Aries Weekly Horoscope – Aries Horoscope for the Week From the AstroTwins

WEEK OF April 17 – 2 3, 2023

Ready for blast-off, Aries? Thursday, April 20 (late night April 19 in other places) brings a monumental astrological event. The second in a super-rare pair of Aries new moons, which would be stop-the-press news in and of itself, arrives in the form of a total solar eclipse! But before you surge into the next 12-month cycle, pause and reflect on how much you’ve already accomplished (and perhaps have a vintage champagne toast to tout your achievements of the last six months). Celebration will lay a solid foundation for sustained growth—also for releasing whatever’s necessary for forward progress. Letting go of people and situations that no longer support your grand vision is just as important as calling in new ones. But first, get connected with your deepest desires and set some lofty intentions for the coming six months. Hand-write them in your journal, focusing on what you want to accomplish by the corresponding Aries FULL moon on September 29. If any of these intentions revolve around creative projects, don’t think you necessarily have to reinvent the wheel! Go through old notes or sketches: Some might still work for you and others could spark a whole new vision!

Shortly after Thursday’s eclipse, your birthday season comes to a grand finale as the Sun turns off the lights in Aries and trots into Taurus until May 21. It’s probably been a wild four weeks, but now with el Sol cranking up the power in your second house of finances and security, you may be secretly relieved to have an excuse to downshift a little. Innovative Mercury entered Taurus a bit ahead of the Sun, and before it turns retrograde (tomorrow!), you’ll be eager to get a jump-start on some of your creative ideas. But you might have to put a pin in it for the moment as Mercury retrograde can delay the best-laid plans. (More on that in a minute.) For now, your best bet might be vetting these ideas and deciding which are actually doable. Money is in the spotlight for the next four weeks, and a great use of this retrograde would be to review your earnings and spending habits and come up with some strategies for reaching your 2023 fiscal goals. The grounded Taurus Sun can inspire more conservative budgeting. Fun? Not so much. But you WILL appreciate a plumper nest egg in the not-so-distant future!

And yes, on Friday, Mercury begins its second retrograde of the year—through Taurus and your money zone until May 14. This cycle is great for THINKING about “objets de desir”—but for now, scratch that itch with a Pinterest board! As you know, Aries, the best things in life don’t have to break the bank, so get into nature and immerse yourself in whatever’s blooming. You don’t need to blow a bundle on a five-courser at an overpriced gastropub to enjoy a decadent meal—not when you’re perfectly capable of whipping up a feast with farm-fresh ingredients. As you become a master of your own finances, take pride in knowing that you’re also planting solid seeds for your future, and it’s never too early—or too late—for that.

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