speeding up recovery time. Rats given this solution needed less recovery time and had more endurance. When we increase our ability to exercise other positive changes happen, including more oxygenation and better flexibility.

EMF & Radiation Mitigation

C60 seems to act as a buffer against EMFs and radiation. For radiation exposure, it may even work better than taking iodine. More research is needed but C60 seems to make the body more resilient against radiation and electromagnetic stress.

C60 Side Effects

C60 benefits research is still in its infancy, and there’s some evidence of toxicity, especially in high amounts. A 2021 study in Geroscience questioned if C60 in olive oil could really help extend lifespan. The researchers also raised the question if light exposure could cause toxins to form in the oil.

In animal studies, light-exposed C60 olive oil was toxic to the mice. This shows the importance of getting a brand that’s packaged in a dark bottle and then storing it in a cool, dark place.

While we still don’t know if C60 can promote longer life in humans, there are many other benefits to taking it. Less inflammation, better memory, and better endurance are all great reasons to give C60 a try.

Plus, with its potential to protect the body against radiation and electromagnetic fields, it’s very timely with the rollout of 5G. With Wi-Fi, cell phone towers, and smartphones we’re exposed to much more radiation than in the past.

How to Use C60 and Where to Get It

There are a few different ways to take this miracle molecule. C60 is available in liquid form, dissolved in olive oil, avocado oil, MCT coconut oil, or even black seed (Nigella sativa) oil. You can also get it in capsule form, which should include one of those carrier oils.

It’s recommended that the average 150-lb person take one teaspoon a day in the morning. However, this isn’t a hard and fast rule.  The amount is often based on body weight (grams or milligrams per kilogram) to get the right concentration. The Baati animal study used 1.7 mg/kg, since they were researching toxicity levels. Even at these high doses, C60 wasn’t shown to be toxic in the rats.

When selecting a high-quality C60 product, be sure to look for these things:

  • Dark/amber bottle, protecting the C60 from light
  • Certified organic oils
  • Solvent-free
  • Third-party tested
  • Highly concentrated. Should be 99.95% to 99.99% pure C60

After looking into C60 supplements, I found this one from Purple Power that meets my standards.

Have you tried any C60 products? What was your experience? Share below!


  1. Ali, S. S., et al. (2004). A biologically effective fullerene (C60) derivative with superoxide dismutase mimetic properties. Free radical biology & medicine, 37(8), 1191–1202.
  2. Baati, T., et al. (2012). The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral administration of [60]fullerene. Biomaterials, 33(19), 4936–4946.
  3. Chistyakov, V. A., et al. (2013). Possible mechanisms of fullerene C?? antioxidant action. BioMed research international, 2013, 821498.
  4. Gordon, R.,  et al. (2017). Intrahippocampal Pathways Involved in Learning/Memory Mechanisms are Affected by Intracerebral Infusions of Amyloid-?25-35 Peptide and Hydrated Fullerene C60 in Rats. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD, 58(3), 711–724.
  5. Grohn, K. J.,  et al. (2021). C60 in olive oil causes light-dependent toxicity and does not extend lifespan in mice. GeroScience, 43(2), 579–591.
  6. Inui, S., et al. (2011). Improvement of acne vulgaris by topical fullerene application: unique impact on skincare. Nanomedicine: nanotechnology, biology, and medicine, 7(2), 238–241.
  7. Kato, S., et al. (2010). Fullerene-C60/liposome complex: Defensive effects against UVA-induced damages in skin structure, nucleus and collagen type I/IV fibrils, and the permeability into human skin tissue. Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology, 98(1), 99–105.
  8. Lee, H., et al. (2021). Hand-ground fullerene-nanodiamond composite for photosensitized water treatment and photodynamic cancer therapy. Journal of colloid and interface science, 587, 101–109.
  9. Mamontova, T. V., et al. (2013). Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1994), 59(3), 102–110.
  10. Pei, Y.,  et al. (2019). Antioxidative nanofullerol inhibits macrophage activation and development of osteoarthritis in rats. International journal of nanomedicine, 14, 4145–4155.
  11. Prylutskyy, Y. I.,  et al. (2017). C60 fullerene as promising therapeutic agent for correcting and preventing skeletal muscle fatigue. Journal of nanobiotechnology, 15(1), 8.
  12. Shershakova, N.,  et al. (2016). Anti-inflammatory effect of fullerene C60 in a mice model of atopic dermatitis. Journal of nanobiotechnology, 14, 8.
  13. Xiao, L., et al. (2010). The effect of squalane-dissolved fullerene-C60 on adipogenesis-accompanied oxidative stress and macrophage activation in a preadipocyte-monocyte co-culture system. Biomaterials, 31(23), 5976–5985.

