Rhyne Howard Makes WNBA History Scoring 33 Points In Fourth Game

Rhyne Howard led the Atlanta Dream past the Indiana Fever, 85-79, behind her 33 points performance. Howard now joins an exclusive list of six players in League history who have scored at least 30 points in their first four games.

Howard erupted for 17 points in the first-quarter of action to start her historic evening, the most a rookie has ever scored in the first quarter in WNBA history. She shot 9-18 from the floor and knocked down three triples from downtown.

Howard has 83 points through her first four games, averaging a whopping 20.8 points per game for the Dream.

In a matchup where we saw the first two picks of the 2022 WNBA draft go head-to-head with Howard and NaLyssa Smith, who left the game with an ankle injury in the fourth quarter. Before tip-off, Howard told reporters how proud she was of Smith and all her success.

“I applaud her for everything she’s done,” Howard said of Smith before the game. “I’m very proud of her. Just to see her out here excelling in her dream is just great, and I love that for her. But going against her, it’s all business on the court, but afterwards, it’s all love.”

The Dream will be back at Gainbridge Fieldhouse to the Fever on Tuesday at 7 pm.

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Undocumented Migration Puts Pressure on New Chilean Government for Solutions — Global Issues

Lacombe (right), from Haiti, and Ricaela, a Dominican who recently arrived in Chile, pose at the stall where they work for a Chilean entrepreneur at a popular outdoor Sunday market in Arrieta, in Peñalolén, in eastern Santiago. CREDIT: Orlando Milesi/IPS
  • by Orlando Milesi (santiago)
  • Inter Press Service

The first problem is that the number of undocumented migrants is unknown, since in recent years thousands have entered the country unregistered, especially through Colchane, a small town in the Andes highlands in the northeast bordering Bolivia.

Jorgelis, a 23-year-old Venezuelan woman, crossed the border into Chile there last December.

“It was the longest 11 days of my entire life,” she told IPS, her face darkening as she remembered the journey from Caracas to Colchane.

Today she sells fruit at a stand on Santiago’s main avenue, Alameda, on the corner of Santa Lucía street outside the subway station, just five blocks from La Moneda palace, seat of the presidency, where leftist President Gabriel Boric, 36, has been governing since Mar. 11.

Jorgelis’ 33-year-old cousin Engelin arrived two months ago “after a 10-day journey that at one point took us though the middle of the desert.

“I left behind two daughters in Venezuela, 15 and five years old,” she said. “That is a very strong pain in my heart.” And she complained about the cold, pointing out that in tropical Caracas the temperature only drops – and much less than in Chile – in December and January.

Engelin lives in a Haitian camp in the municipality of Maipú, on the west side of Santiago, and sells fruit at a stand outside the Metro República subway stop, also on Alameda avenue.

Dubarly Lorvandal, 23, arrived from Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, when he was 18 years old, after studying in high school. He does not have a visa and works at a vegetable stand in an open-air market in Arrieta, in eastern Santiago.

Relaxed entrance policies that were introduced in 2010 and later eliminated turned Chile into a popular destination for Haitians fleeing a cocktail of natural and economic tragedies.

“I worked at the beginning for a month laying cables, but now I’m a papero (potato seller). Everyone loves me at this market,” he says with a smile.

Lacombe also came from Haiti six years ago and works alongside Ricaela, who arrived six months ago from the Dominican Republic. The two undocumented migrants sell vegetables at a stand in the Arrieta market. Lacombe says he is happy.

Jorgelis, Engelin, Dubarly, Lacombe and Ricaela are all part of the long line of at least half a million people waiting to regularize their legal status in Chile, a long narrow country of 19.4 million inhabitants that stretches between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

According to the latest official figures on migration in Chile, from 2020, there were 1,462,103 foreign nationals in the country, including 448,138 migrants from Venezuela, which since 2013 has experienced a massive exodus of more than six million people, a good part of whom are scattered throughout neighboring Latin American countries.

