Harvard Will Require Test Scores for Admission

Harvard Will Require Test Scores for Admission

Critics of standardized tests have long raised concerns that the tests helped fuel inequality because some wealthier students raised their scores through high-priced tutoring. But recent studies have found that test scores help predict college grades, chances of graduation and post-college success, and that test scores are more reliable than…

Proof women are meant to have multiple lovers at the same time: Jana Hocking

Proof women are meant to have multiple lovers at the same time: Jana Hocking

Guys, I don’t know about monogamy. Have we been hoodwinked? Seriously. As someone who has been single for a fair chunk of my 30s, I’ve got to witness many things in my friends’ relationships, family relationships and my relationships. Close friends who are kind, considerate people with good heads on their shoulders…

Before He Died in Prison, Aleksei Navalny Wrote a Memoir. It’s Coming This Fall.

Before He Died in Prison, Aleksei Navalny Wrote a Memoir. It’s Coming This Fall.

During the years leading up to his death in a Russian prison, Aleksei A. Navalny, the Russian opposition leader, was writing a memoir about his life and work as a pro-democracy activist. Titled “Patriot,” the memoir will be published in the United States by Knopf on Oct. 22, with a…

What the Election Loss Means for President Yoon of South Korea

What the Election Loss Means for President Yoon of South Korea

In political banners, campaign slogans and everyday conversations, South Koreans used two words to convey the high stakes of this week’s parliamentary election: “Judgment Day.” It was an opportunity to issue a verdict on the first two years of President Yoon Suk Yeol, a leader who has made strides on…

Ukraine’s Parliament Passes a Politically Fraught Mobilization Bill

Ukraine’s Parliament Passes a Politically Fraught Mobilization Bill

After months of political wrangling, Ukrainian lawmakers on Thursday passed a mobilization law aimed at replenishing the nation’s exhausted and depleted fighting forces, which are struggling to hold back relentless Russian assaults that are expected to intensify in coming months. Yulia Paliychuk, a spokeswoman for the party of President Volodymyr…