Outlook worsens as global recession looms – IMF — Global Issues

The World Economic Outlook Update July 2022: Gloomy and More Uncertain, highlights the significant consequences of the stalling of the world’s three main economic powerhouses – the United States, China and the major European economies.

The world may soon be teetering on the edge of a global recession – IMF economist

“The outlook has darkened significantly since April,” said Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, IMF Economic Counsellor and Director of Research.

“The world may soon be teetering on the edge of a global recession, only two years after the last one”.

The baseline forecast for global growth is for it to slow from 6.1 per cent last year, to 3.2 per cent in 2022 – 0.4 per cent lower than forecast in the last Outlook update in April.

Three key economies

With higher-than-expected inflation – especially in the US and the largest European economies – global financial conditions are becoming tighter.

In the US, reduced household purchasing power and tighter monetary policy will drive growth down to 2.3 per cent this year and one percent next year, according to the outlook.

China’s slowdown has been worse than anticipated amid COVID-19 outbreaks and lockdowns, with negative effects from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continuing.

Moreover, further lockdowns and a deepening real estate crisis there has pushed growth down to 3.3 per cent this year – the slowest in more than four decades, excluding the pandemic.

And in the Eurozone, growth has been revised down to 2.6 per cent this year and 1.2 percent in 2023, reflecting spillovers from the Ukraine war and tighter monetary policy.

“As a result, global output contracted in the second quarter of this year,” said Mr. Gourinchas.


Despite the global slowdown, inflation has been revised up, in part due to rising food and energy prices.

This year it is anticipated to reach 6.6 per cent in advanced economies and 9.5 per cent in emerging market and developing economies – representing upward revisions of 0.9 and 0.8 percentage points respectively. And it is projected to remain elevated for longer.

Broadened inflation in many economies reflects “the impact of cost pressures from disrupted supply chains and historically tight labour markets,” the IMF official stated.

Downward risks

The report outlines some risks ahead, including that the war in Ukraine could end European gas supply from Russia altogether; rising prices could cause widespread food insecurity and social unrest; and geopolitical fragmentation may impede global trade and cooperation.

Inflation could remain stubbornly high if labour markets remain overly tight or inflation expectations are too optimistic and prove more costly than expected.

And renewed COVID-19 outbreaks and lockdowns threaten to further suppress China’s growth.

“In a plausible alternative scenario where some of these risks materialize…inflation will rise and global growth decelerate further to about 2.6 per cent this year and two per cent next year, a pace that growth has fallen below just five times since 1970,” said the IMF economist.

“Under this scenario, both the United States and the Euro area experience near-zero growth next year, with negative knock-on effects for the rest of the world”.

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Instagram Plans to Improve After Kylie Jenner Compares App to TikTok

Kylie Jenner wants to make Instagram great again.

On July 25, the Kylie Cosmetics founder shared a meme, calling on the popular social media platform to return to its origins. “Make Instagram Instagram again,” the meme read. “stop trying to be like tiktok I just to see cute photos of my friends.” The message ended with, “Sincerely, Everyone.”

Kylie added on the Instagram Story, “PLEASEEEEEEE.”

Her sister, Kim Kardashian, shared the exact sentiments and posted the same meme to her Instagram Story, alongside the caption, “PRETTY PLEASE.”

After The Kardashians stars, who have a combined 686 million followers, shared the meme with their followers, the platform’s CEO Adam Mosseri released a video message addressing the backlash to the changes on the app. 

In the video, Adam said he heard people’s concerns about the app “shifting to video” over pictures. “We’re going to continue to support photos,” he shared on Instagram and Twitter July 26. “It’s part of our heritage.”

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Reversing ‘negative trends’ essential, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Mounting tensions in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and continued settlement activity and settler-related violence continue.

Immediate steps to reverse negative trends and support the Palestinian people are essential,” said Lynn Hastings, UNSCO’s deputy chief, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, speaking on behalf of Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland.

“The violence must stop”.

Corrosive situation

For years, illegal settlement expansions in the occupied West Bank have been steadily shrinking Palestinian land and eroding the prospects for a viable Palestinian State as violence against civilians exacerbate mistrust and trigger a growing sense of hopelessness that Statehood, sovereignty and a peaceful future is slipping away.

