On a mission to cut Papua New Guinea’s high levels of sexual violence — Global Issues

On a mission to cut Papua New Guinea’s high levels of sexual violence — Global Issues

“Most of the survivors of gender-based violence that we see in the clinic are young adults,” says Primrose, Youth Coordinator for the Family Health Association (FHA) in East New Britain province. She has just stepped off stage after delivering a presentation to senior students of Kokopo Secondary School as part…

Reports reveal women are stepping up, impact on education — Global Issues

Reports reveal women are stepping up, impact on education — Global Issues

The study by UN Women and the international humanitarian organization CARE, is based on surveys and interviews with people in 19 regions in Ukraine, conducted between 2 and 6 April.  After more than two months of war in #Ukraine, women & minorities are facing immense hardship when it comes to…

Breaking Taboos around Menstruation and Leaving No Girl Behind — Global Issues

Breaking Taboos around Menstruation and Leaving No Girl Behind — Global Issues

Hadiza celebrates receiving her Menstrual Hygiene Management Kit. The 14-year-old is a member of a Girls’ Club at Dar es Salam camp. The kits remove a barrier to schooling in Chad – where children already face significant difficulties in accessing education. The JRS – ACRA – CELIAF project is funded…

UN signs framework to assist survivors of sexual violence — Global Issues

UN signs framework to assist survivors of sexual violence — Global Issues

Pramila Patten, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative working to end rape in war, was speaking at a press conference in the capital, Kyiv.  Wartime rape can no longer be dismissed as an “inevitable byproduct of war”. It must be recognized by all parties as a crime that can be prevented and…