Taiwan’s Scenic Tourist Destination Faces Earthquake Risks from Active Faults

Taiwan’s Scenic Tourist Destination Faces Earthquake Risks from Active Faults

Hualien County on Taiwan’s east coast is a scenic, sleepy tourist area tucked away from the island’s urban centers, with a famous gorge and aquamarine waters. It also happens to sit on several active faults, making it prone to earthquakes. The county has a population of about 300,000, according to…

Prosecutors Want Judge to Act on Key Claim in Trump Documents Case

Prosecutors Want Judge to Act on Key Claim in Trump Documents Case

In an open display of frustration, federal prosecutors on Tuesday night told the judge overseeing former President Donald J. Trump’s classified documents case that a “fundamentally flawed” order she had issued was causing delays and asked her to quickly resolve a critical dispute about one of Mr. Trump’s defenses —…

Trump and Biden Win Primaries, but Voters Express Their Discontent

Trump and Biden Win Primaries, but Voters Express Their Discontent

President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump won overwhelming victories in state primaries on Tuesday, while a small but significant protest vote in both parties continued to assert itself against each candidate. Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump, who have already clinched their nominations, scored yawning leads in primaries in…

Fears Grow That Syria Strike Could Spur Retaliatory Attacks on Israel and U.S.

Fears Grow That Syria Strike Could Spur Retaliatory Attacks on Israel and U.S.

Ms. Stroul said assessing the post-Suleimani era is instructive because the command and control of the Quds Force was degraded. “We have seen Iran-backed militia groups take decisions into their own hands under the leadership of Qaani, as well the rise of rival power centers in Iran,” Ms. Stroul said,…

Wisconsin Voters Approve Bans on Private Aid for Election Offices

Wisconsin Voters Approve Bans on Private Aid for Election Offices

Voters in Wisconsin approved adding language to the State Constitution on Tuesday that will forbid officials from accepting donations of money or staffing to help run elections, The Associated Press said. The questions were placed on the state’s primary ballot by the Republican-controlled Legislature. They were rooted in complaints raised…

John Barth, Writer Who Pushed Storytelling’s Limits, Dies at 93

John Barth, Writer Who Pushed Storytelling’s Limits, Dies at 93

John Barth, who, believing that the old literary conventions were exhausted, extended the limits of storytelling with imaginative and intricately woven novels like “The Sot-Weed Factor” and “Giles Goat-Boy,” died on Tuesday. He was 93. His death was confirmed by Rachel Wallach, who works in communications at Johns Hopkins University,…

Severe Weather Sweeps Through Ohio Valley, Damaging Homes

Severe Weather Sweeps Through Ohio Valley, Damaging Homes

Thunderstorms, large hail and strong winds swept through the Ohio Valley on Tuesday bringing large hail, uprooting trees and flipping mobile homes, officials said. There was one storm-related death in Oklahoma, the Tulsa Police Department confirmed, but it did not immediately provide further details. Ohio and Kentucky, and parts of…