“Three hundred and ninety-nine demolitions and seizures of Palestinian-owned structures and evictions this year have left over 400 Palestinians displaced,” the UN official said.

Meanwhile, a crumbling Palestinian economy, lack of intra-Palestinian unity, and the urgent need to renew national institutions have also raised Israeli awareness of the perils of continuing along the current path.

Biden visit

Against the worrying backdrop of endless cycles of violence and a constant risk of escalation – with no end in sight – US President Joe Biden’s visit earlier this month signalled renewed consensus for a two-State solution based on the 1967 lines, said Ms. Hastings.

For the first time in years, Israeli, Palestinian and American leaders reiterated their support for a two-State solution as being essential for Palestinians and Israelis alike.

“We must build on these reaffirmed commitments and work collectively to encourage steps that allow for a return to a meaningful political process,” she added.

Death and violence

From clashes to shootings and stabbings throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the Resident Coordinator outlined examples of violence that killed close to 300 Palestinians and some Israelis.

She recounted that the bullet used to kill Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh underwent forensic testing overseen by a senior US security official. However, examiners “could not reach a definitive conclusion” due to its damaged condition.

After viewing the results of both Israeli and Palestinian investigations into Ms. Aqleh’s death, it appeared that gunfire from Israel Defence Forces (IDF) positions was likely responsible but “it ‘found no reason to believe that this was intentional’”, said Ms. Hastings.

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Evictions and demolitions

Citing a lack of Israeli-issued building permits, demolitions recently displaced 61 Palestinians, including 31 children, with Ms. Hastings pointing out that the permits are nearly impossible for Palestinians to obtain.

And in the wake of a ruling by the Israeli High Court of Justice allowing evictions in the southern West Bank hamlets of Masafer Yatta to proceed, Israeli forces continued to adopt restrictive measures affecting Palestinian communities and humanitarian actors.

“I remain deeply concerned by the potential implications of the High Court’s ruling and the humanitarian toll on the communities in question if eviction orders are carried out,” she stated.

There is no substitute for a legitimate political process that will resolve the core issues driving the conflict — UN Resident Coordinator

Vulnerable in Gaza

Turning to the fragile situation in Gaza, UN and humanitarian partners continue to deliver vital assistance and further ease movement restrictions on people and goods into and out of the Strip.

However, on 16 July, militants in the enclave launched four rockets towards Israel. The IDF retaliated with airstrikes against what it said were Hamas targets. No injuries were reported on either side.

For the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha, Israel announced that 400 permits would be issued for men over 55 and women over 50, to visit Jerusalem from Gaza for the first time since 2017.

Legitimate political process needed

In closing, the Deputy UNSCO chief warned that if left unaddressed, the corrosive situation will only deteriorate further and advocated for “the ultimate goal” of two States, living side-by-side in peace.

“There is no substitute for a legitimate political process that will resolve the core issues driving the conflict,” she said assuring that the UN “remains committed” to a just and lasting peace and will continue to work with all concerned to achieve that objective.     

Click here to watch the meeting in its entirety. 

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Magic to Take ‘By Committee’ Approach With Paolo Banchero

Some top picks take longer to adjust to the League than others, but former Duke star Paolo Banchero seemed right at home at the Las Vegas Summer League. Banchero combined for 40 points, 12 assists, and 10 rebounds in his first (and only) two games against NBA-level talent.

While there’s always pressure following the No. 1 overall pick, Banchero didn’t seem to feel any of it. But even considering Banchero’s brilliant Summer League performances, Coach Jamahl Mosely wanted to pump the breaks on any Superman talk concerning his potential franchise cornerstone.

The second-year coach says he wants to take as much pressure off Banchero’s shoulders as possible and will focus on a holistic, by-committee approach with the team, even if Banchero may already be geared to be the franchise’s next superstar.

“I really believe that we’re going to do it by committee, honestly,” Mosley told ESPN’s Nick Friedell. “Look at the Warriors. Look at Milwaukee; you look at Memphis. There’s something about the committee in which they do it. One person will speak at times, but there’s other guys holding each one accountable. There’s one guy that will speak up and do it a different way, work in a different way. 

