Over Two Decades of Impunity for Environmental and Health Disaster in Peruvian Village — Global Issues

Over Two Decades of Impunity for Environmental and Health Disaster in Peruvian Village — Global Issues

Juana Martínez takes part in an October 2021 protest in Lima organized by the platform of people affected by heavy metals in front of Congress, holding a sign that reads: “Cajamarca. Mercury Never Again”. She was 29 years old when the mercury spill occurred in her town, Choropampa, in Peru’s…

Employee-run Companies, Part of the Landscape of an Argentina in Crisis — Global Issues

Employee-run Companies, Part of the Landscape of an Argentina in Crisis — Global Issues

A group of Farmacoop workers stand in the courtyard of their plant in Buenos Aires. Members of the Argentine cooperative proudly say that theirs is the first laboratory in the world to be recovered by its workers. CREDIT: Courtesy of Pedro Pérez/Tiempo Argentino. by Daniel Gutman (buenos aires) Tuesday, May 24,…

Cuban Farmers Fight Land Degradation with Sustainable Management — Global Issues

Cuban Farmers Fight Land Degradation with Sustainable Management — Global Issues

Farmer José Antonio Sosa, known as Ché, stresses the importance of taking into account the direction of the land for planting, and the use of live or dead barriers to prevent rains from washing away the topsoil to lower areas, thus combating soil degradation in Cuba. CREDIT: Jorge Luis Baños/IPS…

Caring for Water Where Mining Leads to Wealth and Tragedies in Brazil — Global Issues

Caring for Water Where Mining Leads to Wealth and Tragedies in Brazil — Global Issues

A mountainous landscape in the area of the headwaters of the Velhas River, where “barraginhas”, the Portuguese name for holes dug like lunar craters in the hills and slopes, prevent erosion by swallowing a large amount of soil that sediments the upper reaches of the river, in the southeastern Brazilian…

Floods Drive Urban Solutions in Brazilian Metropolis — Global Issues

Floods Drive Urban Solutions in Brazilian Metropolis — Global Issues

Pollution from urban sewage is visible in the Onça (jaguar, in Portuguese) River, near its mouth, seen here from the entrance bridge in the Ribeiro de Abreu neighborhood that suffers frequent flooding when it rains heavily in Belo Horizonte, capital of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, in southeastern Brazil….

Undocumented Migration Puts Pressure on New Chilean Government for Solutions — Global Issues

Undocumented Migration Puts Pressure on New Chilean Government for Solutions — Global Issues

Lacombe (right), from Haiti, and Ricaela, a Dominican who recently arrived in Chile, pose at the stall where they work for a Chilean entrepreneur at a popular outdoor Sunday market in Arrieta, in Peñalolén, in eastern Santiago. CREDIT: Orlando Milesi/IPS by Orlando Milesi (santiago) Monday, May 16, 2022 Inter Press Service…

One Hundred Years On, Argentine State Acknowledges Indigenous Massacre in Trial — Global Issues

One Hundred Years On, Argentine State Acknowledges Indigenous Massacre in Trial — Global Issues

During one of the hearings in Buenos Aires, the court trying a 1924 indigenous massacre in the Chaco heard the testimony of historian Nicolás Iñigo Carrera, from the University of Buenos Aires, who has been studying indigenous history in Argentina for decades. The expert witness described in detail the conditions…

Mining Destroys the Lives of Indigenous People in Venezuela — Global Issues

Mining Destroys the Lives of Indigenous People in Venezuela — Global Issues

Children and adolescents in a Yanomami community in Parima, on the southern border with Brazil, the area where four indigenous people were shot dead and others injured when they confronted military troops last March. CREDIT: Wataniba by Humberto Marquez (caracas) Thursday, May 12, 2022 Inter Press Service CARACAS, May 12 (IPS)…

Opacity Surrounds Fossil Fuels in Mexico — Global Issues

Opacity Surrounds Fossil Fuels in Mexico — Global Issues

Lack of disclosure of contracts, payments and socio-environmental impacts characterize Mexico’s coal industry. The picture shows workers at the Nueva Rosita coal mine in the northern state of Coahuila. CREDIT: Courtesy of Cristóbal Trejo by Emilio Godoy (mexico city) Monday, May 09, 2022 Inter Press Service MEXICO CITY, May 09 (IPS)…

The Sun Illuminates the Nights of Rural Families in El Salvador — Global Issues

The Sun Illuminates the Nights of Rural Families in El Salvador — Global Issues

Francisca Piecho stands with her daughter-in-law Johana Cruz and her grandson outside her home that now has electricity from solar energy, in the village of Cacho de Oro, Teotepeque municipality, in the southern department of La Libertad. Hers and other rural Salvadoran families have seen their lives improve with the…