Amber Heard ADMITS Hitting Johnny Depp NEW Audio Played in Court — Listen Here

An audio recording was presented to the jury in court on Wednesday during the direct cross-examination of Johnny Depp. The recording depicts an argument between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard relating to a fight they had.

Audio Recording Between Johnny Depp & Amber Heard – “I did not punch you, I was hitting you”

Highlights of the Court

Here’s a Full Video of the Conversation

Coinbase is planning to purchase crypto exchange BtcTurk in $3.2B deal: Report

Major United States-based cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase is reportedly planning to purchase BtcTurk for $3.2 billion.

According to Turkish tech media outlet Webrazzi citing a Thursday report from Mergermarket, the two exchanges negotiated a price based on the market behavior of the Turkish lira and Bitcoin (BTC), arriving at roughly $3.2 billion. One or both of the two firms have reportedly already signed a term sheet.

The potential acquisition would follow Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong announcing plans to expand to every country in which the exchange can legally operate. Cointelegraph reported in March that Coinbase was preparing to purchase 2TM, the parent company of Latin America-based crypto brokerage firm Mercado Bitcoin.

Coinbase is also currently hiring a country director for its operations in Turkey. According to the job posting, part of the director’s responsibilities include accelerating the exchange’s “strategic partnerships” in the country. Binance announced on April 14 that it had launched a customer service center in Turkey in an effort to end fraud cases involving crypto.

Related: Crypto and NFTs meet regulation as Turkey takes on the digital future

Launched in 2013, BtcTurk is one of the largest and oldest crypto exchanges in Turkey, sharing the market with its competitor Paribu and others. According to data from CoinMarketCap, the firm has had more than $196 million in trading volume over the last 24 hours.

Cointelegraph reached out to Coinbase and BtcTurk, but did not receive a response at the time of publication.

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Live Updates: Putin Orders Blockade of Mariupol Plant; U.S. Announces More Aid for Ukraine

Russia’s biggest military loss so far in the Ukraine war is also becoming something of a liability for the Kremlin’s propaganda machine.

After Russia’s flagship in the Black Sea, the Moskva, sank last week, the authorities said that the entire crew of more than 500 had been rescued. But there has been no official update since, and families of missing crew members are demanding answers about their fate in increasing numbers.

“They don’t want to talk to us,” Maksim Savin, 32, said in an interview about the quest to find the whereabouts of his youngest brother Leonid, 20, a conscript. “We are grieving; they drafted our little brother and most likely will never give him back.”

At least 10 families have publicly voiced their frustration about getting conflicting reports about whether their sons are alive, missing or dead. Their demands, made on social media or to news organizations, could hurt public support for the war effort ordered by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

The official silence on the fate of the Moskva’s crew is part of a larger campaign by the Kremlin to suppress bad news about the invasion and control the narrative that Russians receive on its progress. Mr. Putin has blocked access to Facebook and many foreign news outlets, and enacted a law to imprison anyone spreading “false information” about the war.

The cause of the sinking was disputed, with Russia claiming that an ammunition magazine exploded and then the damaged ship sank while under tow in rough seas. Ukraine said it hit the vessel with two Neptune missiles, an assertion that U.S. officials corroborated. Whatever the case, the loss of one of the biggest warships since World War II has been an embarrassment for Russia.

Independent Russian news outlets based outside the country have reported that about 40 men died and another 100 were injured when the warship was damaged and sank. Those reports quoted an unidentified official and the mother of one sailor who died. In addition, the wife of an older midshipman confirmed his death to Radio Liberty, a U.S. government network based outside Russia.

Credit…Maxar Technologies, via Associated Press

Many of the missing crew members were conscripts, a sensitive subject in Russia since the war in Chechnya, when young soldiers with little training were often thrown into battles and died in droves, souring public support for the war. “A few hundred” soldiers are still not accounted for from the first Chechen war in the mid-1990s, said Alexander Cherkasov, the former chairman of the Memorial Human Rights Center, a group based in Moscow that was disbanded this month because of a court order.

“No one cares about the soldiers,” he said, and the restrictions put on nongovernmental organizations means it is now virtually impossible for them to do the tracing work, he said.

Mr. Putin said repeatedly that conscripts who had to serve a year in the military would not be deployed in Ukraine, a statement contradicted by battlefield casualties.

The Union of Committees of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia, which dates back to the Chechen wars, confirmed that it is receiving requests to search for missing soldiers. The organization declined to comment further, citing a law against sharing information about soldiers with foreign organizations.