And while Mosely is confident his players are buying into the system, Bachero’s teammates can’t help but marvel at the talent, and potential the 19-year-old possesses. In practicing with Banchero, point guard Cole Anthony understands the Seattle native can’t do everything for the team but knows he’ll play an integral part in Orlando’s future. 

“I’ve been in the gym with [Banchero] a little bit already, seeing him out here, just doing what he does,” Anthony said to ESPN. “He’s going to help us a lot. And now I feel like we can really start building something.”

“That kid is so talented,” Anthony went on to say. “He loves the game. He works hard, and I think — he’s going to be really good.”

With a young group of players including Banchero, Anthony, Mo Bamba, Wendell Carter Jr., Franz, Mo Wagner, and R.J. Hampton, the 2022 ACC Player of the Year will have to not only focus on his individual play but also on his fit on a young roster. And even though he was a consensus five-star recruit out of high school and attended arguably the most prominent basketball university in the country, Banchero admits he’s still adjusting to the spotlight of the NBA.

“A year and a half ago, I was a high schooler,” Banchero said. “I wasn’t used to that. Now it’s different.”

But he’s not shying away from the moment, and with Mosley’s approach and the support from his vets, Banchero says he’s ready for his time in the spotlight. He dominated at Duke, averaging 17.2 points, 7.8 rebounds, and 3.2 assists per game on 48 percent shooting from the field, and he looks to do the same in the League.

“It’s just added intensity, added pressure, when the whole crowd’s clapping and standing up when you have the ball,” Banchero said. “It’s just stuff you dream of, in the arena where the whole crowd’s eyes are on you. You just want that moment. That’s just what I live for.”

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Now’s The Time: The Connecticut Sun are Hungrier Than Ever for a Title

This story appears in the second edition of WSLAM 2. Get your copy here.

This is the year, right?

With 2021 Coach of the Year Curt Miller at the helm, this must be the year the Connecticut Sun translate their regular-season success into playoff glory…right?

Championship windows don’t linger for long, so the pressure is on for the Connecticut Sun. A premier team in the League for the past three years, the Sun was labeled the early season favorite and predicted by many experts as the team most likely to be the last standing at the end. But, in reality, the Sun has come up short of the ultimate goal in the final moments in each of those seasons. With the League growing more and more competitive, and the parity in the WNBA reaching an all-time high, Connecticut must make good on its promise to grab what the franchise has yet to capture in its 20-year existence: a WNBA title.

After losing 3-2 in a thrilling five-game series against the Washington Mystics in the 2019 Finals, the team fell short of reaching the Finals the following year. With the big free agency signing of DeWanna Bonner ahead of an unprecedented time in not only sports, but in our country’s history, the Sun found themselves in a semifinals losing battle with the Las Vegas Aces during the 2020 bubble. However, last season’s early exit seemed the most disappointing.

After earning the No. 1 overall seed and claiming a bye through the first and second rounds, and posting 14 straight regular-season wins going into the postseason, Connecticut failed to hang a banner at the end of one of the franchise’s best seasons. 

“We feel like we fell short,” reigning MVP Jonquel Jones says in reflection of last season. “We understood what we were able to do, and it’s just been a lot of talk about that.”

Head coach Curt Miller echoed those sentiments. “It’s a fine line between wins and losses in our League,” he says. “You look back at that series and you think about all the little things that could have been done differently.”

In hindsight, there were a myriad of things that could have been “done differently.” Executing on a missed open layup in Game 3 from Briann January that could have ended the game in regulation for the Sun is one such play that comes to mind. The team never seemed to find their groove in that series against Chicago, which presented arguably the toughest matchup Connecticut had seen all season. One could see in that series, as late as being on the brink of elimination, how much the Sun yearned to finish their season as champions. Miller even said then that there were moments where their desire to win overshadowed their execution and took them out of character. The team would be overpowered, outplayed and outcoached by the Sky and eventually lose the series 3-1. Chicago would continue on to defeat the Phoenix Mercury and eventually become the 2021 WNBA champions.

“There are lessons learned in every situation,” Miller continues, “but that fine line just serves as a reminder that all the little things matter in a game that make or break a loss, and you have to show up in the smaller moments just as you do in the biggest moments.”

