Metaverse Multiplex: Airtel Launches 20-Screen Platform in Virtual World Named ‘Partynite’

Bharti Airtel has become the first Indian telco major to have forayed into the metaverse world. The network provider has announced a 20-screen multiplex in a metaverse called ‘Partynite’. The name of this virtual theatre has been decided to be called ‘Xstream’ and it will have content portfolios from various over-the-top (OTT) channels. The service will be available for free trial where first episode of an OTT original or some parts of regional language films may be shown.

The launch of this service is intended to forward the Web3 adoption. A monthly subscription to Xstream will cost people Rs. 149.

“Through the metaverse, we are looking to tap into a larger audience, giving content enthusiasts an opportunity to sample Airtel’s Xstream Premium offering and, thus, aiding in driving higher adoption,” Shashwat Sharma, director of marketing at Airtel said in a statement.

A video has been uploaded on YouTube by Airtel, giving a glimpse into the virtual multiplex.

Digital avatars of people can be seen walking and shopping in the cinema complex.

Just like physical movie theatre set-ups, this metaverse multiplex is also lit in yellow lights, with floors lined with red carpets.

##India’s first multiplex in metaverse – Airtel Xstream Premium

Essence, Airtel’s integrated media agency of record, is responsible for creating the Xstream. On the other hand, the Partynite metaverse is developed by Hyderabad-based Gamitronics.

“This multiplex experience is one of the most scalable use case scenarios for the metaverse. Future opportunities here include movies, music, live events and premium sports streaming. It will also allow social engagement,” said Rajat Ojha, Founder of Partynite (Gamitronics).

The metaverse can be defined as a fully functional virtual world where people can exist, work, and socialise as avatars.

In January, investment bank giant Goldman Sachs had reportedly called the metaverse an $8 trillion (roughly Rs. 6,12,66,800 crore) opportunity.

The industry is garnering pace in India as well.

Earlier this month, automaker MG Motor said it has launched a Metaverse platform MGverse to provide an immersive experience to its customers and stakeholders through multiple arenas.

Former Twitter India head Manish Maheshwari is also working on bringing a metaverse university for students in India and other nations.

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Opera’s Web3-Focussed Crypto Browser Now Supports BNB Chain to Enable Asset Trading, dApps

Opera web browser has added support for the BNB blockchain on its ‘crypto-friendly’ platform. The integration will allow Opera users to buy and sell the Binance token and store their assets in its in-built crypto wallet. The integration will also open access to decentralised apps (dApps) such as PancakeSwap, 1inch, and BiSwap among others. As per Opera, this partnership with Binance blockchain will escalate the Web3 adoption among more people. The web browser team has also released an official update on the Opera blog.

Opera boasts 350 million monthly active users globally, making this a partnership that has the potential to take Web3 adoption to the next level,” the blog post said. “Onboarding to crypto and interacting with dApps, gaming, cryptocurrency, and metaverse platforms on Opera’s browser is customised for new adopters and experienced Web3 users alike.”

Web3 is the next leg of Internet as we know today. Largely based on the blockchain network, Web3 will support 3D experiences such as the metaverse and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) among others.

The Norwegian platform, last month, released the beta version of its Web3 browser for iOS devices. It first announced its crypto browser in January.

In March, Opera announced its plans of incorporating more blockchain networks in its in-built crypto wallet. These include Solana, Polygon, StarkEx, Ronin, Celo, Nervos DAO, IXO, and Bitcoin.

Presently, Ether is already supported by the crypto-focused browser’s crypto wallet.

“Opera continues to streamline mainstream access to Web3 and beyond. With the Opera Crypto Browser, existing users of BNB Chain dApps and token holders alike can now join the hundreds of millions of Windows, Android, and Mac users worldwide in having unique Web3 access functionality at their fingertips,” the platform noted.

Opera’s crypto browser also displays a special ‘crypto corner’ that shows related information on the home page including crypto updates, crypto asset price reporting, crypto events as well as token airdrops.

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Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Claims He’s More Interested in Web 3 Than Crypto

Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, has recently disclosed his views on the emerging blockchain industry, expressing that what fascinates him the most is not cryptocurrencies but the future of Web 3. Schmidt who’s also served as chairman for Google noted that “tokenomics” is a notion that piques his interest in Web 3. However, he did disclose that he has invested a “little bit” of money in digital assets too. Schmidt goes on to state that if he were in a position to start his career as a software engineer today, he would focus on AI algorithms or Web 3.

“A new model [of the internet] where you as an individual [can] control your identity, and where you don’t have a centralised manager, is very powerful. It’s very seductive and it’s very decentralised,” Schmidt tells CNBC in an interview. “I remember that feeling when I was 25 that decentralised would be everything,” he added.

He further pointed out that Web 3 would birth new models of content ownership and ways to compensate people for their creation. Schmidt added that, “[Web 3′s] economics are interesting. The platforms are interesting, and the use patterns are interesting,” Schmidt says. “[It] doesn’t work yet, but it will.”

Moving to the topic of crypto, Schmidt admits that he admires cryptocurrencies, but added that most blockchain networks spend a lot of time ensuring no one attacks them. According to the former Google exec, the move is incredibly wasteful. Despite admitting that he holds some cryptocurrencies, Schmidt didn’t name the specific coins he has invested in.

Though his time as Google CEO was over a decade ago — 2001 to 2011, to be precise, Schmidt still served as the internet giant’s executive chairman until 2017, and its technical advisor until 2020. Since leaving the company, he’s spent most of his time funding research in artificial intelligence, biology, and energy. However, on the cryptocurrency front, he also became a strategic advisor for Chainlink labs in December.

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