Parents of crewmen on the Moskva, named after Russia’s capital, have expressed outrage at what they described as an official runaround.

“We, the parents, are interested only in the fate of our children: Why did they —being conscripted soldiers — end up in this military operation?” said Dmitry Shkrebets, whose son Yegor, 19, worked as a cook on the Moskva.

Credit…Alexei Druzhinin/Sputnik, via Reuters

In an interview, Mr. Shkrebets was reluctant to talk further, but on Sunday he posted far harsher statements on VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook.

Initially, officers told him that Yegor was among the missing, he said.

“Guys, went missing on the high seas?!!!” he wrote. “I asked directly why you, the officers, are alive, and my son, a conscript soldier, died?”

Mr. Shkrebets has since started collecting testimony from other families who cannot locate their sons. “The more we write, the harder it will be for them to remain silent about what is happening,” he wrote on Wednesday.

Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, said on Tuesday he that he was not authorized to release any information about missing sailors, and referred questions to the Defense Ministry.

The ministry did not respond to requests for comment. It released a video on Saturday that purported to show Adm. Nikolai Yevmenov, the commander of the Russian Navy, meeting with men described as the crew of the Moskva lined up in formation and wearing uniforms. It was not clear how many survivors of the attack were there and nothing was stated about any casualties either in the video or in accompanying social media posts.

One indication of the official position came on Sunday night, during Vesti Nedeli, the weekly news summary on state television. The three-hour show dedicated about 30 seconds to the sinking, without mentioning casualties.

Not all Kremlin mouthpieces have been quite so reticent, however. One talk-show host, Vladimir Solovyev, demanded an explanation on Saturday on how the ship was lost.


Maksim Savin said that the family could not reach any officers from his brother’s unit by phone. His mother texted one number and got a response that her son Leonid was missing.

Later the family received a series of calls from a man who seemed to have served with Leonid and who kept changing his story. First, the man said that Leonid had died while dashing to save a friend, Maksim Savin said. On the second call, he said that there had been no rescue involved, but that Leonid had been caught at the site of an explosion. The third time, he called to say that he had been mistaken, and that Leonid was missing.

“It looks like the officers are trying to make everyone shut their mouths,” Maksim Savin said.

Numerous reports of missing conscripts first emerged on social media. One woman wrote that her brother had been at work in the engine room and was listed as missing, but she was certain that he was dead.

Anna Syromaysova, the mother of a missing conscript, told the independent Russian news agency Meduza that she had been unable to see any official documents related to casualties. “There are no lists,” she said. “We’re looking for them ourselves. They don’t tell us anything.” Reached by telephone, she declined to speak with a foreign news organization.

Tamara Grudinina told the Russian language service of the BBC that her son, Sergei Grudinin, 21, had been assigned to the ship right after basic training.

Credit…Russian Defense Ministry, via Shutterstock

When she heard that the ship had sunk, Ms. Grudinina said, she called a Defense Ministry hotline for relatives and was told that her son was “alive and healthy and would get in touch at the first opportunity.”

Soon afterward, a man who identified himself as the Moskva’s commander got in touch and told her that her son had “basically sunk together with the ship,” according to the BBC.

After the war started on Feb. 24, the family contacted naval officers to inquire about the ship and were told that it was not taking part in military actions and was due back in port soon, Maksim Savin said.

Calls from Leonid had stopped, but after speaking with the officers, they got a letter from him saying that he anticipated coming home soon, his brother said.

He said that his younger brother, who trained as an auto mechanic in a vocational school, had been reluctant to go into the military and had not supported the war. A family picture shows a lanky young man in a sailor’s uniform with a rifle slung across his chest, surrounded by his parents and three brothers.

Leonid Savin was much more comfortable hiking in the Crimean hills with the family dog, reading a book or tending to his plants, according to his brother. He had planted a palm tree and an avocado tree before heading off on his military service.

“In his letter home, he asked how his plants were doing,” Maksim Savin said. “He was worried about them.”

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PN Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, & Recovery Coaching Certification

If you’re a health, nutrition, or fitness coach…

Your clients need more from you than ever before.

Maybe they haven’t said that outright.

But they might be telling you in other ways:

  • “My life is SO crazy right now.”
  • “I just want to feel like myself again.”
  • “I can’t stick to anything.”

These aren’t just passing complaints. They’re code for:

“I’m stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted.”