But these statistics do not include migrants who remain undocumented and whose real number the organizations working with immigrants prefer not to divulge.

A shaky ship

“Over the last three years, 90 percent of people entering have come through unauthorized crossings,” said Macarena Rodríguez, chair of the board of directors of the Catholic Jesuit Migrant Service.

“Since 2020 the border has been closed, and before that the government required a visa (acquired in their countries of origin) for Haitians and Venezuelans. When you restrict regular entry, irregular entry increases,” Rodríguez, the head of one of the country’s main immigrant-serving organizations, told IPS.

“There is a huge number of people who are not counted, who have no papers and cannot work (legally). And their children have irregular migratory status. And they pay five times more in rent (on average) for precarious housing,” she said, listing some of the problems faced by undocumented migrants.

Luis Eduardo Thayer, who took office in March as director of the National Migration Service, is part of the new Interministerial Commission expanded to include civil organizations, created on May 6 by the government to seek solutions to a growing social problem that has given rise to expressions of xenophobia.

President Boric stated that the solution must include other countries of origin or transit of migrants, although there are no details yet as to what this eventual participation would look like.

The commission seeks to “address with a sense of urgency and responsibility the challenges and opportunities posed by migration in different territories,” said Minister of the Interior and Public Security Izkia Siches.

The new authorities do not want a repeat of the measures taken by the government of Boric’s right-wing predecessor Sebastián Piñera, which loaded dozens of migrants dressed head-to-toe in white sanitary protective gear onto airplanes and deported them. The widely published photos were aimed at dissuading migrants from coming to Chile and at reassuring worried Chileans.

Thayer said the National Migration Service “is a ship that is now in the process of stabilization and we are taking the necessary internal measures so that we can fulfill our mandate.”

“Today we have almost 500,000 pending applications for visas, renewals, definitive stays, refugee applications and naturalizations,” he said.

The head of migration proposed moving towards “a rational migration policy.”

Pressure cooker

According to Rodríguez, in Chile “today we have a pressure cooker with many people having to take informal jobs or even to rent an identity to sign up for an application and be able to work.

“This situation must be urgently addressed,” she said. “That means recognizing them, identifying them, documenting them, issuing visas, prioritizing the situation of children and pregnant women and thus try to put things in order.”

She also cited “the impact on the communities where these people arrive, where the impression is socially complex. They are described as criminals, generating among the local population the sensation that migration is bad.”

Yulkidiz Pernia, 38, a publicist from Caracas, comes from a different generation of migrants, as she arrived six years ago with her son and got a visa without any problems, “although it took seven months.”

Today she has a restaurant that serves Venezuelan food, Chevery Bakan, which employs nine other Venezuelans, six of whom have legal documents.

“I have not done badly. I miss the rest of my family, uncles and aunts. Several of them have died and we couldn’t be there,” Yulkidiz said. “In Chile I have found a warm welcome. The cases of xenophobia are isolated.”

But the study “Immigrants and Work in Chile”, by the National Center for Migration Studies at the University of Talca, found that 51.1 percent of the migrants surveyed said that being a foreigner has had a negative influence on their labor integration in Chile and 51.4 percent said that at work many people have stereotypes about them and treat them accordingly.

Colchane is no longer Colchane

Colchane, a town with only 1,500 permanent residents, is the gateway for irregular migration from Bolivia, a preferred transit route after arrival through the airports was closed. The town’s mayor, Javier García Choque, fears that the culture of the Aymara indigenous people, the main native group in the area, will disappear due to the exodus of local inhabitants after the massive influx of foreigners.

“Migrants provide data on their identity, but there is no mechanism for verifying whether they are who they say they are,” the mayor said on a visit to Santiago.

According to García Choque “many migrants come with family members, with terminally ill people. They come in search of opportunities. But some people are violent and destroy public spaces or occupy private homes, which has led many to build fences around their yards, which are not typical of Aymara culture.”

