See Who’s Not on Speaking Terms

‘Selling the OC’ Season 3: Alex Hall Admits What Really Happened With Tyler Stanaland After Filming

You can’t put a listing price on drama. 

And with almost too many feuds to count, season three of Selling the OC is priceless.

In fact, as season three of the Netflix reality series premieres, the cast was more than happy to rehash some of the drama that’s unfolded over the years, including the showdowns of Alex Hall vs. Kayla CardonaSean Palmieri vs. Austin Victoria and Alexandra Rose vs. Alexandra Jarvis. 

When it comes to where Alex and Kayla stand today, Kayla said that despite any progress they might have seemed to make onscreen, they’re back to where they started.

“I knew that her apology was not genuine,” she told E! News’ Francesca Amiker in an exclusive interview. “But I still gave her a chance and after filming was over and all that happened. She continued to talk negatively about me on social media and we are no longer on speaking terms. I already knew that all of that was completely fake and for the camera.”

For Alex, she pointed out that despite sharing “a really nice, genuine sincere moment in season three” with Kayla, she agreed with her costar in the sense that things seemed to shift off camera. 

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