UK ruling on Assange extradition ‘resets the game’. What happens next? | Julian Assange News

UK ruling on Assange extradition ‘resets the game’. What happens next? | Julian Assange News

Legal experts are voicing hope and caution after London’s High Court ruling this week allowed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to appeal his extradition to the United States. “The judges have assessed that the issues raised by the Assange legal team had sufficient legal merit that they were suitable for determination…

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange wins bid to appeal extradition to US | Julian Assange News

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange wins bid to appeal extradition to US | Julian Assange News

Judges in the UK will hear WikiLeaks founder’s argument against being extradited to face trial in a US court. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been given permission to have a full appeal over his extradition to the United States after arguing at London’s High Court that he might not be…

‘Bring Julian home’: the Australian campaign to free Assange | Julian Assange News

‘Bring Julian home’: the Australian campaign to free Assange | Julian Assange News

Melbourne, Australia – At home in Australia, Julian Assange’s family and friends are preparing for his possible extradition to the United States, ahead of what could be his final hearing in the United Kingdom on Monday. Assange’s half-brother Gabriel Shipton, who spoke to Al Jazeera from Melbourne before flying to London,…

Would Julian Assange’s extradition threaten press freedoms worldwide? | Julian Assange

Would Julian Assange’s extradition threaten press freedoms worldwide? | Julian Assange

Whistleblower lawyer on Assange extradition: ‘It would affect publishers, journalists, bloggers, anyone – me and you.’ As the world commemorates Press Freedom Day, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange remains detained in a high-security prison in the United Kingdom while the United States fights for his extradition. Assange faces 17 Espionage Act…

Mexico to Iran, why are attacks on embassies so controversial? | Politics News

Mexico to Iran, why are attacks on embassies so controversial? | Politics News

EXPLAINER International law decrees that embassies are ‘inviolable’. Recent attacks on embassies have breached that understanding, prompting anger. Mexico and Ecuador are locked in a diplomatic spat after Ecuadorian police raided the Mexican embassy in Quito on Friday to arrest former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas. Glas had been seeking…

The trials of Julian Assange: A death sentence for democracy | Julian Assange

The trials of Julian Assange: A death sentence for democracy | Julian Assange

In June 2022, when Russia’s foreign ministry announced that it was considering “stringent measures” against United States media outlets in response to US restrictions on Russian media, the US Department of State huffily complained that the Kremlin was “engaged in a full assault on media freedom, access to information, and…

Who is Julian Assange and why does the United States want him so badly? | Julian Assange

Who is Julian Assange and why does the United States want him so badly? | Julian Assange

NewsFeed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been fighting for years against being sent to the United States – where he could be jailed for life if convicted on spying charges. Virginia Pietromarchi explains who the whistleblower is and why he’s wanted in the US. Published On 20 Feb 202420 Feb…

Who is Julian Assange? Will the WikiLeaks founder be extradited to the US? | Julian Assange News

Who is Julian Assange? Will the WikiLeaks founder be extradited to the US? | Julian Assange News

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is making a last-ditch attempt to prevent his extradition to the United States to face criminal charges over espionage and the publication of classified information. WikiLeaks caused a diplomatic storm after it published a huge cache of secret military files in 2010 and 2011. Washington wants…