“The Aymara people are disappearing, they are vulnerable and we cling to our cultural identity to preserve it. This migratory phenomenon has been disproportionate in quantity and violence,” he said, demanding greater security in his municipality.

“The government’s effort to respect the human rights of migrants is necessary, but it is also important to respect the rights of indigenous peoples,” said the mayor.

Patricia Rojas, of the Venezuelan Association in Chile, admits that migration management under the restrictive law imposed by Piñera “has had a negative impact on peaceful coexistence, especially in the cities and northern regions.

“We all have to make an effort to reverse this, so that the public perception of migration is not the negative one we are currently experiencing, because this will not benefit Chilean society in any way,” she said.

Jaime Tocornal, vicar of the Catholic Social Pastoral in Santiago, told IPS that in Colchane “these poor people arrive hungry and cold, completely disoriented. At an altitude of 3,600 meters they arrive with altitude sickness and hope to cross the border and get to Santiago, only to realize that they still have 1,500 kilometers to go.”

“The situation is dramatic. The landscape is wonderful, like in the rest of the highlands, full of volcanoes and running water up in the mountains. But the water, which might be very beautiful, creates mud that sticks to the shoes of people crossing the streams and they slip and fall when they try to drink the water,” he said.

Twenty-seven people died this year, seven of them between January and March 2022, in their attempt to enter Chile, according to figures from the Chilean office of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Archbishopric of Santiago.

The documentary “Hope Without Borders” says the dead could number in the hundreds in recent years, and “many bodies have been abandoned in different desert or wooded areas crossed by migrants coming from Venezuela to Chile,” often at least partially on foot.

García Choque said that despite the state of emergency decreed by Piñera to bring in the military to control the northern border zone, “the flow of migrants did not cease.”

“It changed the way they came in, but it forced the migrants into situations where it was more complex to rescue them: the coyotes (human traffickers) moved them to remote areas, which put their lives and health at risk,” he said.

© Inter Press Service (2022) — All Rights ReservedOriginal source: Inter Press Service

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Support for war crimes investigations ‘of paramount importance’ — Global Issues

Special Rapporteur Morris Tidball-Binz called on the international community to step up support for Ukraine’s own investigations, and welcomed progress made so far by the Office of the Prosecutor General in ensuring perpetrators are brought to justice. 

He also commended the international community’s swift mobilization in establishing mechanisms and initiatives to collect, document and preserve evidence of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, including unlawful killings, committed during the Russian invasion of the country. 

Respect national ownership 

Mr. Tidball-Binz said these mechanisms can play a key role in supporting the work of the Prosecutor General’s Office, as well as other “accountability frameworks” such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) and national prosecutions by parties to the conflict and in States with universal jurisdiction. 

“It is therefore of paramount importance that the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, which is leading the investigations in the country, receives all the support and resources necessary to ensure the adequate coordination of investigative efforts under its responsibility in Ukraine,” he said. 

The rights expert stressed that “to achieve progress and deliver tangible results”, this support must respect national ownership of investigative efforts, if in line with relevant international norms and standards. 

Proper coordination critical 

He warned that without coordination, “there is a considerable risk of overlap and duplication to the detriment of the effectiveness and efficiency of investigations”. 

For example, the identification of deceased persons requires proper the collection, analysis and matching of information, he said. 

“Proper coordination can also prevent the re-traumatisation of victims and witnesses arising from being interviewed multiple times by different investigators, and ensure that interviews fit into the overall investigative strategy,” he added. 

© UNICEF/Ashley Gilbertson VII Photo

In Kharkiv, Ukraine, a man places his hand to the window of a train car as he says goodbye to his wife and children before they depart on a special evacuation train.

Uphold international norms   

Furthermore, all investigations must conform to international standards, including the UN Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions

“International law requires that investigations be prompt, effective, thorough, independent, impartial and transparent,” he added. “To this end, proper coordination and adequate data management are fundamental requisites, particularly in complex cases, such as those under investigation in Ukraine.”  