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AMD Roadmap Update Points to RDNA 3 GPUs Launching This Year, ‘Zen 5’ CPUs in 2024

Just weeks after announcing the first details of its upcoming Ryzen 7000 series desktop CPUs, AMD has disclosed an outline of its consumer and server products roadmap for the next two generations. The news comes from AMD’s Financial Analyst Day, during which CEO Dr. Lisa Su spoke about the company’s plans to capture a part of the projected $300 billion market for high-performance computing solutions. While the event is geared towards financial analysts and shareholders, disclosures about AMD’s competitive positions in various markets include information about upcoming products. The company also now has a new slogan: “Together we advance”.

In the consumer market, AMD’s upcoming ‘Zen 4’ CPU core architecture will be the basis of the ‘Raphael’ generation of desktop CPUs, which will come to market as the Ryzen 7000 series before the end of this year. This will be a high-end product line using a 5nm manufacturing process, and AMD promises an 8 – 10 percent uplift in IPC (instructions per clock) performance as well as at least a 25 percent improvement in terms of performance per Watt. 4nm versions are also planned, though it isn’t clear what the segmentation will be. 

Zen 4 will also power the upcoming ‘Genoa’ line of Epyc server CPUs as well as a new line of ‘Bergamo’ based on a density-optimised variant called Zen 4c for cloud-native computing applications. ‘Genoa-X’ variants will feature AMD’s integrated 3D V-cache, a vertically stacked layer of high-speed memory on top of the CPU die. Another product line codenamed ‘Siena’ will target a new market in intelligent edge and communications equipment.  

Following that, ‘Zen 5’ is a ground-up redesign planned for release in 2024 and should further improve performance and efficiency as well as introduce new optimisations for AI and machine learning for consumer Ryzen CPUs codenamed ‘Granite Ridge’. These CPUs will use 4nm and 3nm processes. The next Epyc generation will be codenamed ‘Turin’ and should be released in late 2024. 

AMD also confirmed that its next GPU microarchitecture, codenamed RDNA 3, will allow for a chiplet-based modular GPU design and will use a 5nm manufacturing process. It’s said to deliver a 50 percent improvement in performance per Watt. A 4th-gen Infinity Architecture interconnect standard will allow AMD to integrate third-party chiplets allowing for heterogenous platforms and increased customisability for clients.

RDNA 3 will be seen in next-generation ‘Navi 3’ discrete GPUs, launching as the next Radeon RX series of products later this year. This architecture will build on RDNA 2, which has been used by multiple game console manufacturers this generation, hinting that the next generation will continue to leverage AMD’s hardware. RDNA 3 will also be integrated into upcoming ‘Phoenix Point’ mobile CPUs based on the Zen 4 architecture in 2023, with ‘Strix Point’ following in 2024. 

For professional markets, the CDNA 3 architecture and XDNA, which is the result of AMD’s acquisition of Xilinx, will help drive significant performance gains for new products in the AI and high-performance compute space. New Instinct MI300 accelerators for AI training and Alevo smart NICs for confidential computing are also expected to add to the company’s data centre portfolio.

AMD sees growth in PC, console and cloud gaming as well as interactive metaverse applications and 3D content creation. Xilinx IP will be integrated across product lines to drive performance in AI inference and training workloads for consumers and enterprises. The company is also working on a unified AI software roadmap to make development more cohesive across various products.  

