Global action needed to streamline pandemic travel measures — Global Issues

Global action needed to streamline pandemic travel measures — Global Issues

António Vitorino, Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and Andrew Selee, President of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), called for charting a course that balances health security with predictable cross-border movement.  Inaction will not only affect future migration but also equitable pandemic recovery, they warned.  Call for…

What the Russian Invasion Means for Syria — Global Issues

What the Russian Invasion Means for Syria — Global Issues

Two boys collect fresh bread for their families at a bakery rehabilitated by WFP in Aleppo. Credit: WFP/Jessica Lawson. May 2022. Opinion by Sinan Hatahet (istanbul) Friday, May 20, 2022 Inter Press Service ISTANBUL, May 20 (IPS) – Moscow’s decision to intervene militarily in Syria in 2015 effectively preserved the Assad…

Caring for Water Where Mining Leads to Wealth and Tragedies in Brazil — Global Issues

Caring for Water Where Mining Leads to Wealth and Tragedies in Brazil — Global Issues

A mountainous landscape in the area of the headwaters of the Velhas River, where “barraginhas”, the Portuguese name for holes dug like lunar craters in the hills and slopes, prevent erosion by swallowing a large amount of soil that sediments the upper reaches of the river, in the southeastern Brazilian…

Food insecurity threatens societies, exacerbates conflicts and ‘no country is immune’ — Global Issues

Food insecurity threatens societies, exacerbates conflicts and ‘no country is immune’ — Global Issues

Some 60 per cent of the world’s undernourished people live in areas affected by conflict he said, adding that “no country is immune”. Conflict means hunger Last year, most of the 140 million people suffering acute hunger around the world lived in just ten countries: Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the…

Countries review progress on global migration compact — Global Issues

Countries review progress on global migration compact — Global Issues

Mr. Guterres was addressing the official opening of a meeting to review progress towards implementing the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, adopted by governments in 2018.  People-centred migration policy is about promoting the well-being of migrants and their communities 🫂 ➡️A team in Rome has been providing…

As COVID Wanes, Tuberculosis Deaths Must Become Visible — Global Issues

As COVID Wanes, Tuberculosis Deaths Must Become Visible — Global Issues

Tuberculosis has killed 1,5 million people in 2020 – mostly in African and Asian countries – while two million people died of COVID-19 worldwide during the same period. Credit: Athar Parvaiz/IPS Opinion by Angelique Luabeya Kany Kany (cape town, south africa) Thursday, May 19, 2022 Inter Press Service CAPE TOWN, South…