While these clients might come to you for help with their physical health or appearance, they may struggle to achieve their goals until they address their mental and emotional health.

For many of these folks, focusing on nutrition and exercise alone is no longer near enough.

It might not even be the right place to start.

Instead, they may first need help dealing with life stressors, poor sleep, and insufficient recovery.

These problems frequently lead to the behaviors and mindsets that knock people off track—or keep them from getting started in the first place.

But by improving in these areas, they feel better, stronger, and more capable. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally, too.

And that creates the foundation they need… for taking the consistent action that results in meaningful progress.

That’s why we created the PN Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery (SSR) Coaching Certification.

We believe that, like exercise in the 1980s and nutrition in the 2000s…

This is truly the next frontier of health and fitness.

And now’s your opportunity to be an early adopter, give more clients the help they really need, and set yourself apart in an industry that’s evolving beyond “food and fitness.”

The PN Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery (SSR) Coaching Certification opens Wednesday, May 18th. 

Put your name on the waitlist now, and receive a FREE gift—our popular eBook, Recover Stronger.

In just over a month, you can register for the industry’s first-ever comprehensive certification program of its kind—by the only certification company in the world that coaches real people every single day.

This paradigm-changing program gives you the unique skills to help people solve the sleep and stress problems… behind their most frustrating health, nutrition, and fitness problems.

You’ll gain the tools and knowledge you need…

… to help anyone effectively manage their stress, improve their sleep, and optimize their recovery—so they can finally achieve the results they deeply crave (and deserve).

No matter if they’re just starting out, struggling to make progress, or totally stuck (and about to give up).

And, yes, you’ll get the credentials to show for it.

Your “SSR” certification will tell the world you’re leading the charge into a new era of health, nutrition, and fitness coaching.

In case it’s not clear…

You ARE the right person for this job.

Helping people with sleep, stress management, and recovery shouldn’t feel beyond your skillset or outside your comfort zone.

It should be an integral, reliable, and extraordinary part of your health, nutrition, and fitness coaching toolkit.

And now it can be.

When you join the waitlist, you’ll get: 

✅ A free eBook to help you bounce forward from the past two years: Recover Stronger, 6 Steps to Building Your New Normal

✅ Sneak peeks of the curriculum and exclusive tips from our expert co-authors

✅ A chance to register for the certification early (and save up to 30%!)

⭐ Plus: You’ll be taking the first step toward gaining the confidence that you can solve client problems in a way few other coaches can.

Why this certification… NOW?

Stress and sleep problems have always created obstacles for people.

We’ve seen that consistently in our own coaching practice, where we’ve worked with over 100,000 clients.

It’s the very reason we teach the basics of stress management and sleep coaching in our Level 1 Nutrition Coaching Certification.

But like so many other coaches have learned, the last two years have shown us that the basics often aren’t enough.

Not in today’s world.

Based on insights gathered from scientific research, experiences with our own clients, and interviews with thousands of coaches, one thing has become increasingly clear:

Effective sleep, stress management, and recovery coaching is the “missing link” for many people.

What’s more, it’s a crucial skill for any coach who wants to stay ahead of the curve as the health and fitness industry evolves.

After all, people have become more stressed-out and sleep-deprived, not less.

That’s made it harder to help them using ONLY nutrition and fitness strategies—regardless of how effective that approach may have been in the past.

Plus, all those popular “sleep, stress, and recovery hacks”? Without a deep understanding of how to help clients change their sleep, stress management, and recovery behaviors, they almost always fail.

That’s why our in-house PhDs and behavior change experts teamed with some of the top minds in sleep, stress management, and recovery.

In all, more than 20 experts contributed their deep knowledge and insights to this one-of-a-kind program.

This incredible roster of educators includes one of the world’s leading sleep scientists at UCLA, a renowned sleep medicine doctor who advises MLB, NBA, and NFL teams, and a former member of an elite Special Operations unit.

All to help you elevate your coaching skills to better match people’s needs.

Because there’s no getting around it…

For people with poor sleep, out-of-control stress, and inadequate recovery, meaningful health and fitness progress can feel nearly impossible.

Until you help them address these issues, they’ll keep hitting the same barriers over and over again.

Here’s why…

► Reason #1: When people struggle with stress…

… they focus on surviving, not thriving. So they do what helps them feel better in the moment.

Only this often leads to negative health behaviors—binge-eating, excessive drinking, skipping workouts—that conflict with their food and fitness goals.