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The Last of Us Remake Out September 2 on PS5, PC Version Under Development

The Last of Us Part 1 Remake is releasing on September 2, Sony and Naughty Dog have announced. The game will be launched on PlayStation 5 and a PC version is under development. It will be available in two versions. As per the information available on PlayStation website, the protagonist Joel is hired to smuggle 14-year-old Ellie out of a military quarantine zone in a ravaged civilisation, filled with infected and hardened survivors. The Last of Us Remake is teased to come with improved graphics, modernised mechanics, and better controls.

The game was first leaked on PlayStation Direct site, and is now available for pre-order globally. The Last of Us Part 1 Remake Standard Edition is priced at $69.99 (about Rs. 5,450), and there is a Firefly Edition for $99.99 (about Rs. 7,780). This edition gets The Last of Us single-player story and Left Behind prequel chapter for PS5, Limited edition SteelBook display case, The Last of Us: American Dreams Comics #1 – #4 with new cover art, and increased crafting and healing speed skills.

You will also get a bunch of arms including 9mm Reload Speed and Rifle Clip capacity increase upgrades, explosive arrows gameplay modifier as well as six weapon skins, among others.

As far as The Last of Us Part 1 Remake pre-order price in India is concerned, the Standard Edition with complete The Last of Us story (PS5) and Left Behind prequel chapter is available at Rs. 4,999. There is a Digital Deluxe Edition at Rs. 5,599 that comes with Standard Edition bundles along with two skill upgrades, pistol/rifle upgrade, explosive arrows, dither punk filter, speedrun mode, and six weapon skins.

The PlayStation blog mentions that The Last of Us Part 1 Remake is completely rebuilt for using Naughty Dog’s PlayStation 5 engine technology “with advanced visual fidelity, fully integrated DualSense wireless controller features,” among other features. It also teases of modernised gameplay mechanics, improved controls, and “expanded accessibility options.” The game also offers improved environmental storytelling, effects, facial animations, and enhanced combat.

The Last of Us Remake is out September 2 on PS5.​

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Trump Is Depicted as a Would-Be Autocrat Seeking to Hang Onto Power at All Costs

Ms. Cheney, the panel’s vice chairwoman, reported that in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack, members of Mr. Trump’s own cabinet discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the president from office. She disclosed that Representative Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and “multiple other Republican congressmen” involved in trying to overturn the election sought pardons from Mr. Trump in his final days in office.

She played a video clip of Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser who absented himself after the election rather than fight the conspiracy theorists egging on Mr. Trump, cavalierly dismissing threats by Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel, and other lawyers to resign in protest. “I took it up to just be whining, to be honest with you,” Mr. Kushner testified.

And she noted that while Mr. Pence repeatedly took action to summon help to stop the mob on Jan. 6, the president himself made no such effort. Instead, his White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, tried to convince Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to pretend that Mr. Trump was actively involved.

“He said, ‘We have to kill the narrative that the vice president is making all the decisions,’” General Milley said in videotaped testimony. “‘We need to establish the narrative that the president is still in charge, and that things are steady or stable,’ or words to that effect. I immediately interpreted that as politics, politics, politics.”

Mr. Trump had no allies on the nine-member House committee, andhe and his supporters have dismissed the panel’s work as a partisan smear attempt. On Fox News, which opted not to show the hearing, Sean Hannity was busy changing the subject, attacking the committee for not focusing on the breakdown in security at the Capitol, which he mainly blamed on Speaker Nancy Pelosi even though Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, then the Republican majority leader, shared control of the building with her at the time.

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Emotet Botnet Found Infecting Google Chrome to Steal Credit Card Information: All Details

The Emotet botnet — used by criminals to distribute malware around the world — has begun attempting to steal credit card information from unsuspecting users, according to security researchers. The malware targets the popular Google Chrome browser, then sends the exfiltrated information to command-and-control servers. The resurgence of the Emotet botnet comes over a year after Europol and international law enforcement agencies shut down the botnet’s infrastructure in January 2021, and used the botnet to deliver software to remove the malware from infected computers.

Cybersecurity platform Proofpoint spotted a new Emotet module bring dropped on June 6, in the form of a credit card stealer. The malware only targets Google Chrome — one of the most widely used browers across platforms. While the module was dropped from one server, the credit card information — including card numbers and expiration dates — collected from Chrome is then uploaded to a different command-and-control (C2) server, according to the researchers.

