Coral reefs around the world experiencing mass bleaching, scientists say | Climate News

Along coastlines from Australia to Kenya to Mexico, many of the world’s colourful coral reefs have turned a ghostly white in what scientists say has amounted to the fourth global bleaching event in the last three decades.

At least 54 countries and territories have experienced mass bleaching along their reefs since February 2023 as climate change warms the ocean’s surface waters, the US National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Coral Reef Watch, the world’s top coral reef monitoring body, said on Monday.

“From February 2023 to April 2024, significant coral bleaching has been documented in both the northern and southern hemispheres of each major ocean basin,” Derek Manzello, coordinator of Coral Reef Watch, told journalists.

Corals are invertebrates that live in colonies. Their calcium carbonate secretions form hard and protective scaffolding that serves as a home to many colorful species of single-celled algae.

Coral bleaching is triggered by water temperature anomalies that cause corals to expel the colourful algae living in their tissues. Without the algae’s help in delivering nutrients to the coral, the corals cannot survive.

“More than 54 percent of the reef areas in the global ocean are experiencing bleaching-level heat stress,” Manzello said.

Coral reefs bleach in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef as scientists conduct in-water monitoring during marine heat in Moore Reef [Grace Frank/Australian Institute of Marine Science/Handout via Reuters]

Like this year’s bleaching event, the last three – in 1998, 2010 and 2014-2017 – also coincided with an El Nino climate pattern, which typically ushers in warmer sea temperatures.

Sea surface temperatures over the past year have smashed records that have been kept since 1979, as the effects of El Nino are compounded by climate change.

In turn, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, the largest coral reef system in the world and the only one visible from space, has been severely impacted, as have wide swathes of the South Pacific, the Red Sea and the Gulf.

“We know the biggest threat to coral reefs worldwide is climate change. The Great Barrier Reef is no exception,” Australia’s Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said last month.

Caribbean reefs experienced widespread bleaching last August as coastal sea surface temperatures hovered around 1-3 degrees Celsius (1.8-5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) above normal.

Scientists working in the region then began documenting mass die-offs across the region. From the staghorns to brain corals, “everything that you can see while diving was white in some reefs”, marine ecologist Lorenzo Alvarez-Filip from the National Autonomous University of Mexico told Reuters.

“I have never witnessed this level of bleaching.”

At the end of the southern hemisphere summer in March, tropical reefs in the Pacific and Indian Oceans also began to suffer.

A colony of Diploria labyrinthiformis exhibits tissue loss due to disease near the University of the Virgin Islands campus in St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands [File: Lucas Jackson/Reuters]

Scientists have warned that many of the world’s reefs may not recover from the intense, prolonged heat stress.

“What is happening is new for us, and to science,” said Alvarez-Filip.

“We cannot yet predict how severely stressed corals will do,” even if they survive immediate heat stress, he added.

Recurring bleaching events are also upending earlier scientific models that forecast that between 70 percent and 90 percent of the world’s coral reefs could be lost when global warming reached 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 F) above pre-industrial temperatures. To date, the world has warmed by some 1.2 C (2.2 F).

In a 2022 report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, experts determined that just 1.2 C (2.2 F) of warming would be enough to severely impact coral reefs, “with most available evidence suggesting that coral-dominated ecosystems will be non-existent at this temperature”.

Divers swim above a bed of dead corals off Malaysia’s Tioman island in the South China Sea [File: David Loh/Reuters]

This year’s global bleaching event adds further weight to concerns among scientists that corals are in grave danger.

“A realistic interpretation is that we have crossed the tipping point for coral reefs,” ecologist David Obura, who heads Coastal Oceans Research and Development Indian Ocean East Africa from Mombasa, Kenya, told Reuters.

“They’re going into a decline that we cannot stop, unless we really stop carbon dioxide emissions” that are driving climate change, Obura said.

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Eleven dead, thousands affected as Cyclone Gamane batters Madagascar | Weather News

Houses washed away and roads destroyed after cyclone hits north of the Indian Ocean island.