(Just look at the harmful effect the pandemic has had on health behaviors.)

Plus, stress can wreak serious havoc on sleep.

► Reason #2: When people don’t get enough sleep…

… it affects how they think, feel, and behave. Poor shuteye drains their energy and motivation, crushes productivity, and actually causes them to eat more and move less.

And, as a “take that!” bonus, lack of sleep also increases stress levels. This creates a vicious cycle that makes just about everything you do harder.

► Reason #3: When people don’t prioritize recovery…

… they can experience “burnout syndrome,” a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. This can make them feel “stupid,” “lazy,” and “broken,” none of which are true—but all of which make it harder to change.

Also: Guess what feeling bad about yourself does to stress and sleep?

See where this is going?

Faced with any of these factors, let alone all three, who wouldn’t struggle to achieve their health, nutrition, and fitness goals?

The PN Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery (SSR) Coaching Certification gives you the power to better help these folks RIGHT NOW.

By joining the waitlist now…

You’ll be one step closer to becoming the rare coach who can inspire deep-seated change and unlock client capacity like no other…

Plus: You’ll get early bird access on Tuesday, May 17th—a full 24-hours before the certification opens.

Join the Waitlist!

With the PN Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Coaching Certification, you’ll…

► Learn from the world’s leading experts.

► Save time and energy researching your own solutions.

► Gain the confidence, credibility, and tools to coach SSR effectively.

The payoff…

Thrilled clients: People will progress faster and easier through their health, nutrition, and fitness goals.

More referrals: Your clients will feel heard, seen, and supported—and tell friends and family about the coach who “gets it.”

Rare skills: You’ll help clients achieve better overall well-being—which can improve just about every aspect of their life. 👈 true story

If you love the practical, real-world advice and ground-breaking science behind PN’s certifications—or if you’re brand-new to PN and looking for new, more profound ways to help your clients…

The Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Coaching Certification is the perfect next step.

You’ll add a rare skill to your toolkit, round out your foundational coaching skills, and become the coach all your clients need right now.

Join the waitlist to get more information, and watch your inbox on Invalid date. That’s when we’ll officially open our doors—but only to people on the waitlist.

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VD11: Vijay Deverakonda photoshops ‘darling’ Samantha in official pic from the puja ceremony; Fans say EPIC

Vijay Deverakonda’s next has been announced with a formal pooja ceremony and also stars Samantha as the female lead. However, the actress couldn’t attend the event as she is currently in Dubai vacationing. As she missed the event, Vijay has come up with an idea to fulfill her space with a photoshopped image. He photoshopped her in the pic along with two other talented actors Vennela Kishore and Rahul Ramakrishna, who will also be part of the film. Vijay called it an ‘actual pooja photo’

In the photoshopped pic, one can see, Samantha, Vennela and Rahul standing behind in bright smiles as Vijay holds the script in his hands and poses with the crew at the puja ceremony.  Vijay called it an ‘actual pooja photo’Sharing the pic, he wrote, The Actual Pooja photo! With the darlings 

@Samanthaprabhu2@vennelakishore@eyrahul. Request the press to share the actual photo 🙂 thank you.”

Check out the pic here​:

Samantha will also star in the project alongside VD. This is their second film together. These two had earlier joined forces for the 2018 biopic Mahanati. According to reports, the film is set against the backdrop of Kashmir.  Malayalam movie Hridayam music composer, Hesham Abdul Wahab will be rendering tunes. Produced by Naveen Yerneni and Ravishankar Yalamanchili of Mythri Movie Makers, the film is directed by Shiva Nirvana, who has previously worked with Samantha and gave the blockbuster film Majili. 

Pinkvilla has exclusively learnt, Samantha and Vijay Deverakonda are all set for the first schedule of the film in Kashmir. “From April 23, the first shooting schedule will commence in Kashmir. Post this ling schedule, which will end in May, the team will be moving to Hyderabad, Vizag and other places for the shoot,” reveals the source close to the development. 

Also Read: Official: Vijay Deverakonda attends the launch of his next with Shiva Nirvana, co-starring Samantha; PICS


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Women Will Hold a Quarter of Leadership Roles at Large Global Tech Firms In 2022: Deloitte Report

More women are getting into leadership roles in the tech industry, which has long been seen as an area dominated by men. The report, prepared by consulting firm Deloitte, said women will hold about one in four leadership roles at large global technology companies this year. That is a jump of 20 percent from 2019 and the momentum is noticeable since the participation of women in the tech industry, especially in leadership roles, has tended to lag behind over the years, it added.

