Biogas Production Awaits Greater Incentives in Cuba — Global Issues

Biogas Production Awaits Greater Incentives in Cuba — Global Issues

Farmer Mayra Rojas says that the Chinese-type fixed-dome biodigester built in back of her home in Carambola, in the municipality of Candelaria in western Cuba, has become part of her daily life and a key factor in improving her family’s quality of life. CREDIT: Jorge Luis Baños/IPS by Luis Brizuela (havana)…

Frugal Innovation is Key to Advancing the UNs Global Goal for Education — Global Issues

Frugal Innovation is Key to Advancing the UNs Global Goal for Education — Global Issues

Opinion by Jaideep Prabhu (cambridge, uk) Tuesday, August 02, 2022 Inter Press Service CAMBRIDGE, UK, Aug 02 (IPS) – The world needs tens of millions of new teachers by 2030, according to UNESCO – an order of magnitude that requires “frugal innovation.” I’ve studied frugal innovation for more than a decade,…

The Myanmar Junta Continues to Wreak Death & Destruction — Global Issues

The Myanmar Junta Continues to Wreak Death & Destruction — Global Issues

Opinion by Jan Servaes (brussels) Tuesday, August 02, 2022 Inter Press Service BRUSSELS, Aug 02 (IPS) – Myanmar has been embroiled in violence and civil unrest since the military ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in a coup in February 2021. The initially widespread peaceful protests were crushed…

Humanity’s just one misunderstanding away from ‘nuclear annihilation’ warns UN chief — Global Issues

Humanity’s just one misunderstanding away from ‘nuclear annihilation’ warns UN chief — Global Issues

The UN chief was speaking at the opening of the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which runs through 26 August.  Mr. Guterres highlighted some of the current challenges to global peace and security, with the world under greater stress due…

UN and partners roll out #LetMeLearn campaign ahead of key education summit — Global Issues

UN and partners roll out #LetMeLearn campaign ahead of key education summit — Global Issues

“Across the globe, education is in crisis”, warned Secretary-General António Guterres, noting that the crisis in classrooms was “slow burning and often unseen” but with “profound consequences for individuals, societies, and our collective future.” Still missing out Reeling from the disruption caused by the pandemic, hundreds of millions of children…

‘More critical than ever’ start to life — Global Issues

‘More critical than ever’ start to life — Global Issues

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and UNICEF chief Catherine Russell, issued a joint statement on Monday, marking the start of World Breastfeeding Week, and pointed out that global crises, supply chain shocks and insecurity threaten the health and nutrition of millions of babies and children like never before. This World Breastfeeding Week, under…

Bangladesh Plans to Launch Toll-free SMS Flood Warning — Global Issues

Bangladesh Plans to Launch Toll-free SMS Flood Warning — Global Issues

Farmers in Bangladesh would welcome an early warning system that does not rely on smartphones. Authorities and devising an SMS service after devastating floods killed many people and destroyed harvests. Credit: Rafiqul Islam/IPS by Rafiqul Islam (dhaka) Monday, August 01, 2022 Inter Press Service DHAKA, Aug 01 (IPS) – Ziaur Rahman,…

Guterres welcomes departure of first grain ship, to help ease food crisis — Global Issues

Guterres welcomes departure of first grain ship, to help ease food crisis — Global Issues

The Razoni, carrying a cargo of 26,527 tonnes of corn, is the first cargo ship to leave a Ukrainian Black Sea port since 26 February, just a few days after the Russian invasion began. It is bound for the Mediterranean port of Tripoli, in Lebanon. ‘Humanitarian imperative’ In a statement…

Climate Change is Putting Women & Girls in Malawi at Greater Risk of Sexual Violence — Global Issues

Climate Change is Putting Women & Girls in Malawi at Greater Risk of Sexual Violence — Global Issues

Credit: UNICEF/Noorani Opinion by Tsitsi Matekaire, Tara Carey (london) Monday, August 01, 2022 Inter Press Service LONDON, Aug 01 (IPS) – It is often those least responsible for causing climate change that suffer the most from the impacts. And such is the case with women and girls in Malawi – one…