Mr. Tidball-Binz, a medico-legal expert, explained that investigations of war crimes and crimes against humanity require multiple areas of expertise and specialised knowledge so that the high volume of sensitive and complex evidence can be adequately collected, documented and securely preserved.  

Dignity for victims 

Identification of human remains, and their dignified treatment, is paramount, and coordinating efforts here is “absolutely essential” here, he said, “for adequately resolving cases of enforced disappearances and preventing the dead from becoming missing persons.” 

He again urged all stakeholders to comply with applicable international norms and standards, and to actively coordinate among themselves, not only to avoid duplication but also in the best interest of the victims. 

The expert also underlined his readiness to assist and offer technical advice on these matters. 

Role of UN Rapporteurs 

Mr. Tidball-Binz was appointed by the UN Human Rights Council and is part of its Special Procedures mechanism, in which independent experts are given mandates to report on specific country situations or thematic areas. 

He is not a UN staff member and does not receive a salary for his work. 

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See Below Deck Sailing Yacht’s Gary Swoon Over New Stewardess

There’s high drama brewing on the high seas!

First mate Gary King has his sights set on the newest member of Below Deck Sailing Yacht‘s crew in E! News’ exclusive sneak peek at the May 16 episode.

Stewardess Scarlett Bentley arrives to replace Gabriela Barragan—who hooked up with Gary—on the Bravo series. Originally from a small Southern town, she has been a native of San Diego for three years.

The Arkansas native turned California girl arrives to the dock in Minorca, Spain, and captain Glenn Shepherd takes Scarlett to meet the rest of the crew, including chief engineer Colin MacRae, new deckhand Barnaby Birkbeck, and her roomie and fellow stewardess Ashley Marti, who has also hooked up with Gary this season.

“Scarlett, there’s some more gentlemen in here,” Glenn says, leading her into another cabin to meet Chef Marcos Spaziani and Gary, and Scarlett immediately catches the first mate’s eye.

This new crush comes as no surprise, as ladies’ man Gary has already kissed every woman on board except for Kelsie Goglia and frequently talks about being in love with another of his hookups, chief stew Daisy Kelliher.

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The G League Elite Camp Returns to Chicago to Fulfill More NBA Dreams

Each May, droves of potential draft prospects make their way to the Windy City, itching to showcase their talents and abilities to scouts, coaches and front office execs. You might be thinking of the Draft Combine, but what happens when you don’t get an invite?

Jose Alvarado, Terance Mann, Max Strus, Oshae Brissett and Mac McClung. None of ’em got an invite, initially. They earned it, though, after showing out at the G League’s Elite Camp.

On May 16-17, 44 prospects will participate in 5-on-5 scrimmages and strength and agility drills hoping for an invite to the combine later in the week.

LSU’s Shareef O’Neal, Kansas’ Davis McCormack and UNC’s Brady Manek are among those expected to attend with the hopes of following in the same path the big steppers named above did in their journey to the L.

Here are some of the G League’s Elite Camp biggest success stories.   

“Grand Theft” Alvarado, who attended the camp in 2021, took the NBA by storm this season, but before then, the electric 6-foot guard was just another undrafted player, albeit one with the ACC DPOY award. After signing a two-way deal with the New Orleans Pelicans, it took just five games for the team to call Alvarado up from the Birmingham Squadron, where he was averaging 19.8 points and 3.4 swipes per game. His 11 games with 3-plus steals and the two forced 8-second violations he had on Point God Chris Paul in the 2022 playoffs has not only made Alvarado a fan favorite in NOLA but across the entire L. And now, the Elite Camp alum has a well-deserved four-year guaranteed contract to show for it.