Authored by Susanne Hupfer, Sayantani Mazumder, and Gillian Crossan, the Deloitte report said that the ongoing diversity efforts have created an enabling environment for women to break the industry’s glass ceiling and join the leadership roles in growing numbers. Several large tech companies have committed publicly to improve gender diversity. For instance, the report said, Intel aims to double the number of women and underrepresented minorities in senior leadership roles by 2030.

According to Deloitte’s estimates, women’s share in the overall global tech workforce has increased 6.9 percent between 2019 and 2022, while their share in technical roles has grown by 11.7 percent. Notably, the fastest growth—an estimated gain of nearly 20 percent —has occurred in the proportion of women in leadership.

Photo Credit: Deloitte


The report has come as the global tech industry is trying to improve its image of a mostly white male dominated sector. Since tech giants Google, Facebook, and Twitter started publishing their diversity reports over the last decade, progress has been slow. Also, working women have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, having to either scale back on their work commitments or quit their jobs to care for their families.

The authors made several recommendations for tech companies to better their diversification efforts. Those included goal-setting and transparency. They said tech companies must report and track progress to understand what is working for them and what isn’t. This way they can modify and change their approach to improve.

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OnePlus Buds N TWS, OnePlus Cloud Ear Z2 Neckband-Style Earphones Launched: All Details

OnePlus Buds N true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones and the OnePlus Cloud Ear Z2 neckband-style earphones were launched in China on Thursday. The OnePlus Buds N TWS earphones come equipped with 12.4mm driver units, and are claimed to provide a total of 30 hours of playback. They feature an IP55 rating for dust and water resistance, apart from Dolby Atmos support. The OnePlus Cloud Ear Z2 earphones also get 12.4mm drivers, up to 30 hours of battery, and IP55 rating along with AI call noise reduction feature. These Bluetooth audio devices made their debut alongside the OnePlus Ace smartphone.

OnePlus Buds N TWS and OnePlus Cloud Ear Z2 price, availability

OnePlus Buds N TWS price has been set at CNY 199 (roughly Rs. 2,350), and it is available for pre-booking in Black and White colour options.

The OnePlus Cloud Ear Z2 price is also set at CNY 199 (roughly Rs. 2,350) but they are available for pre-order in Black and Blue colour option. Both these OnePlus devices will start shipping from April 26.

OnePlus Buds N TWS specifications

OnePlus Buds N TWS are equipped with 12.4mm moving coil units along with titanium-plated composite diaphragm, and dual-damping independent rear cavity design. These are paired with Dirac Audio Tuner technology, “OnePlus acoustic tuning scheme” (translated), and Dolby Atmos support to provide a bass-heavy surround sound. OnePlus is offering app-based equaliser allowing listeners to choose from bass, clear and pure vocals listening style.

The OnePlus Buds N TWS earbuds come with basic touch controls for playback and call management. They are IP55-rated for dust and water resistance. They use Bluetooth v5.2 connectivity and are claimed to offer a latency of 94ms. Customers also get AI call noise reduction via a dual microphone array.

As far as charging is concerned, the OnePlus Buds N TWS earbuds are claimed to offer a total of 30 hours of playback time. Each earbud is capable of delivering up to 7 hours of run time on a single charge, OnePlus says. Additionally, the case can be charged via a USB Type-C cable, and OnePlus says that a quick charge of 10 minutes gives up to 5 hours of listening.

OnePlus Cloud Ear Z2 specifications

OnePlus Cloud Ear Z2 earphones have similar specifications as the OnePlus Buds N TWS. They feature 12.4mm moving coil units with titanium-plated dome and PEEK+PU composite coating, super large sound chamber, and optimization algorithm to produce distortion-free, accurate sound, OnePlus says. They are IP55-rated for dust and water resistance, and use Bluetooth v5.0 connectivity. The earphones get AI call noise reduction via a single microphone.

When it comes to charging, the OnePlus Buds Cloud Ear Z2 TWS earbuds are claimed to offer a total of 30 hours of playback time. OnePlus says that a quick charge of 10 minutes gives up to 20 hours of listening. The neckband earphones get multi-function buttons to control music and calling.