Emotet was initially created as banking trojan in 2014, but later evolved into the TA542 threat group — also known as Mummy Spider — which was used to deliver malware to steal data, spy on and attack other devices on the same network. It was used to drop other notorious malware onto victims computers. In 2020, Check Point Research had flagged the use of the botnet to infect Japanese users with a coronavirus-themed email campaign. In January 2021, a six-nation enforcement team shut down the prolific network and disabled the infrastructure.

However, cybersecurity platform Deep Instinct states that new variants of the Emotet botnet had emerged in the fourth quarter of 2021, with massive phishing campaigns against Japanese businesses in February and March 2022, expanding to new regions in April and May. The Emotet botnet was also allegedly helped by another notorious group that created the Trickbot malware.

According to Deep Instinct, Emotet detections increased more than 2,700 percent in Q1 2022 compared to Q4 2021. Forty-five percent of malware was using a Microsoft Office attachment. Meanwhile, Emotet has begun using Windows PowerShell scripts and almost 20 percent of malware were taking advantage of a 2017 Microsoft Office security flaw.

On the other hand, ESET researchers explained that the Emotet botnet activity had grown nearly a hundred-fold compared to 2021, with the biggest campaign detected on March 16, targeting Japan, Italy and Mexico. Microsoft disabled macros in its Office software in April as a security measure, prompting the botnet to use malicious LNK files (Windows shortcuts) and distributing malware via Discord.

In order to lower the chances of being infected by the Emotet botnet, users must make sure their operating system and programs are always up to date, take regular backups of important information stored separately. The malware primarily spreads through malicious email campaigns, so users should avoid opening or clicking on links and downloading attachments from unknown senders.

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Mi Smart Band 7 Spotted on NCC Certification Website, India Launch Imminent: Report

Xiaomi is reportedly gearing up to globally launch its Mi Smart Band 7 after the wearable was recently spotted on the NCC certification website. The listing has also revealed the live images of the Xiaomi wearable, as per a report. Mi Smart Band 7 was launched in China in late-May this year as the successor to the Mi Smart Band 6. Xiaomi is yet to announce the date for global launch of the Mi Smart Band 7, but it is expected to launch soon in India.

Initially spotted by MySmartPrice on the NCC certification website, live images of the Mi Smart Band 7 suggest that the global variant of the wearable can be expected to sport the same design as the China variant. The NCC listing has also confirmed that the global variant of Mi Smart Band 7 will come with a battery capacity of 180mAh.

Mi Smart Band 7 was seen on the NCC certification website with live images
Photo Credit: MySmartPrice / NCC

The live images show the new wearable from Xiaomi with a pill-shaped display and black coloured silicone strap. The report also added that the Mi Smart Band 7 is expected to launch later this year in India during the Smarter Living 2022 event. Xiaomi is yet to announce the official date for the global launch of the wearable.

According to a recent report, Mi Smart Band 7 was spotted on the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) certification website with the model number M2130B1. This has also fueled the speculations of an imminent global launch of the Xiaomi wearable.

To recall, Xiaomi had launched the Mi Smart Band 7 on May 23 this year in China as the successor to the Mi Smart Band 6. The wearable was launched with a price tag of CNY 249 (roughly Rs. 2,900) for the standard version, and CNY 299 (roughly Rs. 3,500) for the NFC version. Mi Smart Band 7 was launched in six colours, Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, and White.

Mi Smart Band 7 features a 1.62-inch AMOLED touchscreen with Always-On display and 192×490 pixels resolution. The display of the wearable is designed to deliver 500 nits peak brightness and has 326ppi of pixel density. It gets over 100 customisable faces for users to personalise the wearable according to their liking. It also gets multiple health monitoring features including, heart rate monitor, sleep monitor, SpO2 monitor, and women’s health tracker.

The wearable features 120 sports mode and supports four professional sports data analysis. The company says that, on a single charge, Mi Smart Band 7 can deliver up to 14 days of battery life. The wearable is 5ATM water resistant certified and it gets a magnetic port for charging.

