Stream It or Skip It?

Disney+ brings the spectacle of The Hip Hop Nutcracker to homes across the globe via a brand new holiday special. The legendary Rev Run emcees the event, which remixes Tchaikovsky’s score and features performances from dancers ranging from Mikhail Baryshnikov to Jabbawockeez. But does the magic of the acclaimed live show translate from the stage to the screen, or should you wait for a production to come to your town?

The Gist: It’s the Nutcracker score along with some familiar faces (what’s a Nutcracker without a Mouse King?), but the BPM’s been amped up, the story’s been reframed, and the choreography is a tour of hip hop dance styles of the last 40 years. The plot: The only thing that Maria-Clara (Cache Melvin) wants for Christmas is for her mom (Allison Holker) and dad (Stephen Boss) to get back together. This wish just might come true thanks to the local toy shop owner/wizard Drosselmeyer (Comfort Fedoke), a vendor of nuts (Fik-Shun Stegall), and some midnight magic. But will the Mouse King (Jean Sok) put a stop to Maria-Clara’s plans? I mean, no, but The Nutcracker is about dance, not plot.

What Movies Will It Remind You Of?: Am I dating myself if I say Carmen: A Hip Hopera? Maybe it’s more accurate to call this Hamilton — but with an emphasis on dance over lyrics — with a Disney aesthetic (the colors are popping) and set at Christmas. But just to point out: The Hip Hop Nutcracker production predates Hamilton by a few years, even if Hamilton premiered on Disney+ first.

Photo: Disney+

Performance Worth Watching: Comfort Fedoke takes the stage as Drosselmeyer, wearing a red cape and braids with a gold eye accessory. It’s a lot of look — probably the most look of anyone in the cast. Fedoke lives up to the look, though, playing a vogueing wizard who’s captivatingly mysterious. Love to see hand performance on Disney+.

Memorable Dialogue: The majority of The Hip Hop Nutcracker is told through a handful of narrative sentences that appear on screen to guide the story along (although honestly the performers do as good of a job propelling the plot forward just through movement). That being said, Rev Run has a few verses to drop, including this line:

But just about the time love was sprouting up
This fool went and left to go sell some nuts

Did I mention that The Hip Hop Nutcracker is fun for the whole family?

Photo: Disney+

A Holiday Tradition: Well, that’s the problem Maria-Clara wants to solve. Her family no longer lights up the dance floor like they used to back in the day! Let’s get that tradition going again!

Two Turtle Doves: The Hip Hop Nutcracker seems to be the only adaptation of the quintessential Christmas ballet slated to be released this year. However, you could always pair this with 2020’s Dance Dreams: Hot Chocolate Nutcracker, the Netflix documentary that goes behind the scenes of the legendary Debbie Allen’s annual production.

Does the Title Make Any Sense?: Yes, there’s really no mistaking what you’re getting with this title.

Photo: Disney+

Our Take: Translating a stage production into a filmed one is a tough trick to pull off. If you’re not careful, it can look like a camera on a tripod at the back of the auditorium. You really don’t want that, and that’s especially not the vibe of The Hip Hop Nutcracker. Fortunately this production of the long-running stage show matches the kinetic energy of the dancing. You never forget you’re watching dancers execute their craft on a stage, but it also never feels like you’re stuck way out in the cheap seats.

This production lends itself well to a filmed format; the sets are impressive, like the recreated row of brownstones that serves as a backdrop for — I kid you not — the Mikhail Baryshnikov and Jabbawockeez number. The sets veer artfully towards expressionism for the more dreamlike sequences, and then there’s the blast of energy that is the combination nightclub / soda shoppe that subs in for the Land of Sweets.

Photo: Disney+

What’s great about The Hip Hop Nutcracker as presented by Disney+, though, is the way it beams in decades of hip hop dance history into the homes of millions. That’s particularly true of the Land of Sweets section, which highlights the moves and fashion of various decades since hip hop’s inception. It’s also remarkable how ballet, traditional ballet, is kept in the mix throughout. It exists right alongside breaking, voguing, turfing, popping, locking — all kinds of dances (including ones I definitely missed and many that I am sure I just mislabeled). I can imagine this being a favorite of any kid, tween, or teen who already loves to dance, and all the ones who will love to dance after watching this special.

And if you or your family want more, you’ll be glad to know that there’s a full-length presentation of the stage version of The Hip Hop Nutcracker available to stream for free online, courtesy of PBS.

Our Call: STREAM IT, and don’t be afraid to get up and join in with some robot moves of your own — especially if it will mortify your kids.

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