At least 11 people have been killed and hundreds of homes destroyed as Cyclone Gamane smashed into northern Madagascar, according to officials.

The storm was projected to skim the Indian Ocean island, but changed course and hit the island’s Vohemar district in the early hours of Wednesday.

Video images showed torrents of water rushing through villages and people making human chains in waist-deep water while trying to help those trapped in their houses escape the deluge. Numerous routes and bridges were flooded and cut off.

Six people drowned and five others were killed by collapsing houses or falling trees, with some 7,000 people affected overall.

“It’s rare to have a cyclone like this. Its movement is nearly stationary,” General Elack Andriakaja, director general of the BNGRC national disaster management office, said in a statement.

“When the system stops in one place, it devastates all the infrastructure. And that has serious consequences for the population. And significant flooding”, he said.

The full extent of the damage is still unclear, because many villages in the region were cut off from the rest of the country, making access difficult for rescue teams.

The cyclone moved across the island with an average wind speed of 150km/h (93mph) and heavy rainfall. In some places, winds of 210km/h (130mph) were measured.

Gamane has been reclassified as a tropical storm and was expected to leave the island on Friday afternoon, according to meteorologists.

Located off the coast of southeastern Africa, Madagascar is regularly affected by severe weather. A year ago, tropical Cyclone Freddy devastated the country as well as the neighbouring mainland countries of Mozambique and Malawi. More than 500 people lost their lives.

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Madagascar president re-elected as opposition denounces irregularities | Elections News

Andry Rajoelina has secured a third term in an election marred by a low turnout and an opposition boycott.

Madagascar‘s President Andry Rajoelina has effectively secured a third term after the electoral body (CENI) said he had obtained the most votes in an election marked by low turnout and an opposition boycott.

Provisional results announced on Saturday by CENI at the end of tallying showed Rajoelina garnered 58.9 percent of the vote followed by Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko, a lawmaker, who got 14.4 percent. The country’s High Constitutional Court is mandated to announce final results within nine days after the poll body declares provisional results.

“The Malagasy people have chosen the path of continuity, serenity and stability,” Rajoelina, a 49-year-old entrepreneur and former DJ, said after the results were announced.

“I thank the Malagasy people who now refuse to choose the wrong path, who no longer accept to take the path of unrest. Democracy is exercised through elections and not in the streets or through unrest.”

But Randrianasoloniaiko told the AFP news agency on Saturday he had appealed to the country’s apex court to demand the cancellation of the vote result.

“I filed two requests to request the cancellation of the vote and the disqualification of Andry Rajoelina,” Randrianasoloniaiko told the agency, denouncing electoral fraud.

Opposition candidates had declared on Friday they would not accept the results.

“We cannot legitimise the results that will come out,” said Hajo Andrianainarivelo, who was among 10 of the 13 candidates initially cleared to run who told voters to boycott the poll.

He said the poll had been tainted by irregularities including intimidation of polling officials and use of public resources by the governing party, which has denied the claims.

‘Unfair’ conditions

The majority of the opposition, aligned in the so-called Collectif des 10  – a group of 10 candidates – boycotted the election. The group has led street protests in the capital Antananarivo almost every day in recent weeks, several of which were dispersed with tear gas and police arrested many participants and bystanders.

The United Nations human rights office said that Malagasy security forces had used “unnecessary and disproportionate force” against peaceful protesters.

Opposition supporters claimed Rajoelina should not have run because he acquired French nationality in 2014 – which they say automatically revokes his Malagasy one – and had created unfair election conditions.

Collectif des 10 later asked the poll body to postpone the election saying the state needed to first appoint independent officials on the electoral body. When CENI refused, they decided to ask voters to boycott the poll.

Subsequently, only three candidates campaigned. Roughly 46.4 percent of voters cast their ballots, according to CENI, with the opposition describing it as the lowest turnout in the country’s history.

Rajoelina first rose to power in the Indian Ocean island nation in a 2009 coup. He then stepped down after almost five years as leader of a transitional authority and then became president again after winning a 2018 election.

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