Will Israel face consequences over its seizure of the Rafah Crossing? | Israel War on Gaza

Israeli army kills more Palestians in Gaza after takeover of crossing on vital route for aid deliveries.

Israel’s seizure of the Rafah crossing worsens an already dire situation for the 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza.

Why has Israel defied the US and taken over the crossing?

And what could the consequences be for all sides?


Tom McRae


Salman Sheikh – Founder of peacebuilding organisation The Sheikh Group

Nour Odeh – Political analyst and public diplomacy specialist

H A Hellyer – Senior associate fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Royal United Services Institute in London

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What does Russian president’s fifth term mean for the world? | Russia-Ukraine war

Vladimir Putin is firmly in power at home while facing a West hostile over Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has been installed for a fifth term with his hold on power in Russia firmer than ever.

But the war in Ukraine has led to the country having its worst relations with the West since the Cold War.

So what would six more years of Putin mean for Russia – and the world?


Tom McRae


Andrey Baklanov – Deputy chairman of the Association of Russian Diplomats.

Philip Short – Biographer of Vladimir Putin and a former foreign correspondent

Christopher Weafer – CEO of Macro-Advisory, a strategic consulting company.

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Why did voters desert the UK Conservatives in local elections? | Elections

Support for the Conservative Party has collapsed in local elections in England.

After a landslide win in the last general election, support for the United Kingdom’s governing Conservative Party has collapsed in local elections in England.

The opposition Labour Party made gains across the country, although it appeared to pay an electoral price due to its stance on Israel’s war on Gaza in some areas.

So, how significant are these election results?

Presenter: Neave Barker


Chris Wilkins – Former director of strategy for UK Prime Minister Theresa May

Peter Geoghegan – Journalist, broadcaster and author of the book Democracy For Sale

Alistair Jones – Associate professor of politics at De Montfort University

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Where is the pro-Palestine student protest movement heading? | Israel War on Gaza

Why is the student-led movement for Palestine met with military-style crackdowns in the United States?

Students in the United States face detention, suspension and other punishments as they protest against Israel’s war on the Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere and demand that their universities divest from Israel.

US President Joe Biden has condemned the “antisemitic” protests, and student leaders at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill tell host Steve Clemons that the White House attempt to discredit their movement is backfiring.

MIT professor Michel DeGraff explains how the students are putting into practice everything they’ve learned about morality, justice and liberation. “They are creating a better future… a future of love and peace,” says DeGraff.

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Greek FM: No review of Israel defence deals amid war on Gaza | Israel War on Gaza

Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis discusses Greece’s close ties with Israel, peace efforts in the Middle East.

Greek Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis emphasises his country’s robust defence ties with Israel amid its war on Gaza. He asserts now is not the time to revisit their largest defence deal, including a $1.6bn contract for Greek air force training.

Gerapetritis highlights Greece’s peace efforts in the Middle East and stresses the importance of high defence spending due to geopolitical dynamics and Greece’s extensive Mediterranean coastline.

The Greek foreign minister, Giorgos Gerapetritis, talks to Al Jazeera.

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How effective is Turkey’s ban on trade with Israel? | Israel War on Gaza News

Turkey says the ban will stay in place until Israel agrees to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

For years, Israel and Turkey have been crucial trade partners.

It was a commercial relationship worth nearly seven billion dollar a year. But Israel’s war on Gaza changed all that.

The Turkish government has been demanding a halt to the violence that’s killed nearly 35,000 Palestinians in seven months

And the Turkish president condemned Israel’s decision to block its aid meant for Gaza last month. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has now announced a total trade ban until Israel agrees to a ceasefire.

But has he acted under domestic pressure, after a setback in local elections was blamed partly on the country continuing to do business with Israel? And how will this affect the economies of both sides?

Presenter: Neave Barker


Vehbi Baysan – Political analyst and assistant professor at İbn Haldun University

Gideon Levy – Author and columnist at Haaretz

Vladimir Vano – Chief economist at international think tank, GLOBSEC

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Antiwar protests and limits on freedoms in the United States | TV Shows

Antiwar protests sweep across university campuses in the United States. The police response – the violence – has been shocking and so has some of the reporting from the US mainstream media.

Paula Chakravartty – Professor of media, New York University
Noura Erakat – Co-founding editor, Jadaliyya
Adel Iskandar – Professor of global communication, Simon Fraser University
Elijah Kahlenberg – Student activist, University of Texas at Austin

On our radar:

During two weeks of protests, journalism students at Columbia University have gone from journalists in training to journalists on the job. Producer Meenakshi Ravi reports on how student reporters have become the primary source of news on campuses.

Mehdi Hasan: US journalists ‘whip up hysteria, misrepresent facts on the ground’

Mehdi Hasan, founder and editor-in-chief of Zeteo, discusses how the media portrayal of campus protests against a “genocide” has somehow been even worse than the coverage of the “genocide” itself.


Mehdi Hasan

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What’s behind the US generational divide on Israel’s war on Gaza? | Israel War on Gaza News

Polls suggest an increasing number of young Americans are siding with Palestinians and growing critical of Israel.

Successive US administrations across the political divide have backed Israel since it was created in 1948.

But polls suggest that public support for Israel in the United States now appears to be waning, especially among young people.

A Pew Research study two years ago indicated that only 41 percent in the age group of 18 to 29 had a favourable view of Israel.

And many students from this generation are now protesting on university campuses against the war on Gaza, which has killed nearly 35,000 Palestinians.

So, is the anger among young Americans highlighting a generational divide in Washington’s policy towards Israel?

And what are the reasons reshaping public opinion?


Nick Clark


Clair Davenport – Student at Columbia Journalism School

Julie Norman – Deputy director at UCL Centre on US Politics

Keir Milburn – Author of Generation Left, a book examining generational differences

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Would Julian Assange’s extradition threaten press freedoms worldwide? | Julian Assange

Whistleblower lawyer on Assange extradition: ‘It would affect publishers, journalists, bloggers, anyone – me and you.’

As the world commemorates Press Freedom Day, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange remains detained in a high-security prison in the United Kingdom while the United States fights for his extradition.

Assange faces 17 Espionage Act charges and a charge of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for publishing about 400,000 classified US military documents exposing potential US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So what would Assange’s prosecution mean for press freedom?

This week on UpFront, Marc Lamont Hill talks to lawyer and director of the Whistleblower and Source Protection Program at ExposeFacts, Jesselyn Radack.

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Journalists ‘have zero protection’: Hind Khoudary on reporting from Gaza | Israel War on Gaza

Marc Lamont Hill talks to Al Jazeera journalist Hind Khoudary on World Press Freedom Day about reporting from Gaza.

As the world marks Press Freedom Day, we turn to Gaza and the mounting toll of journalist deaths since October 7th. More than 100 media workers have been killed in the last seven months, as Israel continues its deadly war on Gaza.

So how are journalists in Gaza continuing their reporting? And are journalists in the West doing enough to shine a light on the plight of their Palestinian colleagues?

This week on UpFront, Marc Lamont Hill speaks to Hind Khoudary, an Al Jazeera journalist who has been reporting from the ground since day one.

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