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Google to Kill Third-Party Android Call Recording Apps on May 11 by Restricting Accessibility API

Google recently updated its Play Store policy to restrict third-party applications from providing the ability to record calls on recent versions of Android. The Android maker had previously blocked apps from recording calls via the microphone with the launch of Android 10 in September 2019. Google is now cutting off another avenue used by developers — the Accessibility API, from being used for call recording on Android. First party dialler apps and the Google Dialer pre-installed on phones will still be able to record phone calls, depending on the region and manufacturer.

In a post to the Google Play Console support website, the company recently announced it was updating various policies, including the use of the Accessibility API, or application programming interface. Utilised by apps designed to help users with disabilities on Android, the Accessibility API is also used by many popular apps on the Play Store, including ACR Phone and Truecaller, to offer call recording functionality. “The Accessibility API is not designed and cannot be requested for remote call audio recording,” the company explains in the post, a point reiterated in a webinar. The new policy will go into effect on May 11.

The developer of ACR Phone, one of the apps that uses the Accessibility API to provide call recording functionality for calls on Android phones, took to Reddit to explain how the changes would affect third-party call recording apps. With the release of Android 10, Google blocked all applications (including call recording apps) from accessing the device’s microphone to record audio during calls, in order to protect user privacy and to comply with call recording laws across the world. Developers began to request the Accessibility API in order to continue offering call recording functionality on phones running Android 10 or later.

Apps that request the Accessibility API to record calls will have to stop doing so by May 11, according to Google’s updated policy. This means that users who are running on Android 10 or newer versions of Google’s operating system will no longer be able to record apps using third-party apps. However, users on specific devices and in specific regions may be able to record calls using the built-in dialler app. According to a comment from the ACR Phone developer, this is because system apps or Google apps can access the VOICE_CALL audio source on Android phones — this is not accessible to third party apps, according to the developer.

With the May 11 deadline approaching, users may soon have to resort to sideloading, or installing apps from third-party sources, in order to continue recording calls using third-party apps on Android — a risky process that could result in the installation of unvetted or maliciously modified applications downloaded from third-party websites on the Internet. Google is yet to specify whether existing call recording apps who continue to request the Accessibility API will be removed from the Play Store when the new policy goes into effect.

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Binance Limits Services In Russia After EU Sanctions

Binance, the largest crypto exchange by trading volumes, said on Thursday it is limiting services for Russian nationals that have crypto assets exceeding EUR 10,000 (roughly Rs. 8,31,500), in light of European Union’s (EU) latest sanctions against Russia.

Earlier this month, the EU in its fifth package of sanctions against Moscow, had targeted crypto wallets, banks, currencies and trusts to close potential loopholes that could allow Russians to move money abroad.

Russian nationals or legal entities in Russia who have crypto account balances that exceed EUR 10,000 will be given 90 days to close their positions, Binance said.

The exchange also said accounts affected by EU’s restrictions will be put into a withdrawal-only mode and no deposits or trading will be permitted.

The announcement comes after Binance said last month cardholders of sanctioned Russian banks would not be able to use them on their platform and confirmed that sanctioned individuals have had their access restricted.

© Thomson Reuters 2022

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Joel Embiid Sinks Raptors With Overtime Game-Winner

Joel Embiid has brought the Philadelphia 76ers to the brink of a second-round series appearance against the winner of the Miami-Atlanta first-round series after sinking the Toronto Raptors, 104-101, with a game-winning three in overtime.

Embiid’s dagger not only gave the Kansas alum his first career game-winner but it also gave the Sixers a commanding 3-0 lead over Toronto. The jobs not finished yet but with no team in League history ever coming back from a 3-0 deficit, it’s as close to being finished as you can get.

“That’s the best [shot of my career], but the job is not done,” Embiid said per CBS Sports. “We got one more, so we have to come back here in two days and try to beat them again.” 

The loss has to be incredibly deflating for a Raptors team that gave the Sixers as much trouble as possible. Their sense of urgency and intensity was evident as they built a 10-point going into halftime. However, when the best player on the court is wearing different colors, no lead is safe, especially in the NBA. Embiid showed precisely why he’s an MVP front-runner after scoring 18-points in the third quarter, bringing the Sixers to within one going into the final frame.

By the way, the 76ers never lead until overtime, which has to be even more challenging for Toronto to accept.

Embiid scored a game-high 33 points and added 13 rebounds, while James Harden and Tyrese Maxey scored 19 apiece. Harden added 10 assists as well. The Sixer’s balanced attack was punctuated by Tobias Harris’ 11 points, 12 rebound double-double.

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