A catering programme with baked-in prospects for vulnerable Liberian girls — Global Issues

A catering programme with baked-in prospects for vulnerable Liberian girls — Global Issues

“My name is Agnes Kenderman. I am 19 years old and I live in New Kru Town, Monteserrado County, with my mother and my son. My community selected me for the training programme.  My mother is in poor health, and my father died a long time ago, during the civil…

COVID and Discrimination Aggravated Maternal Mortality in Latin America — Global Issues

COVID and Discrimination Aggravated Maternal Mortality in Latin America — Global Issues

Adequate maternal care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period is essential to curbing the high maternal mortality rates in Latin America, which stopped falling due to women’s health care problems during the COVID pandemic. CREDIT: Government of Tigre / Argentina by Mario Osava (rio de janeiro) Saturday, May 28, 2022…

Apology for sterilizing HIV-positive women in moment of ‘reproductive justice’ — Global Issues

Apology for sterilizing HIV-positive women in moment of ‘reproductive justice’ — Global Issues

“This settlement is a significant moment for women around the world who have been fighting for reproductive justice for decades,” said UNAIDS chief Winnie Byanyima. President Gabriel Boric Font issued the apology as part of a settlement resulting from a case brought before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)…

Poll shows women would rather ‘suffer’ than tell their boss about periods

Poll shows women would rather ‘suffer’ than tell their boss about periods

Women would rather suffer in silence at work than admit they are struggling with a health condition, new research has revealed. Around six in 10 women say they wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing topics such as menstrual cramps, smear tests, breast examinations or menopause with a manager. The poll of 2,000 adults who are…

Zimbabwean peacekeeper wins UN gender advocate award — Global Issues

Zimbabwean peacekeeper wins UN gender advocate award — Global Issues

Commending Military Observer Major Winnet Zharare, 39, as “a role model and a trailblazer”, Secretary-General António Guterres, will present her with the award on Thursday during a ceremony marking the International Day of UN Peacekeepers.  ‘Building trust, advocating for peace’ Throughout her 17 month assignment with the UN Mission in…

UN marks first ever international day spotlighting women working in the maritime industry — Global Issues

UN marks first ever international day spotlighting women working in the maritime industry — Global Issues

“Women account for just 20 per cent of the workforce in the maritime authorities of Member States and 29 percent…across subsectors in the maritime industry,” International Maritime Organization (IMO) chief Kitack Lim told the virtual Symposium on Training-Visibility-Recognition: Supporting a barrier-free working environment for Women in Maritime. Noting that these numbers…

Taliban orders women to stay home; cover up in public — Global Issues

Taliban orders women to stay home; cover up in public — Global Issues

According to information received by UNAMA, this is a formal directive rather than a recommendation, any violations of which will lead to the punishment of male relatives. UNAMA is deeply concerned with today’s announcement by the Taliban that all women must cover their faces in public, should only leave their…