Yemen truce holding, but full measures still not in place — Global Issues

Yemen truce holding, but full measures still not in place — Global Issues

Ambassadors were briefed by two top UN officials who provided an update on the impact of the agreement between the Government and Houthi rebels, which was recently renewed for an additional two months, while also outlining the challenges that remain.  Grundberg outlines to #UNSC plans including working with the parties…

Cycle of ‘human rights violations and abuses’ continues, warns Bachelet — Global Issues

Cycle of ‘human rights violations and abuses’ continues, warns Bachelet — Global Issues

“What we are witnessing today is the systematic and widespread use of tactics against civilians, in respect of which there are reasonable grounds to believe the commission of crimes against humanity and war crimes”, High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet told the Human Rights Council. ‘Dire situation’ Since last year’s coup, at…

Myanmar’s multidimensional crises have ‘deepened and expanded dramatically’ — Global Issues

Myanmar’s multidimensional crises have ‘deepened and expanded dramatically’ — Global Issues

Noeleen Heyzer said that since she took up the job six months ago, Myanmar has “continued to descend into profound and widespread conflict”. Already one of the world’s largest refugee emergencies, she reminded that multidimensional crises there have left over one million internally displaced people (IDPs) across the country with “serious…

Support ‘deep aspiration’ for reform, top envoy urges Security Council — Global Issues

Support ‘deep aspiration’ for reform, top envoy urges Security Council — Global Issues

El-Ghassim Wane, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Mali, urged ambassadors to support the renewal of the mandate of the UN Mission there, MINUSMA, which he heads.  Although the West African country continues to face political, security and humanitarian challenges, “they are far from being insurmountable,” he said.  Deep aspirations …

UN calls on militants in eastern DR Congo to ‘immediately cease’ civilian attacks — Global Issues

UN calls on militants in eastern DR Congo to ‘immediately cease’ civilian attacks — Global Issues

Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said the UN was “concerned over the deteriorating security situation…and the increase of attacks against civilians by the Cooperative for Development of the Congo (CODECO) and the M23 as well as the on-going presence of other foreign armed groups, including the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), Red Tabara and the…

Forge prosperous, democratic, equitable societies, Guterres tells Americas summit — Global Issues

Forge prosperous, democratic, equitable societies, Guterres tells Americas summit — Global Issues

The UN chief was speaking at this year’s Summit of the Americas, convened by United States President Joseph Biden in Los Angeles, California.  Today, it is more important than ever to bring the countries of the Americas closer together, and help deliver the prosperous, democratic and equitable societies that people…

‘Great progress’ being made bringing Da’esh/ISIL terrorists to justice, Security Council hears — Global Issues

‘Great progress’ being made bringing Da’esh/ISIL terrorists to justice, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Christian Ritscher, who also heads the Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL (UNITAD), upheld that those responsible must be identified, tried, and convicted “at the national and international level.” “Only by prosecuting and referring to such barbaric acts as war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide,…

Act now to end food, energy and finance crisis, Guterres urges world leaders — Global Issues

Act now to end food, energy and finance crisis, Guterres urges world leaders — Global Issues

An estimated 1.6 billion people in 94 countries are exposed to at least one dimension of the crisis, with around 1.2 billion living in “perfect-storm” countries severely vulnerable to all three dimensions, the policy brief by the Global Crisis Response Group (GCRG) has revealed.  The impact of the war in…

WFP teams up with Uber, in boost for pinpoint aid deliveries — Global Issues

WFP teams up with Uber, in boost for pinpoint aid deliveries — Global Issues

With conventional aid trucks or other large vehicles unable to access some of those in need in built up areas, the ridesharing and delivery app has developed a new custom-built version of its online platform, “which allows WFP to better coordinate, dispatch and track a fleet of smaller vehicles delivering relief items from…