In 2019, Terance Mann’s phone was on 1% as he headed to the airport, going home after not being invited to the Draft Combine despite showing out at the G League Elite Camp. As he was preparing to check his bag, the 23-year-old looked down at his phone and saw a number he didn’t recognize. It was the NBA, calling to tell him to turn back around so he could take part in the Combine after all. Now coming off his third year in the League, the FSU product averaged 10.8 points and 5.2 boards for the Clippers, showcasing flashes of brilliance and growth as a secondary option, highlighted by back-to-back 20-pieces in February.

Former undrafted DePaul prospect Max Strus is lighting it up for the Miami Heat in the Eastern Conference semis. The third-year sharpshooter was able to showcase his scintillating skills for scouts during the Elite Camp in 2019. In 23 minutes per game, Strus is averaging 10.3 points on 41 percent shooting from downtown, knocking down nearly three trey balls a night. The definition of an unphased shooter, Strus shot 50 percent from three with defenders within two feet of him and now remains a vital part of the Heat’s championship run.

Before he was flying through the air in Gainbridge Fieldhouse, Oshae Brissett signed with the Toronto Raptors as a two-way player, averaging 14.7 points and 6.5 boards for the Raptors 905 G League squad. Starting the 2021-22 campaign with the Fort Wayne Mad Ants (the Pacers’ G League affiliate), the undrafted prospect out of Syracuse was ultimately given the opportunity to sign with the Pacers for the remainder of the season, where he proved a force to be reckoned with in the paint, dropping 27 points and 6 boards in a late February win over the Celtics and 28 and 8 in their final game of the season.

An undrafted guard out of Texas Tech and now the reigning G League Rookie of the Year, Mac McClung showcased his top-tier athleticism and dawg mentality to scouts and coaches at last year’s Elite Camp. After averaging 21.7 points and 7.7 dimes while swiping 1.4 steals per game in the G League, the rookie signed a two-way deal with the Lakers, appearing in their season finale, where he tallied 6 points, 3 boards and a signature reverse throw-down.

Follow along on G League (@nbagleague) and SLAM socials for details on players throughout Elite Camp, storylines and stream info.

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What We Know About the Buffalo Shooting Victims

Here are the stories of some of the other victims:

Katherine Massey, 72: Ms. Massey was known for her civil rights advocacy. Almost one year ago, after the cousin of a state lawmaker was fatally shot near the lawmaker’s district office, Ms. Massey had written a letter to the editor in The Buffalo News calling for stricter federal gun control measures. She called for more accountability for the makers and sellers of firearms. “There needs to be extensive federal action/legislation to address all aspects of the issue,” she wrote.

Ruth Whitfield, 86: Ms. Whitfield was a devoted parishioner for 50 years at Durham Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church, where she sang in the choir, her daughter-in-law Cassietta Whitfield said. Ruth Whitfield had lived in Buffalo for more than five decades, raising four children. In recent years she had been caring for her husband, who was in a nursing home. She had eight grandchildren. “She was a religious woman who cared deeply for her family,” her daughter-in-law said.

Roberta Drury, 32: Ms. Drury had gone to the Tops supermarket to buy groceries to make dinner, according to her sister, Amanda Drury. “She was very vibrant,” Ms. Drury said. “She always was the center of attention and made the whole room smile and laugh.”

Celestine Chaney, 65: Ms. Chaney had been visiting her sister, and they went to the supermarket because Ms. Chaney wanted to get strawberries to make shortcakes, which she loved, said her son, Wayne Jones, 48, who confirmed she had died in the shooting. “It’s kind of crazy that she was there shopping, because we go shopping together,” he said.

During the shooting, Ms. Chaney’s sister made it into the cooler area where workers store fresh food, Mr. Jones said. People hid there from the gunman; the sister survived. “But my mom cannot really walk like she used to,” he said. “She basically can’t run.”


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Return of commercial flights from Yemeni capital after 6 years, an ‘important’ step — Global Issues

Hans Grunberg noted that the first flight to leave the Houthi-controlled airport in Sana’a – since not long after fighting intensified between the rebel forces there and the Saudi-backed coalition supporting the internationally-recognized Government – had been a key part of the Truce agreement last month.

