Genshin Impact Developer Is Considering How to Make Limited-Time Events Replayable in the Future

Genshin Impact Developer Is Considering How to Make Limited-Time Events Replayable in the Future

Among the absolutely massive amount of explorable world and evergreen story content in Genshin Impact, one of the ways the open-world adventure keeps folks busy over time is through limited-time events that often cannot be accessed later if they are missed. But developer MiHoYo may be looking for a way for players to reexperience them after all.

While some events have come back around, such as Windtrace and Lost Riches, others with character development involved are either seemingly gone for good, or if they return, have story content changed between iterations to account for how the story has evolved since.

But in an interview with IGN, a MiHoYo spokesperson acknowledged the community’s sadness at missing story events for characters like Albedo and Childe, as well as the desire for at least some sort of story recap option to catch up on critical information players may have missed without having to dive into a wiki.

With limited-time seasonal events, we want to show players how the world of Teyvat and each character have changed over time outside of the main storyline. Therefore, even if events return, such as the Golden Apple Archipelago in Version 2.8, there will be changes to the characters, stories, and gameplay of relevance. However, we are considering the issues you mentioned and may have new ideas in the future with the advancement of our technology and productivity.

MiHoYo has been working hard on pushing its technological advancements in several other areas, too, such as upcoming improved support for PS5 players using DualSense controllers. And MiHoYo confirmed that the announced Switch version is still in development, though it couldn’t give further details. It’s likely we’ll see how the studio handles its various limited-time events shift over the years, especially as it pushes further into its ten-year roadmap, introduces more characters and continents, and gets increasingly far removed from its earliest story moments.

We also spoke to miHoYo about why the Dendro element took so long to add to the game. And for more, you can take a look at several upcoming new characters for 3.1 as well as our review of Genshin at launch.

Rebekah Valentine is a news reporter for IGN. You can find her on Twitter @duckvalentine.

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