A franchise that has been knocking at the door of a championship but can’t seem to find their way in, Connecticut believes this is the right team and the right season to push the needle forward. With the abrupt end to their previous season in the rearview mirror, the Sun are looking to this season as the one where all the pieces will finally fall into place.


After returning most of their core players this season and re-signing Courtney Williams from Atlanta, a key component to the 2019 Finals run, Connecticut was expecting to have a year where the Fteam could finally have all their stars healthy and on the court. After playing without Jones in 2020 and without Alyssa Thomas (out with an Achilles tear) for all but a few games in 2021, the Sun once again find themselves having to tinker with their lineup now that point guard Jasmine Thomas has been ruled out for the season after tearing the ACL in her right knee near the end of May.

“Disappointing. Heartbreaking. [J. Thomas] is an iron woman. She doesn’t miss games,“ Miller stated after Thomas’ injury. “It’s difficult. And quite frankly, I’m tired of having to figure out how to play without a starter. But sometimes injuries can equal opportunities.”

Without J. Thomas in the lineup, the team has seen the other Thomas, who has an incredible comeback story of her own, put her versatility on display. “I feel like a utility player has always been my role,” Alyssa Thomas says.

There’s no telling where you’ll see her on the court and in what position. With Thomas’ flexibility to switch to the 1 guard, it creates an opportunity for Miller to use a larger lineup on the floor, which has really given defenses a tough time in the paint. Since returning from an injury, Alyssa has eased back into the form that made her the engine for Connecticut. She’s become an even more unstoppable force in how she facilitates the offense, from passing the ball to getting her teammates involved to driving to the basket and creating plays for herself. 

The absence of J. Thomas has also led to the emergence of Natisha Hiedeman. The 5-8 guard out of Marquette has been one of the most energetic role players for Connecticut since joining the team in 2019. As her game has continued to grow, so have her opportunities to play in other places. But Hiedeman is aware of how close this team is to the dream that all WNBA players share.

“I love playing with this team and learning from my teammates,” Hiedeman tells WSLAM. “Of course I’d rather have Jas healthy and on the court, but I’m ready for any situation. I got the opportunity to learn and grow from Jas and Bri and maybe I could go and play somewhere else, but why would I? We’re a good team and of course we want to win a championship.”

Hiedeman has been displaying more confidence in her three-point shooting this season and using her ability to draw contact and generate points from the free-throw line. The consistency and inside dominance of Brionna Jones, who’s averaging double figures as the sixth woman off the bench, is another bright spot. With all these pieces, the Sun remain in prime position to vie for a championship, despite the growing parity in the WNBA.

Connecticut knows the assignment this season, but the League is far more dangerous this year than in years past. With the change in the postseason format and the elevation of teams like the Dallas Wings and the Atlanta Dream, who are thriving under new head coach Tanisha Wright and rookie sensation Rhyne Howard, the separation between the top tier teams is thinning. But according to Jones, this Sun team doesn’t shy away from the notion that they are no longer the underdog lacking the respect they rightfully deserve. Remember disrespeCT? The increased competition in the W hasn’t distracted the Sun from the mission at hand.

“This year, we want to embrace being the hunted,” Jones says. “We understand that people are going to kind of come at us, and we have all the necessary pieces. So we’re ready. The desire is definitely there. [I guess] the best way to describe it is just hunger. We’re hungry.”

Connecticut is feeding off this craving to be the team crowned champions when it’s all said and done. 2022. This could be the year…right?

WSLAM 2 is available now. Get your copy here.

Photos via Getty Images.

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Manchester United add Wrexham tie to list of friendlies – Man United News And Transfer News

Manchester United have played four pre-season games so far, winning three while their last game ended in a disappointing draw. Erik ten Hag was supposed to be getting two more friendlies before the start of the Premier League to zero in on his first-choice XI but now another game has been added to the roster.

According to the Manchester Evening News, United have scheduled a behind-closed-doors match against National League side Wrexham at Carrington on Wednesday.

Initially, it was expected that the match would feature United’s youngsters in action as they take on the Hollywood-owned outfit but the Dutch manager has tweaked things to help him get an idea about his new recruits.

