the Rich Prevail Over the Poor — Global Issues

the Rich Prevail Over the Poor — Global Issues

by Thalif Deen (united nations) Monday, June 20, 2022 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Jun 20 (IPS) – The 164-member World Trade Organization (WTO) has implicitly rubber-stamped a widely-condemned policy of “vaccine apartheid” which has discriminated the world’s poorer nations, mostly in Africa and Asia, depriving them of any wide-ranging intellectual…

The Return of Misogynistic Gynophobes in Afghanistan — Global Issues

The Return of Misogynistic Gynophobes in Afghanistan — Global Issues

Afghan women. Credit: Shelly Kittleson/IPS by Sania Farooqui (new delhi, india) Friday, June 17, 2022 Inter Press Service NEW DELHI, India, Jun 17 (IPS) – Gynophobia is defined as an intense and irrational fear of women or hatred of women, it may be characterized as a form of specific phobias, which…

Sanctions on Russia already hitting remittance-dependent countries in Central Asia: IOM — Global Issues

Sanctions on Russia already hitting remittance-dependent countries in Central Asia: IOM — Global Issues

The countries of Central Asia retain their Soviet-era socio-economic and political ties with the Russian Federation.  Migration, and in particular remittances, is at the center of this intricate, historical relationship, say Hyo Jeong Jung, IOM Labour Migration Specialist based in Kyrgyzstan, and Michael Newson, Senior Regional Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion…

Sanctions on Russia already hitting remittance-dependent countries in Central Asia: IOM — Global Issues

Cycle of ‘human rights violations and abuses’ continues, warns Bachelet — Global Issues

“What we are witnessing today is the systematic and widespread use of tactics against civilians, in respect of which there are reasonable grounds to believe the commission of crimes against humanity and war crimes”, High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet told the Human Rights Council. ‘Dire situation’ Since last year’s coup, at…

Sanctions on Russia already hitting remittance-dependent countries in Central Asia: IOM — Global Issues

Myanmar’s multidimensional crises have ‘deepened and expanded dramatically’ — Global Issues

Noeleen Heyzer said that since she took up the job six months ago, Myanmar has “continued to descend into profound and widespread conflict”. Already one of the world’s largest refugee emergencies, she reminded that multidimensional crises there have left over one million internally displaced people (IDPs) across the country with “serious…

Sanctions on Russia already hitting remittance-dependent countries in Central Asia: IOM — Global Issues

UN human rights experts urge China to allow them ‘full access’ — Global Issues

“Strengthening engagement with independent human rights experts and Human Rights Council mechanisms is crucial to full and transparent enforcement of China’s human rights obligations,” the group of more than 40 experts said, ahead of the Council’s landmark 50th session, which begins on Monday.   Systemic violations  In a statement, they recalled…

Sanctions on Russia already hitting remittance-dependent countries in Central Asia: IOM — Global Issues

Death sentences ‘vile attempt at instilling fear’, rights experts charge — Global Issues

Special Rapporteurs Thomas Andrews and Morris Tidball-Binz, fear the development could signal the start of a spate of executions in a country which has not carried out capital punishment in more than 30 years.  Disregard for human rights  “The illegitimate military junta is providing the international community with further evidence…