Recovering Edible Food from Waste Provides Environmental and Social Solutions in Argentina — Global Issues

Recovering Edible Food from Waste Provides Environmental and Social Solutions in Argentina — Global Issues

Tomasa Chávez, bundled up against the cold of the southern hemisphere winter, works at the Central Market in Buenos Aires, where she was hired in 2021 to separate edible waste that can be recovered. Until then, she went there daily on her own for 30 years to look for food…

UN and UEFA score Sustainable Goals as women’s Euro tournament kicks off — Global Issues

UN and UEFA score Sustainable Goals as women’s Euro tournament kicks off — Global Issues

FFTG is also intended to achieve behavioural change, and bring about sustainable practices in the football industry. The first organization to join up is UEFA, the game’s European governing body, and the UN has invited other members of the wider football community – from leagues and clubs, to players, fan…

The Camel, the Needle — and the UN’s first Woman Secretary-General — Global Issues

The Camel, the Needle — and the UN’s first Woman Secretary-General — Global Issues

When the UN votes by secret ballot… Credit: United Nations by Thalif Deen (united nations) Wednesday, July 06, 2022 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Jul 06 (IPS) – A 2.0 version of an ancient Biblical saying reads: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle…

The Rape of the Indian Ocean; The Story of the Yellow Fin Tuna — Global Issues

The Rape of the Indian Ocean; The Story of the Yellow Fin Tuna — Global Issues

Opinion by Daud Khan, Stephen Akester (rome / london) Tuesday, July 05, 2022 Inter Press Service ROME / LONDON, Jul 05 (IPS) – Over the last past several decades marine fish stocks worldwide have been under intense threat. There have been many high sounding declarations and agreements to reduce catch effort,…

Bachelet calls for impartial, ‘transparent investigation’ into Uzbekistan protest deaths — Global Issues

Bachelet calls for impartial, ‘transparent investigation’ into Uzbekistan protest deaths — Global Issues

“The reports we have received about serious violence, including killings, during the protests are very concerning,” said High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet, while calling on authorities to “exercise utmost restraint”.  Death toll According to the Prosecutor General’s office, 18 people were killed and 243 injured, including 94 seriously, during the clashes…

Ukraine reconstruction is a ‘long road’ but it must start now: Guterres — Global Issues

Ukraine reconstruction is a ‘long road’ but it must start now: Guterres — Global Issues

In his video message to some 40 country representatives meeting in Lugano, the Secretary-General highlighted the tragic human impact of the conflict, as well as the long-term challenges that lie ahead: “Russia’s war in Ukraine has taken thousands of lives and forcibly displaced millions of people”, the UN chief said.  Millions of…

Rights Groups Question ‘Pregnancy Register’ for Polish Women — Global Issues

Rights Groups Question ‘Pregnancy Register’ for Polish Women — Global Issues

by Ed Holt (bratislava) Tuesday, July 05, 2022 Inter Press Service BRATISLAVA, Jul 05 (IPS) – Women’s rights groups fear a new legal provision in Poland requiring doctors to collect records on all pregnancies could create what they have described as a ‘pregnancy register’ to monitor whether women are having abortions….

Mobilizing Against Hunger in Brazil, Where It Affects 33.1 Million People — Global Issues

Mobilizing Against Hunger in Brazil, Where It Affects 33.1 Million People — Global Issues

The large Citizen Action warehouse in downtown Rio de Janeiro is filled with food donated by people in solidarity for distribution to poor and hunger-stricken communities. There are 33.1 million Brazilians suffering from hunger, according to a survey by a network of researchers on the subject. CREDIT: Tânia Rêgo /Agência…

2030 development agenda ‘fails’ on racial equality and non-discrimination — Global Issues

2030 development agenda ‘fails’ on racial equality and non-discrimination — Global Issues

“Despite the 2030 Agenda’s promising rhetoric, it largely fails to fulfil its pledge to ‘leave no one behind’ when it comes to the principles of racial equality and non-discrimination,” said E. Tendayi Achiume, Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Limiting progress Presenting the…