The match is expected to feature a mix of young players as well as some senior players who are in need of minutes. This might include new boys Christian Eriksen and Lisandro Martinez as well.

Both players have yet to officially begin training with the rest of the squad and were not part of the pre-season tour group that jetted off to Asia and Australia.

Despite having worked with the Dutch boss, both players will need to adapt quickly to what Ten Hag is trying to implement at United and get up to speed as quickly as possible with the Premier League start less than a fortnight away.

ETH narrowing in on United first XI

The former Ajax boss has had a good look at most members of the squad and a pattern has started emerging which includes the players he has begun to trust more.

Further proof will arrive in Oslo on Saturday with Ten Hag likely to pick a strong side to face La Liga giants Atletico Madrid while a second-string side will take on Rayo Vallecano a day later at Old Trafford.

Adding an extra game in midweek implies that Ten Hag wants his new recruits to be in better shape ahead of their Premier League opener against Brighton. He has already reiterated that he is confident that the likes of Eriksen and Martinez will gel with the squad quite fast.

As for Wrexham, they are gearing up for the new National League campaign, which starts next week. Wrexham are owned by Hollywood stars Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney.

The Welsh side were beaten play-off semi-finalists last season after they finished second in the National League will be desperate to make the jump this season.

Fans who are desperate to catch a glimpse of their new stars will have to wait for the weekend as the Wrexham game is not planned to be broadcast on MUTV. They will have to wait for news regarding the game to trickle in.

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The Meta Quest 2 is Getting a $100 Price Increase

After almost two years on the market, Meta is officially increasing the price of its Quest 2 VR headset by $100.

Beginning August 1, the 128GB storage configuration for the Meta Quest 2 will cost $399.99 (previously $299), while the 256GB model will now retail for $499.99. Meta also confirmed that starting August 1 until December 31, those that purchase a Quest 2 will receive a free digital copy of Beat Saber.

For the time being, the Meta Quest 2 is still available at its current price at numerous retailers (see it at Amazon / Best Buy).

Meta cites inflation as one of the reasons for the price increase writing, “[T]he costs to make and ship our products have been on the rise,” Meta said in a recent blog post. “By adjusting the price of Quest 2, we can continue to grow our investment in groundbreaking research and new product development that pushes the VR industry to new heights.”

Oculus Quest 2

Meta also teased its “ambitious VR hardware roadmap,” mentioning once again that it plans to launch Project Cambria later this year and noting that the company plans to release “new generations of Meta Quest” in the future.

Nevertheless, Meta pointed out that despite the $100 price increase, the Quest 2 “continues to be the most affordable VR headset” on the market. Further touting that highly anticipated titles are coming to Quest 2, such as Ghostbusters VR, Among Us VR, and NFL Pro Era. Important to mention, however, that these titles are also coming to other VR headsets, such as the highly-anticipated PSVR2.

Though Meta does have an advantage being a VR gaming headset that does not require a gaming PC or a console to function, and it does have a few games exclusive to its platform, most notably Resident Evil 4 VR.

Next month, Meta will also begin rolling out a new account system that will finally stop requiring Quest 2 owners to use a Facebook account to use the headset.

Taylor is the Associate Tech Editor at IGN. You can follow her on Twitter @TayNixster.

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Brittney Griner Sends Message to Wife Cherelle Amid Trial in Russia

Brittney Griner is sending love to her wife as her Russia trial continues.

During a break in court proceedings on July 26, the WNBA player told ABC News she had a message for Cherelle Griner, who recently graduated from law school. “Good luck on the bar exam,” she said.

In another symbol of love, Brittney arrived to court on July 26 holding up two photographs in a clear, plastic sleeve. When asked who was in the photos, Brittney said, “My wife. My two best friends, my teammates.”

As for how she’s holding up? Brittney said she has “no complaints. Just waiting patiently.”

Cherelle previously told ABC News that she has communicated with Brittney “sporadically” through letters, but hasn’t spoken to her via telephone since Brittney was arrested. Though the United States government arranged for the couple to connect on the phone in June during their fourth anniversary, the call had to be rescheduled due to a “logistical error,” according to U.S. Department of State spokesperson Ned Price.