The flight took off just after 9AM local time, heading for Amman, Jordan, carrying 130 Yemeni passengers. In his statement, Mr. Grunberg expressed his gratitude to the Jordanian Government for their invaluable support, “and for the constructive cooperation by the Government of Yemen in facilitating the flight.”

“I would like to congratulate all Yemenis on this important and long-awaited step”, the UN envoy said.

Come together ‘to do more’

“I hope this provides some relief to the Yemenis who need to seek medical treatment abroad, pursue education and business opportunities, or reunite with loved ones,” Mr. Grundberg added.

“This should be a moment of coming together to do more, to start repairing what the war has broken, and to follow through on all the Truce commitments to build trust and move towards resuming a political process to sustainably end the conflict.”

Mr. Grundberg stressed that intense efforts are being exerted to support the parties in fulfilling all the commitments they made when the agreed to this Truce.

A promise

These commitments were essentially a promise to Yemenis”, he said, “a promise of more security, better access to basic goods and services, and improved freedom of movement within, to and from Yemen.

“Making progress towards opening roads in Taiz is key for the fulfillment of this promise. I expect the parties to meet their obligations, including by urgently meeting to agree on opening roads on Taiz and other governorates in Yemen as per the terms of the Truce agreement,” Mr. Grundberg concluded.

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Roman Abramovich ‘willing to let Chelsea go under’ according to Government officials


After a tumultuous few months where even the club Megastore was forced to shut, Chelsea had seemingly got back on the right track again with a bid by Todd Boehly to take the club out of the hands of the sanctioned Roman Abramovich expected to go through by the end of May.

However, that is all back up in the air again amidst concerns that the deal may not go through in time for the deadline of the end of May.

As per the Telegraph, ‘Chelsea are refusing to accept their new plan to put the loan in an escrow account – a legal arrangement in which a third party temporarily holds the money – before the Government is convinced that the money can be safely paid into the foundation for Ukraine war victims, which Abramovich is setting up.’

Roman Abramovich has been in charge of Chelsea since 2003.

One senior government source told BBC Sport that ‘there’s a quite serious concern in Government that the deal may fall apart and that Roman Abramovich is ultimately willing to let Chelsea go under’ This is because of Abramovich’s ‘refusal to agree to a sale structure that gives ministers confidence that proceeds would go to a good cause’.

Meanwhile, the Abramovich camp deny such allegations, several reports suggest that the £1.6bn loan that Roman Abramovich agreed to write off has become a major sticking point.

What does this mean for the club?

In short, the Blues remain in limbo, with the club shop still shut and only season ticket holders allowed to attend home games. Meanwhile, the sanctions mean that they have been unable to offer key players new contracts, with both Andreas Christensen and Antonio Rudiger set to leave for free to Barcelona and Real Madrid respectively.

They could miss out on summer transfer targets too if the situation is not sorted imminently, and the latest complication will do nothing for the mood in the camp.

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Premier League table

# Team MP D P
1 Manchester City 37 72 90
2 Liverpool FC 36 65 86
3 Chelsea FC 36 42 70
4 Tottenham Hotspur 37 24 68
5 Arsenal FC 36 11 66
6 Manchester United 37 1 58
7 West Ham United 37 11 56
8 Wolverhampton Wanderers 37 -3 51
9 Leicester City 36 0 48
10 Brighton & Hove Albion 37 -4 48
11 Brentford FC 37 -7 46
12 Crystal Palace 36 4 45
13 Aston Villa 36 -1 44
14 Newcastle United 36 -21 43
15 Southampton FC 36 -20 40
16 Everton FC 36 -20 36
17 Leeds United 37 -38 35
18 Burnley FC 36 -18 34
19 Watford FC 37 -42 23
20 Norwich City 37 -56 22
Player Team Goals
Salah, Mohamed Liverpool FC 22
Son, Heung Min Tottenham Hotspur 21
Ronaldo, Cristiano Manchester United 18
Kane, Harry Tottenham Hotspur 16
De Bruyne, Kevin Manchester City 15
Jota, Diogo Liverpool FC 15
Mane, Sadio Liverpool FC 15
Vardy, Jamie Leicester City 14
Sterling, Raheem Manchester City 13
Zaha, Wilfried Crystal Palace 13
Bowen, Jarrod West Ham United 12
Toney, Ivan Brentford FC 12
Mount, Mason Chelsea FC 11
Saka, Bukayo Arsenal FC 11
Mahrez, Riyad Manchester City 11
Pukki, Teemu Norwich City 11
Watkins, Ollie Aston Villa 11
Maddison, James Leicester City 10
Fernandes, Bruno Manchester United 10
Dennis, Emmanuel Watford FC 10

