Top woman prison officer with UN Mission in CAR, wins first ever Trailblazer Award — Global Issues

Top woman prison officer with UN Mission in CAR, wins first ever Trailblazer Award — Global Issues

Téné Maïmouna Zoungrana, of Burkina Faso, serves with the UN Mission in CAR, MINUSCA. She received the United Nations Trailblazer Award for Women Justice and Corrections Officers at a special ceremony, at UN Headquarters in New York. The Chef de Cabinet of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General, Courtenay Rattray,…

Reports of sexual violence in Ukraine rising fast, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Reports of sexual violence in Ukraine rising fast, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Pramila Patten, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict, recalled her recent visit to Ukraine and outlined the elements of a recently signed Framework of Cooperation on the Prevention and Response to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, which seeks to strengthen accountability and combat those abhorrent crimes. “Too often have the…

UN condemns second ‘cowardly’ attack in three days against peacekeepers — Global Issues

UN condemns second ‘cowardly’ attack in three days against peacekeepers — Global Issues

The blue helmets were killed, and another injured, when their Armoured Personnel Carrier hit an improvised explosive device outside the town of Douentza, located in the Mopti region in central Mali.  In what is yet again another cowardly attack against our peacekeepers, 2 brave Blue helmets from Egypt lost their…

Security Council debates tightening laws to deter crimes against humanity — Global Issues

Security Council debates tightening laws to deter crimes against humanity — Global Issues

Ambassadors were briefed by the President of the UN’s highest court, the UN human rights chief, and an Oxford University law professor, who advocated for the adoption of a convention on the prevention and punishment of crimes against humanity.  A draft developed by the International Law Commission, a UN expert…

Deadly convoy attack ‘tragic reminder’ of threats to peacekeepers — Global Issues

Deadly convoy attack ‘tragic reminder’ of threats to peacekeepers — Global Issues

For roughly an hour, the convoy came under direct fire from suspected members of a terrorist group using small arms and rocket launchers.  Four Jordanian peacekeepers serving with the UN Mission in Mali, MINUSMA, were injured in the attack, one of whom died from his injuries after being evacuated.  Under…

Security Council urged to support efforts to end M23 insurgency in DR Congo — Global Issues

Security Council urged to support efforts to end M23 insurgency in DR Congo — Global Issues

“It is imperative that this Council lend its full weight to ongoing regional efforts to defuse the situation and bring an end to the M23 insurgency, once and for all,” said Martha Pobee, an Assistant Secretary-General for the UN’s political affairs and peace operations, covering Africa.  Call to disarm  Civilians are…

Supporting victims of sexual abuse in the Democratic Republic of the Congo — Global Issues

Supporting victims of sexual abuse in the Democratic Republic of the Congo — Global Issues

The eastern DRC has experienced conflict and instability over many years and many people have been forced to flee their homes making them more vulnerable to exploitation. Delu Lusambia is the project manager and coordinator of SYAM, (which stands for Siku ya Mazingira in Kiswahili), a local civil society organization…

Breaking prison barriers in Central African Republic — Global Issues

Breaking prison barriers in Central African Republic — Global Issues

Talking to UN News ahead of the International Day of Peacekeepers, which is marked annually on 29 May, she explains how she continues to break down gender barriers. “I’m the Coordinator of the Security Teams at the Ngaragba Central Prison in Bangui, the capital of Central African Republic (CAR). This…

5 ways UN Peacekeeping partnerships drive peace and development — Global Issues

5 ways UN Peacekeeping partnerships drive peace and development — Global Issues

From protecting civilians in war-torn areas and building social cohesion, to ensuring the safe delivery of humanitarian aid, rebuilding infrastructure, and providing livelihood skills to impoverished communities – peacekeepers work with local and international partners to help create conditions for political solutions and sustainable development. Ahead of the International Day…