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21 Rosé Wines and Products to Indulge in This Summer

We love these products, and we hope you do too. E! has affiliate relationships, so we may get a small share of the revenue from your purchases. Items are sold by the retailer, not E!

Sure, June 11 may technically be National Rosé Day, but, in this house—er, on this site?—we celebrate it every day. And we’ve got the water-ring stained furniture to prove it.

The blush-colored wine, once believed only to be suitable for summer sipping, has become the official go-to drink for basic bitches everywhere year-round. Face it, rosé is here to stay, so stick that in your chardonnay glass and chug it.

And, in honor of this momentous, chic AF holiday, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite rosé wines to enjoy, including a beach-ready Whispering Angel bottle and Cameron Diaz‘s clean offering. Plus, to help you celebrate year-round, we’ve also included some products we consider essential, like edible sprinkles and eye gels that are best served chilled. 

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Building Blocks of Life Discovered on Asteroid Located 200 Million Miles Away From Earth

Scientists have discovered the building ingredients of life on an asteroid in space for the first time. More than 20 amino acids have been identified on the space rock Ryugu, which is more than 200 million miles from Earth. Scientists studied materials taken from the asteroid by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) Hayabusa2 probe, which landed on Ryugu in 2018. The spacecraft retrieved 0.2 ounces (5.4 grams) of material from the asteroid’s surface and subsurface in 2019, stored it in an airtight container, and returned it to Earth. Ryugu is made up of several small boulders rather than a single huge boulder.

Ryugu is rich in carbon-rich organic stuff, much of which is thought to have come from the same nebula that gave birth to the Sun and the Solar System around 4.6 billion years ago. Water has also been found on the asteroid, according to previous sample research.

The pitch-black asteroid samples, which only reflect 2 to 3 percent of the light that touches them, have not been modified by interactions with Earth‘s environment, giving them a chemical makeup far closer to that of the early Solar System.

Geochemist Nicolas Dauphas, one of the three University of Chicago researchers who worked with the Japan-led team of scientists, said that they only had a few of these rocks to analyse earlier, and they were all meteorites that had been housed in museums for decades to centuries, changing their compositions. So, Dauphas added, it was remarkable to have immaculate samples from outer space because they are eyewitnesses from places of the solar system nobody has visited before.

Hiroshi Naraoka, a planetary scientist at Kyushu University and the leader of the team that looked for organic matter in the samples, said while outlining the findings at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in March that they found a variety of prebiotic chemical molecules in the samples, including proteinogenic amino acids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons akin to terrestrial petroleum, and a variety of nitrogen compounds.

Sample analysis initially found 10 amino acid kinds, but the number has already risen to more than 20. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of all proteins and are required for life to exist on our planet.

The first collection of these findings, published in Science, reveals Ryugu’s makeup.

For now, the researchers are analysing Ryugu samples, and additional information about the asteroid’s makeup will be released soon.

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Final Fantasy 7 Is Getting a 25th Anniversary Stream Next Week

Square Enix is hosting Final Fantasy 7 stream next week in celebration of the game’s 25th anniversary – and many fans will be hoping to see a glimpse of Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Part 2.

Streaming on the publisher’s YouTube and Twitch channels, the stream will take place on June 16 at 3pm Pacific / 6pm Eastern / 11pm UK (so June 17 at 9am AEDT).

It’s unclear what Square Enix will announce during the ten minute stream but it promised fans “a first look at all the information surrounding the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy 7”.

While fans’ may be hoping for some news regarding the long-awaited Remake: Part 2, it’s worth noting that Square Enix has several ongoing spin-offs of the classic PlayStation RPG, and could just be announcing new information regarding those. Final Fantasy VII Remake director Tetsuya Nomura said last month that Square Enix would be announcing “various things” during an anniversary event but, again, didn’t go into further details.

Other Final Fantasy 7 games include The First Soldier and upcoming mobile RPG Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis, but the announcements could be totally non-game related, more akin to the recent clothing line reveal. There are also further spin-offs planned, with Nomura saying in January that “there will be even more new Final Fantasy 7 projects that started up after the remake coming in the future too. The team see this 25th anniversary as a waypoint on our journey with Final Fantasy 7, and will continue pressing ahead to even greater things.”