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Tony Dow, the Big Brother on ‘Leave It to Beaver,’ Dies at 77

Tony Dow, who became a star at 12 as Wally Cleaver, the barely teenage older brother on the popular 1950s and ’60s comedy series “Leave It to Beaver,” died on Tuesday. He was 77.

His death was announced by his representatives in a post on his Facebook page. It did not say where he had died. In May, Mr. Dow said he had been diagnosed with prostate and gall bladder cancer.

Mr. Dow went on to a varied adult career, finding mixed success as an actor, a director, a producer and later a sculptor, but he could never quite shake his association with “Leave It to Beaver,” a dose of early-life fame that might have contributed to his later struggles with depression.

The central character on the sitcom was the button-cute, trouble-prone Beaver Cleaver, played by Jerry Mathers, but whenever Beaver needed the benefit of counsel from someone older and wiser who was not likely to yell at him, he turned to Wally, his only sibling and most trusted confidant. They shared a bedroom — and an en suite bathroom — in an immaculately kept two-story house in Mayfield, a fictional, walkable, crime-free, apparently all-white American suburb.

Wally was a good student, polite to his elders and a responsible good guy “dripping with decency and honesty,” as Brian Levant, executive producer of the 1980s sequel series “The New Leave It to Beaver,” described him to The Arizona Republic in 2017. Wally played Chinese checkers with his brother in their room, sometimes went along with his friend Eddie Haskell’s misguided pranks and was young enough in the first season to ask, “Dad, if I saved up my allowance, could I buy a monkey?”

And he would never “squeal on” the Beav, unless he had to.

As the seasons passed, Wally matured, capturing the attention of adolescent female viewers, but his attitude toward his brother remained largely unchanged. “What did you go and do that for?” he’d ask. And, “Will you stop being nice to me and just go back to being a little creep?”

But when he was talking to his parents, Wally was more thoughtful. As he observed at the end of one episode, “For a little kid like that, a lot of stuff sure goes on in his head.”

Anthony Lee Dow was born in Hollywood on April 13, 1945, the son of John Stevens Dow, a designer and contractor, and Muriel Virginia (Montrose) Dow. His mother was a stuntwoman in westerns and had been the movie double for the silent screen star Clara Bow.

Tony was an athletic boy who won swimming and diving competitions. In fact, it was a coach who suggested that Tony accompany him to an acting audition, the boy’s first. He had virtually no acting experience when he was cast as Wally Cleaver in “Leave It to Beaver.”

“I was always a little rebellious,” the website The Outsider quoted him as saying in 2021, and success had come so easily. His face was soon on the cover of magazines aimed at teenage readers. After six years, as the fictional Wally was preparing to go to college, Mr. Dow was ready to move on to something new.

He appeared as a guest star on series like “Dr. Kildare” (1963), “My Three Sons” (1964), “Lassie” (1968), “The Mod Squad” (1971), “Love, American Style” (1971) and “Emergency” (1972). He was a regular on “Never Too Young” (1965-66), a soap aimed at teenage audiences. But he soon realized he had been hopelessly typecast as his “Leave It to Beaver” character.

In his 20s, he began to suffer from clinical depression, which he described as a “self-absorbing feeling of worthlessness, of hopelessness.” Helped by psychotherapy and medication, he became a spokesman for the National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association.

“I realize there’s a perceived irony about this,” Mr. Dow told The Chicago Tribune in 1993, acknowledging that his name and face were associated with one of the sunniest series in broadcast history. But fame was part of the problem.

“If you have anonymity, you can sit in the corner and pout and nobody cares,” he said. “But if you’re a celebrity, pouting is frowned upon.”

Twenty years after “Leave It to Beaver” went off the air, it returned — in the form of a CBS television movie, “Still the Beaver” (1983). It reunited the cast, with the exception of Mr. Beaumont, who had died in 1982 at 72. Wally was by then a lawyer who had married a high school sweetheart. Beaver was going through a messy divorce.

The film became a Disney Channel series for one season and returned on TBS as “The New Leave It to Beaver” from 1986 to 1989. The series offered monsters in the closet; mishaps with borrowed cars, bicycles, comic books, football tickets and prom dates; and a seemingly unending supply of flashbacks (clips from the original series).

