To Confront Our Current Crises, Its Time to Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Is — Global Issues

To Confront Our Current Crises, Its Time to Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Is — Global Issues

Aftermath of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Often, women and girls face greater health and safety risks as water and sanitation systems become compromised; and take on increased domestic and care work as resources disappear. Credit: UN MINUSTAH/Logan Abassi Opinion by Ayesha Khan – Eliane Ubalijoro – Yuriko Backes (karachi, pakistan /…

Human rights ‘best antidote’ to advance peace, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Human rights ‘best antidote’ to advance peace, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Ambassadors met to examine the Council’s efforts towards building trust that leads to sustainable peace, in light of current and emerging threats. “Full compliance with human rights is the best antidote to the inequalities, unaddressed grievances and exclusion which are often at the root of instability and conflict,” said Mr….

Human rights ‘best antidote’ to advance peace, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Human rights experts alarmed over ‘imminent executions’ in Saudi Arabia — Global Issues

“Despite being charged with terrorism, they were reportedly arrested for resisting forced evictions in the name of the NEOM project and the construction of a 170km linear city called The Line,” the UN experts said. ‘Smart city’ project NEOM is a futuristic urban development project backed by the Saudi Public…

Tuberculosis Risk Factors Exacerbated by Climate Change — Global Issues

Tuberculosis Risk Factors Exacerbated by Climate Change — Global Issues

A doctor talks to a TB survivor at a clinic in Manilla, Philippines. Credit: Getty Images for TB Alliance by Ed Holt (bratislava) Tuesday, May 02, 2023 Inter Press Service BRATISLAVA, May 02 (IPS) – While there is no established causal relationship between climate change and tuberculosis (TB), studies have begun…

Safeguarding the Future of Independent Media & Our Democracies — Global Issues

Safeguarding the Future of Independent Media & Our Democracies — Global Issues

Credit: UNESCO Opinion by Khadija Patel (johannesburg, south africa) Tuesday, May 02, 2023 Inter Press Service 2023 year marks the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day. The UN says three decades have passed since it was proclaimed in 1993, in which “we have seen substantial progress towards achieving a free…

UN Plan of Action on Safety of Journalists — Global Issues

UN Plan of Action on Safety of Journalists — Global Issues

Credit: Shutterstock Opinion by Audrey Azoulay (paris) Monday, May 01, 2023 Inter Press Service PARIS, May 01 (IPS) – Freedom of the press is the cornerstone of democratic society. Without a debate of ideas, without verified facts, without diversity of perspectives, democracy is a shadow of itself; and World Press Freedom…

Empowering Women is Key to Breaking the Devastating Cycle of Poverty & Food Insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa — Global Issues

Empowering Women is Key to Breaking the Devastating Cycle of Poverty & Food Insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa — Global Issues

A farmer from a women-run vegetable cooperative grows cabbages in Sierra Leone. Credit: FAO/Sebastian Liste Opinion by Danielle Nierenberg, Emily Payne (baltimore, maryland / denver, colorado) Monday, May 01, 2023 Inter Press Service BALTIMORE, Maryland / DENVER, Colorado, May 01 (IPS) – Studies consistently show that women have lower rates of…

A Proposal for a UN Freedom of Information Act Never Got Off the Ground — Global Issues

A Proposal for a UN Freedom of Information Act Never Got Off the Ground — Global Issues

Credit: UNESCO Attribution 3.0 IGO by Thalif Deen (united nations) Monday, May 01, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, May 01 (IPS) – The United Nations has consistently been a vociferous advocate of freedom of the press – and, most importantly, the right of journalists to report without fear of reprisals….

From the Field: ‘Ordinary people’ pursuing ‘extraordinary outcomes’

From the Field: ‘Ordinary people’ pursuing ‘extraordinary outcomes’

UN Photo The first so-called blue helmets were deployed as military observers to the Middle East in 1948 and since then more than two million uniformed and civilian personnel have served in 71 peacekeeping operations around the world. The exhibition shows how, over three quarters of a century, peacekeepers have…