The Weirdest Things That Happened in the Original Final Fantasy 7

Remake: Part 2 was confirmed to be in full development in July 2020 but Square Enix has otherwise kept quiet on the sequel. In our 8/10 review of Part 1, IGN said: “Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s dull filler and convoluted additions can cause it to stumble, but it still breathes exciting new life into a classic while standing as a great RPG all its own.”

Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelancer who occasionally remembers to tweet @thelastdinsdale. He’ll talk about The Witcher all day.

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iOS 16 Carries Changes to Set Pitch for Apple Headset; Allows Deleting Preloaded Clock, Find My, Health Apps

Apple has updated the Nearby Interaction framework on iOS 16 to integrate the ultra-wideband (UWB) enabling U1 chip with ARKit — the software suite meant to enable immersive experiences. The integration comes in the midst of rumours around Apple’s preparing stage for its augmented reality (AR) headset. The ARKit-backed Nearby Interaction would make it easier for developers to keep their apps ready for precise spatial awareness, which is expected to be a part of the Apple headset. Separately, iOS 16 is found to allow users to delete an additional list of preloaded apps, including Clock, Find My, and Health.

As spotted by 9to5Mac, Apple conducted a virtual session as a part of WWDC 2022 where it explained about the updated Nearby Interaction framework. It enables developers to get “more consistent distance and direction information” with the integration of ARKit.

Originally, Apple brought Nearby Interaction to iOS 14 in 2020. It was then meant to allow developers to use the U1 chip in the iPhone 11 and later models to get precise location and spatial awareness. The company expanded its scope last year and made it as an interface to bring the similar experiences between the iPhone and Apple Watch as well as third-party UWB-compatible devices.

Apple had first integrated ARKit with the U1 chip to enable the Precision Finding feature on AirTags. However, the iOS 16 update is opening that same level of experience for developers.

This will allow developers to enable their apps to interact with stationary devices and overlay information on the basis of precise location.

Apple said that the best use cases of the enhanced Nearby Interaction framework are experiences that guide a user to a specific nearby object such as a misplaced item, object of interest, or an object that the user wants to interact with.

However, it is likely that the update could just be a beginning to let developers start making apps, while keeping their existing apps ready for precise spatial awareness that would be available through the rumoured Apple headset.

Presumed to offer mixed reality (MR) experiences to users, the headset is speculated to debut sometime in 2023. Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo recently predicted that it could be unveiled at a media event in January.

Apple has not yet revealed any official details about the headset, though some trademarks, suggesting the development of its operating system that would be called RealityOS, surfaced in the recent past.

The headset may include the U1 chip for UWB connectivity.

Apple has also updated ARKit in iOS 16 with support for 4K HDR video and an upgraded room interior scanning. These features could also set the pitch for the headset that is likely to offer a list of premium AR features out-of-the-box.

In addition to the updated Nearby Interaction framework and ARKit, iOS 16 would allow users to delete a list of preloaded apps. 9to5Mac reported that the first developer preview of the new iOS version Apple made available to developers earlier this week allows uninstalling of the Clock, Find My, and Health apps.

Apple has allowed users to delete preloaded apps on the iPhone since the release of iOS 10 in 2016. However, the company has apparently expanded that list to the three major apps.

Developers are said to have the ability to uninstall the three apps from both iOS 16 and iPadOS 16. But it is worth pointing out that by uninstalling these apps, some system functionality may be lost.

For instance, if the Clock app is removed, users will not be able to set alarms and timers — unless they have an alternative available on their device.

However, in case of the Find My app, its uninstalling does not turn off built-in Find My features, including Find My Friends.

Users can re-install any of the preloaded apps they uninstall via the App Store.

Although the exact reason for why Apple has started allowing users to uninstall additional preloaded apps is unclear, it could be due to the ongoing pressure from antitrust bodies around the globe. The company, though, tried to defend its restriction over uninstalling preloaded apps and limiting users to install new apps from the App Store in the past.

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