‘Straight Pride’ march clashes with protesters in California

A march celebrating “straight pride” outside of an abortion clinic in California devolved into violence as participants clashed with more than 200 pro-LGBTQ and pro-choice counter-protesters, according to a report.

The National Straight Pride Coalition, which organized the event, held for the fourth consecutive year in Modesto on Saturday, described its cause as backing heterosexuality, the “natural nuclear family,” Western civilization, Caucasians, Christianity and nationalism.

The handful of straight pride demonstrators was joined by members of the far-right group Proud Boys outside of a Planned Parenthood building ahead of the rally’s start — and were met by counter-protesters draped in rainbow flags and waving signs reading “Fascists not welcome here,” the Modesto Bee reported.

The straight pride marches clashed with counter-protesters draped in rainbow flags.
REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Police officers separated the rally-goers from the opponents across the street, but physical conflict ensued when a Proud Boy attempted to bypass the cops, and counter-protesters retaliated by chucking water bottles, the Bee reported.

A firecracker reportedly went off, setting fire to a bush near the clinic and filling the scene with smoke.

The Modesto Police Department warned on Facebook around 11:17 a.m. local time, that there was “an unlawful assembly of demonstrators along McHenry Avenue” and warned people to stand clear of the area.

Counter-protesters clash with local police after a confrontation with Straight Pride Parade attendees at a rally outside a Planned Parenthood office in Modesto, California, U.S., August 27, 2022.
Police officers in tactical gear fired pepper balls and bean bags.
REUTERS/Carlos Barria
A counter-protester marches in front of police.
REUTERS/Carlos Barria
Three people were arrested for “failure to disperse.”
REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Police officers in tactical gear arrived at the assembly to disperse the crowd and clashed with the counter-protesters, firing pepper balls and bean bags. 

“We have two armies to go up against when we stand for our rights: We have to deal with the cops attacking us and we’re about to get a second wave of right-wing extremists,” Odette Zapata, a counter-protester from Sacramento, told the Bee. “We’re fearful of them attacking us as well.”

Three people were arrested for “failure to disperse,” including one counter-protesters and two people affiliated with the straight pride rally, police department spokesperson Sharon Bear said, the Bee reported. 

The demonstration appeared to be over by 1 p.m. local time, leaving McHenry Avenue littered with trash and debris from the clashes earlier in the day.

A straight pride march organized by the same group last year similarly ended in violence.

At that event, members of the Proud Boys and other supporters of the group once again clashed with counter-protesters outside of the Modesto Planned Parenthood on McHenry Avenue after about an hour of mostly avoiding each other.

A firecracker reportedly went off, setting fire to a bush near the clinic and filling the scene with smoke.
REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Modesto Police and staff from the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department were deployed after a fight broke out and someone used bear spray, the Bee reported, and two people were arrested on misdemeanor charges.

Chiropractor Don Grundmann, founder and director of the group, previously told city council members at a meeting ahead of the first straight pride march in 2019 that his organization was “a totally peacefully racist group,” prompting a deafening roar of laughter and jeering from at least one local pol and many audience members.

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Spider-Man Remastered PC Mod That Replaced In-Game Pride Flags Shut Down by Modding Sites

A user-created game modification — or mod — designed to replace in-game pride flags from the recently-released PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, was reportedlt taken down by NexusMods and ModDB, two of the biggest online sites for PC game mods. Both sites have confirmed that the ‘troll’ mod, which was uploaded from a new account, had been removed.

According to a report by The Verge, popular game mod hosting site NexusMods explained in a blog post that the mod for Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered was uploaded to its site by a brand-new account with no modding history, which the site’s administrators suspect is a secondary account for one of the site’s users, or a ‘sock puppet’ account.

The mod replaced the pride flags found around New York City with the US flag on Marvel’s Spider Man Remastered. Along with removing the mod, both “the sock puppet account and the user’s main account” have been banned by NexusMods.

“It was very clearly done deliberately to be a troll mod. The fact the user needed to make a sock puppet like a coward to upload the mod showed their intent to troll and that they knew it would not be allowed,” NexusMods stated.

“Had they not been a coward and had they used their main account instead, we would have simply removed the mod and told them that we did not want to host it, only banning them if they re-uploaded it again after being fairly warned. The creation of the sock puppet removed any doubt and made it a very easy decision for us,” they added.

ModDB, which hosts mods for PC games like NexusMods, also announced via a tweet that it had removed the mod. “ModDB is an inclusive environment for all and we do not permit targeting marginalized groups. Our content moderation is largely automated but when identified, we have a zero-tolerance policy for this kind of content,” the website said in the tweet.

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