Countries urged to take more action against chemical pollution — Global Issues

Countries urged to take more action against chemical pollution — Global Issues

Over the course of two weeks of meetings, countries are expected to make progress on adding new so-called “forever chemicals” to the list of toxic substances to be banned or restricted under the Stockholm Convention – the global treaty protecting human health and the environment from long-lasting chemical pollution. They…

From the Field: ‘Ordinary people’ pursuing ‘extraordinary outcomes’

From the Field: ‘Ordinary people’ pursuing ‘extraordinary outcomes’

UN Photo The first so-called blue helmets were deployed as military observers to the Middle East in 1948 and since then more than two million uniformed and civilian personnel have served in 71 peacekeeping operations around the world. The exhibition shows how, over three quarters of a century, peacekeepers have…

Media Freedom is Vital but have we Passed Peak Press? — Global Issues

Media Freedom is Vital but have we Passed Peak Press? — Global Issues

Opinion by Farhana Haque Rahman (toronto, canada) Sunday, April 30, 2023 Inter Press Service TORONTO, Canada, Apr 30 (IPS) – Peak oil was first up, followed by peak gas, gold and others, as if the world was draining natural resources like toilet roll panic buying in a lockdown supermarket. But should…

Media Freedom is Vital but have we Passed Peak Press? — Global Issues

‘Humanity must get out of the cradle’ — Global Issues

“There is no doubting the importance of the current foundations for the sustainability, from environmental protection to the fight against climate change, and green lifestyles. In the foreseeable future, upholding all these principles will be fundamental if humanity is to thrive. To continue to grow, one must get out of…

Biodiversity Rich-Palau Launches Ambitious Marine Spatial Planning Initiative — Global Issues

Biodiversity Rich-Palau Launches Ambitious Marine Spatial Planning Initiative — Global Issues

Palau’s Marine Spatial Plan will provide a framework for managing ocean and coastal resources. Credit: SPC by Busani Bafana (bulawayo) Friday, April 28, 2023 Inter Press Service BULAWAYO, Apr 28 (IPS) – Growing up in Palau in the western Pacific Ocean, Surangel Whipps Jr. played on the reefs and spearfished on…

Rights experts’ appeal to countries in Americas — Global Issues

Rights experts’ appeal to countries in Americas — Global Issues

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) sounded the alarm after 36,000 people of Haitian origin were deported during the first three months of the year, according to figures from the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Some 90 per cent were deported from the Dominican Republic. Violations…

Transitional justice hinges on ‘equal footing’, say UN peacebuilders — Global Issues

Transitional justice hinges on ‘equal footing’, say UN peacebuilders — Global Issues

“A society can only succeed on its path towards sustainable peace and development when all its constituencies can participate on an equal footing,” Ilze Brands Kehris, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, said ahead of progress reports delivered by high-level representatives of Colombia, The Gambia, and Timor-Leste. The preventive potential of…

UN condemns ‘inexcusable’ deadly airstrikes in Ukraine — Global Issues

UN condemns ‘inexcusable’ deadly airstrikes in Ukraine — Global Issues

Dozens of civilians across the country were killed and injured, and homes and other vital infrastructure, destroyed. More than 20 people were killed in the small central city of Uman alone, when their apartment building collapsed after it was hit, according to international media reports. ‘Inexcusable’ attacks “It is just…