In the ’90s, Mr. Dow turned to directing, hired for episodes of shows like “Coach,” “Harry and the Hendersons,” “Babylon 5” and, of course, his own “The New Leave It to Beaver.” He directed a television movie, “Child Stars: Their Stories” (2000), and produced two others, “The Adventures of Captain Zoom From Outer Space” (1995) and “It Came From Outer Space II” (1996).

When he appeared on camera in movies or television later on, it was often with a healthy dose of amused self-awareness. In David Spade’s comedy “Dickie Roberts, Former Child Star,” Mr. Dow sang in the front row of a glee club of former child stars. His last screen role was on a 2016 episode of the anthology series “Suspense.”

Along the way, he also had a contracting business and did visual effects for film. But he found his passion when, in his 50s, he began doing sculpture, working primarily in burl wood and bronze. In 2008, his sculpture “Unarmed Warrior” was shown in Paris at the Salon de la Societé Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Carrousel du Louvre.

He was with his first wife, Carol Marlow, from 1969 until their 1980 divorce. He married Lauren Shulkind, a ceramic artist, in 1980. Information on his survivors was not immediately available.

Mr. Dow said in the end that he was no longer troubled by the outcome of his early success. “I felt that way probably from the time I was 20 until I was maybe 40,” he said in a 2022 interview on “CBS Sunday Morning.” “At 40, I realized how great the show was.”

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Chiefs rookie already looking ready to fill Tyreek Hill void

The Kansas City Chiefs responded to the Tyreek Hill trade by picking up a promising wide receiver prospect in the 2022 NFL Draft: Skyy Moore. 

As training camp kicked off on Saturday, Arrowhead Pride editor Pete Sweeney offered some of his initial impressions of the Chiefs‘ light roster.

Thirty players were in attendance, including Patrick Mahomes and the three quarterbacks lined up behind him in camp. The players were playing 7-on-7, and on Day 1 of camp, Mahomes had already slung the ball to six different receivers.

One of them was rookie wideout Skyy Moore, who arrived at camp without the thigh compression sleeve he sported during OTAs. Moore declared himself a “full go,” and head coach Andy Reid enthusiastically agreed with what he saw from Moore on Saturday.

“He looked smooth out here… strong,” Reid said. “His leg looked like it held up pretty good. He’s got those big legs — different than a lot of receivers. He’s got like running back legs. But he was smooth. Good hands… catches it easy.”

Although Mahomes spread the ball around, two of his first three completions went to Moore, an indication that the electric rookie has the potential to become Patrick’s go-to guy in Kansas City.

Skyy Moore impresses Andy Reid, Patrick Mahomes in training camp

Tyreek Hill got the nickname “Cheetah” for good reason, so it’s worth observing how Hill and Moore match up with NFL Combine and Pro Day stats. As a reminder, Tyreek Hill was not invited to the NFL Combine in 2016 and was drafted in the fifth round.

Hill bested Moore in several categories, including the 40 yard dash (4.29 seconds to 4.41 seconds), vertical leap (40.5 inches to 34.5 inches), and the 20-yard shuttle (4.06 seconds to 4.32 seconds). But the difference is slight, and if the NFL Combine’s pre-assessment of Hill proves anything, it’s that these metrics are not always accurate in determining a player’s actual worth. Yes, Hill was and is incredibly fast, but he was only .12 faster than Moore in the 40-yard dash. Hill’s chemistry with Mahomes was key, as was his explosiveness that left defensive backs in his dust.

Moore may not have the same stats, but he’s already getting looks and is securing catches, which is critical. Per NFL analyst Lance Zierlein, Moore has the profile of a slot receiver rather than a deep threat, as Moore has “just average separation potential.” Even if he hasn’t sprinted to get the kind of separation Hill has gotten, Moore is “courageous working into the teeth of the defense and tenacious to come up with contested catches from anywhere on the field.” The same height as Hill at 5’10”, Moore will employ the tools he has at his disposal, such as his renowned tenacity.

Tyreek Hill and Skyy Moore are different, but similar in a key way: Moore is looking to become the down-field security that Mahomes enjoyed with Hill for so many years.

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