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NaLyssa Smith Leaves Game Against Atlanta With Right Ankle Injury

Rookie NaLyssa Smith injured her right ankle while running back on defense during the Indiana Fever’s matchup with the Atlanta Dream. The No. 2 overall pick in the 2022 WNBA Draft did not return to the game with the injury transpiring with just 6:29 remaining on the game clock.

When Smith left the game, she was working with a season-high 18 points, six rebounds, and three assists on 6-16 shooting from the floor, including knocking down three triples. The Fever ultimately fell short to the Dream, 85-79.

According to James Boyd of the IndyStar, Fever Coach, Marianne Stanley did not indicate how severe the injury was.

“It’s swollen,” Stanley said of Smith’s ankle.” But I don’t know how serious it is right now.”

Meanwhile, fellow rookie Rhyne Howard finished the game with 33 points, including a WNBA rookie record of 17 points in the first quarter. Howard shot 9-18 from the floor, including 3-8 from beyond the arc. The former Kentucky Wildcat added three rebounds, there steals, and two assists in 32 minutes of action.

The Fever will host the Dream again on Tuesday at 7 pm.

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The Broken News First Look: Sonali Bendre to Make OTT Debut With Zee5’s Journalism Drama

The Broken News first look is here. Zee5 has unveiled the poster for its Hindi-language adaptation of the British journalism series Press. It marks the streaming platform’s first collaboration with BBC Studios India– the production and distribution arm of the BBC. The first look introduces us to The Broken News cast, headlined by Sonali Bendre, Jaideep Ahlawat, and Shriya Pilgaonkar. The show marks Bendre’s debut on subscription-based streaming service, colloquially known as OTT (over-the-top) services. Bendre said that she chose The Broken News as the character resonated with her.

Bendre told Midday, “The first thing is I liked the script, the character I’m playing (in The Broken News) and what the show is saying. It resonates! The second part is, I’m in a phase of life where it’s more about me, I have more time. I want to do a lot more and get back to work. Though I had been working, it wasn’t priority, now it is! There’s so much fun stuff happening, that I’m feeling a little left out. Even I want to be part of it too.”


It’s yet to be seen whether The Broken News helps Bendre, who acted in popular Hindi movies such as the actioner Aag and the drama Zakhm in the 90s, begin her new innings on a good note.

Pilgaonkar and Ahlawat , on the other hand, are no strangers to the digital space. Pilgaonkar rose to fame when she played a key character in the action-packed series Mirzapur. Similarly, Ahlawat received critical acclaim for his work in the crime drama Paatal Lok and went on to appear in the Zee5 series Bloody Brothers. In addition to the lead trio, The Broken News Cast includes Indraneil Sengupta, Taaruk Raina, Aakash Khurana, and Kiran Kumar.

Not a lot is known about The Broken News story but we can expect it to be a bit different from the one featured in Press as, unlike the original — which dealt with print journalism — this explores the dark side of the television media. Moreover, the plot is likely to be tweaked to appeal to the Indian audience.

The Broken News release date is yet to be announced.

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