Aries to Taurus: 4 Zodiac signs who always curse and blame their ex

One of the most important parts of a relationship is knowing that you’re with someone you can trust. After all, the last thing you want in the event of an unfortunate breakup is for the person to shame you publicly or badmouth you among your peers. Nevertheless, there are some star signs who do precisely this as scorned lovers. They torment their ex by cursing them and blame them for all that went wrong in the relationship. Take a look at who they are-


Taurus can be dependable and loyal lovers. However, hell hath no fury like a Taurean scorned. We say this because they are the last people to end a relationship and would always like to drag on no matter now bad things get. That being said, they would curse their lover for dumping them and wish them ill for years together.


Most Cancers would wish their lover the best and pray for their happiness even if they were heartbroken on being dumped. Such is the nature of the sensitive moon sign that can be quite a martyr at times. However, unevolved or emotionally immature Cancers tend to stalk their ex and disparage their name by spreading catty rumours.


Gemini may be the sweetest lovers when you date them. But they are terrible flirts who may emotionally cheat during a relationship, and later badmouth their ex to their friends even if they did not deserve it. This can be a fairly unattractive quality that is one of the few that a Gemini possesses.


Aries can be enchanting and attentive dates who will pamper you to bits. But should you break their hearts, they will internally curse you and pray for your downfall to the extent that karma does the rest. Perhaps Aries must learn to part ways amicably and wish their ex the best for their own mental health and sanity!

Disclaimer: While these attributes are generic, these are primarily focused on your zodiacal qualities; all the above traits may not necessarily hold true for you.

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