Desperate situation facing millions displaced by armed violence — Global Issues

Desperate situation facing millions displaced by armed violence — Global Issues

The country has 6.2 million internally displaced people, while more than 1.3 million have become refugees. UNHCR said that Goma, the capital of eastern DRC’s North Kivu province, hosts over 560,000 displaced people in and around the city. Many live in spontaneous sites on the side of the road, in…

Women tell UN rights experts ‘we’re alive, but not living’ — Global Issues

Women tell UN rights experts ‘we’re alive, but not living’ — Global Issues

“We are alarmed about widespread mental health issues and accounts of escalating suicides among women and girls,” they said in a joint statement. “This extreme situation of institutionalized gender-based discrimination in Afghanistan is unparalleled anywhere in the world.” ‘Extreme’ discrimination Since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in 2021, de…

Keep Sudan borders open UNHCR urges, amid alarming rise in child deaths — Global Issues

Keep Sudan borders open UNHCR urges, amid alarming rise in child deaths — Global Issues

Elizabeth Tan, UNHCR’s Director of International Protection said their first request was that countries allow civilians fleeing Sudan on “a non-discriminatory manner to access their territory”. She said this applied to Sudanese nationals, foreign nationals, and refugees who are being hosted in Sudan, “stateless persons, as well as those who…

Slavery has left a deep and long-lasting legacy on the country, UN experts say — Global Issues

Slavery has left a deep and long-lasting legacy on the country, UN experts say — Global Issues

During the visit, the Mechanism visited Washington DC, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Minneapolis, and New York City saying in a press release, that it had been pleased to learn about various promising initiatives that authorities have developed to combat racial discrimination affecting people of African descent. Urging accountability and support…

In Burundi, Guterres outlines challenges facing the region — Global Issues

In Burundi, Guterres outlines challenges facing the region — Global Issues

“Everyone must put an end to hate speech, work to restore trust, and refrain from any action that could undermine the progress made for peace” in DRC, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said, on the eve of the high-level meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism of the Peace, Security and Cooperation…

WHO chief declares end to COVID-19 as a global health emergency — Global Issues

WHO chief declares end to COVID-19 as a global health emergency — Global Issues

“Last week, COVID-19claimed a life every three minutes – and that’s just the deaths we know about”, said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, briefing the media at the agency’s headquarters in Geneva. According to WHO’s Coronavirus Dashboard which has collated key statistics since early in the pandemic, the cumulative cases…

Of Africa and The Magic Formula of The Italian Taxi Driver — Global Issues

Of Africa and The Magic Formula of The Italian Taxi Driver — Global Issues

Africa is the continent that has contributed the least (just 2 to 3%) to the causes of the current climate emergencies while bearing the brunt of 82% of the devastating consequences. Credit: Isaiah Esipisu/IPS by Baher Kamal (rome) Thursday, May 04, 2023 Inter Press Service ROME, May 04 (IPS) – Some…