Trump Co-Defendants Argue for Dismissal of Charges in Documents Case

Trump Co-Defendants Argue for Dismissal of Charges in Documents Case

Lawyers for co-defendants of former President Donald J. Trump argued in federal court in Florida on Friday to dismiss charges of aiding in the obstruction of efforts to recover classified documents. It was a rare hearing of the documents case in which Mr. Trump did not take center stage. His…

U.S. Targets May Not Be on List in Possible Iran Attack, Officials Say

U.S. Targets May Not Be on List in Possible Iran Attack, Officials Say

American intelligence analysts and officials said on Friday that they expected Iran to strike multiple targets inside Israel within the next few days in retaliation for an Israeli bombing in the Syrian capital on April 1 that killed several senior Iranian commanders. The United States, Israel’s pre-eminent ally, has military…

Haiti Sets Up Transitional Council, Clearing Way for an Acting Leader

Haiti Sets Up Transitional Council, Clearing Way for an Acting Leader

A new transitional ruling council was finalized in Haiti on Friday to try to bring political stability to a country wracked by escalating gang violence and a worsening humanitarian crisis. The council’s formation, announced in an official state-run bulletin, comes after gangs who have a brutal grip on much of…

At Berkeley, a Pro-Palestinian Protest Disrupts a Dinner at a Dean’s Home

At Berkeley, a Pro-Palestinian Protest Disrupts a Dinner at a Dean’s Home

The dean of Berkeley’s law school is known as a staunch supporter of free speech, but things became personal for him when pro-Palestinian students disrupted a celebratory dinner party for some 60 students at his home. In a viral video, Erwin Chemerinsky, a noted constitutional scholar, can be seen shouting…

Driver Crashes Truck Into Texas D.P.S., Causing Injuries, Officials Say

Driver Crashes Truck Into Texas D.P.S., Causing Injuries, Officials Say

Multiple people were reported injured on Friday after a person driving a semitrailer truck crashed into a Department of Public Safety office in Brenham, Texas, in what officials said may have been an intentional act. It was unclear exactly how many people were injured, and details about the injuries were…

Ocasio-Cortez Never Steered Money to a Key Arm of Her Party. Until Now.

Ocasio-Cortez Never Steered Money to a Key Arm of Her Party. Until Now.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made her first-ever contribution to the campaign arm of House Democrats — a $260,000 donation that is a milestone in the New York Democrat’s long and complicated relationship with her own party’s political establishment. In an interview, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez said her decision to give to the…

$7.4 Billion More in Student Loans Are Canceled, Biden Administration Says

$7.4 Billion More in Student Loans Are Canceled, Biden Administration Says

The Biden administration announced an additional $7.4 billion in student loan cancellations for some 277,000 borrowers on Friday, building on plans announced earlier this week to provide debt relief for millions of borrowers by the fall if new rules the White House has put forward hold. The latest round of…