Climate change threatening access to water and sanitation — Global Issues

Climate change threatening access to water and sanitation — Global Issues

“Climate change is already posing serious challenges to water and sanitation systems in countries around the world,” said Thomas Croll-Knight, spokesperson for the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Rising risks According to UNECE and the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), despite being a priority aligned with…

By Deliberately Ignoring Risk, the World Is Bankrolling Its Own Destruction — Global Issues

By Deliberately Ignoring Risk, the World Is Bankrolling Its Own Destruction — Global Issues

“The good news is that human decisions are the largest contributors to disaster risk, so we have the power to substantially reduce the threats posed to humanity, and especially the most vulnerable among us” Credit: Jorge Luis Baños/IPS by Baher Kamal (madrid) Friday, May 20, 2022 Inter Press Service MADRID, May…

18 million in Africa’s Sahel on ‘the brink of starvation’ — Global Issues

18 million in Africa’s Sahel on ‘the brink of starvation’ — Global Issues

Food insecurity is set to reach its highest level since 2014, warned the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Lean season in the #Sahel is approaching. Millions of people are being driven to the fringes of survival. In Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Niger, the situation has…

What India Needs To Do To Achieve Net-Zero Status by 2070 — Global Issues

What India Needs To Do To Achieve Net-Zero Status by 2070 — Global Issues

As India grows and develops, its economic production and energy consumption will increase. | Picture courtesy: Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Opinion by R R Rashmi (new delhi) Friday, May 20, 2022 Inter Press Service NEW DELHI, May 20 (IPS) – The recent IPCC report that came out in the month of March…

Global action needed to streamline pandemic travel measures — Global Issues

Global action needed to streamline pandemic travel measures — Global Issues

António Vitorino, Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and Andrew Selee, President of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), called for charting a course that balances health security with predictable cross-border movement.  Inaction will not only affect future migration but also equitable pandemic recovery, they warned.  Call for…

What the Russian Invasion Means for Syria — Global Issues

What the Russian Invasion Means for Syria — Global Issues

Two boys collect fresh bread for their families at a bakery rehabilitated by WFP in Aleppo. Credit: WFP/Jessica Lawson. May 2022. Opinion by Sinan Hatahet (istanbul) Friday, May 20, 2022 Inter Press Service ISTANBUL, May 20 (IPS) – Moscow’s decision to intervene militarily in Syria in 2015 effectively preserved the Assad…

Caring for Water Where Mining Leads to Wealth and Tragedies in Brazil — Global Issues

Caring for Water Where Mining Leads to Wealth and Tragedies in Brazil — Global Issues

A mountainous landscape in the area of the headwaters of the Velhas River, where “barraginhas”, the Portuguese name for holes dug like lunar craters in the hills and slopes, prevent erosion by swallowing a large amount of soil that sediments the upper reaches of the river, in the southeastern Brazilian…