Floppy Knights Builds a Tactical Deck of Cartoon Nostalgia

With Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp indefinitely delayed and a new Fire Emblem tactical game nowhere in sight for now, lovers of cartoonish tactics games would do well to pay some attention to Floppy Knights. It’s inspired heavily by both aforementioned tactics franchises, but is still wholly itself thanks to a whimsical aesthetic and the addition of a deck-building mechanic that throws in an element of strategic randomness to reckon with on top of the usual unit moving and attacking and objective completion.

Floppy Knights takes place in a mish-mash world of fantasy and 90s-era technology, and follows a teenager named Phoebe and her sentient robot arm Carlton. Phoebe’s ready to move out from her parents’ house and build a life of her own, but she’s also uninterested in most jobs and would rather spend her time doing cool science. So she creates a digital army of “Floppy Knights” named for the floppy discs they’re stored on, intending to use them for typical odd jobs. But she quickly winds up commanding them to fight off little armies of goblins and slimes causing problems for her neighbors instead.

On its face, Floppy Knights is a perfectly competent tactics game with an interesting spread of units, some challenging maps and enemies, and plenty of additional objectives for those whose strategic brains want a bit more. But what really elevates it is the way the deck building element interfaces with all the rest. Unlike Fire Emblem, there’s no dumping a pile of units on the field with built-in movement from the start. You need to make sure your deck is equipped with enough units to draw what you need when you need it, and you’ll have to stock it with movement cards too if you ever want them to get anywhere.

Crucially, you only have a certain amount of cards you can play at a time, and everything is discarded at the end of each turn. So Floppy Knights’ tactics are not just about the chess game of trying to stay multiple moves ahead of your opponent; it’s also about playing the hand you have, when you have it. So you might draw a handful of minions early, and be forced to spend a turn playing them when you’d rather be doing something else, otherwise you might not see them again until you can shuffle them back in. Or you might have a unit trapped in a tricky spot, but no movement cards to get them out. The deck building in Floppy Knights opens the door to a level of improvisation I don’t often encounter in games like this. It tickles my brain. In a nice way.

Marlowe Dobbs isn’t just the artist behind Floppy Knights; she’s also the person who conceived it, as part of an internal game jam at developer Rose City Games a few years ago. She’s happy to acknowledge the AAA tactics inspirations of her work, while taking pride in the team’s efforts to make sure Floppy Knights didn’t just stand out, but also functioned well.

Screens – Floppy Knights

“The most challenging part is blending the mechanics of top-down tactics, deck-building, and card games,” she says. “There are a handful of games that have done that, but not really in the same way that we are. And there was a lot of pioneering of how the UX worked: at what point are you hovered over your cards? At what point are you hovered over your grid? How does that work with each other?… I think it oddly feels very natural where we ended up, despite the fact that there was a lot of trial and error that went into making it flow well enough.”

As the artist, Dobbs is responsible for the slate of goofy cartoon knights Phoebe summons throughout Floppy Knights, from the goofy plant creatures of the starter deck to the funny goblins they fight and all kinds of monsters following after. She describes their creation as almost a fun art exercise, just “making a bunch of little guys.”

“It started out as a shotgun blast of me just drawing whatever monsters I thought would be interesting, and then we picked and chose from those pools and cut certain ones to make it a little bit more thematic with how you would be playing with each deck.”

Dobbs cites a number of inspirations, including vintage American illustration, children’s books, and Hanna-Barbera cartoons. And even though it doesn’t draw on any one thing specifically, there’s something powerfully nostalgic about playing Floppy Knights. For me, the closest comparison to its style that I can come up with, visually, is the 90s cartoon Kablam!. Meanwhile, its soundtrack feels like something I must have heard before in the old Game Boy days but can’t quite put my finger on. It’s distilled nostalgia without relying on a bevy of references to specific things.

And Dobbe confirmed that the unspecifiable nostalgia I’m enjoying so much is entirely on purpose.

“A lot of Rose City games are very focused on that feeling of nostalgia we had when we played games growing up,” she says. “I feel we’re all really inspired by that Super Nintendo, Game Boy Advance era of games, in the late 90s, early 2000s, and I think that some of that translates to it feel[ing] a little familiar in some of the games that we make.”

Rebekah Valentine is a news reporter for IGN. You can find her on Twitter @duckvalentine.

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24 MORE Things You STILL Didn’t Know In Zelda Breath Of The Wild

In the video above, we cover 24 facts, tips and tricks that aren’t quite as well known, ranging from secrets to glitches, some that are pretty simple and others that are fairly complex. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been out for four years at this point, and players have found some amazing things, intended or not, that keep the game and its sense of discovery feeling fresh.

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How Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Picks Up From Fallen Order

Cal Kestis’ journey is officially continuing in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, set for a PS5, Xbox Series, and PC release in 2023. The sequel is coming nearly four years after Jedi: Fallen Order introduced us to new Jedi, new Inquisitors, and one of the cutest droids in the galaxy. But it’s actually been an even longer stretch of time in between the stories of both games: EA confirmed Survivor is set five years after the events of Fallen Order, and our first look at Survivor shows Cal and BD-1 in some serious trouble.

Now, one big component of Cal’s life, as far as players know, is his found family and crew of the Stinger Mantis, Cal’s starbound home throughout the events of Fallen Order. We don’t really see the crew – Cere, Greez, and Merrin – in the Survivor reveal, but we can surmise things haven’t gone all that well for them. The trailer shows the Mantis downed on a desert planet, with a slow pan through its main hull spelling nothing but trouble. Looking out the cockpit window, you can see a singular set of footprints trailing off into the distance, suggesting either Cal or another member of the crew escaped this crash alone. But the rest of the team’s fate remains a mystery.

As for the first desert planet we see, well, Star Wars is home to no shortage of sandy shores, and it’s equally likely that this could be a new planet as it is potentially a familiar one, given Fallen Order brought us to several lesser-seen worlds. If it’s an existing one, it’s natural to assume Tatooine given its prevalence. Plus, Survivor would essentially take place around the same time as the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, and we know the Inquisitors will have a presence in both. It could even be the sequel trilogy’s prominent desert planet Jakku. But it could also potentially be the desert moon Jedha. Not only is the moon spiritually and historically significant spot for the Jedi, and as we see later in the trailer Cal at some point needs a lightsaber, but we also know the planet eventually becomes the base of operations for someone Cal has already had ties to: Saw Gerrera, who Cal met during Fallen Order.

Wherever this planet is, it’s only one brief glimpse of the dire state of things for Cal. Several threads run throughout the trailer – slow pans of a character in a bacta tank, a voiceover questioning Cal, and a battle between Cal and another figure. Let’s start with the latter first, and how it sets up the other lingering threads.

Every Star Wars Game in Development

A Jedi Without a Lightsaber… Again

Spoiler warning! Spoilers for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’s ending follow – if you haven’t beaten that adventure yet, this isn’t the article you’re looking for.

Tying into the lack of the crew’s presence in the trailer, we mostly see Cal going it alone in the reveal. At one point, Cal comes to blows with a masked figure wielding a red lightsaber, and seemingly loses his lightsaber in the process.

Anyway, the Survivor reveal gives us a strong sense that Cal is on the backfoot, but for a series that has already delivered such great lightsaber combat and EA’s promise of expanding on those mechanics, presumably he won’t be without such a signature weapon for long. That could lead to a theoretical trip to Jedha or another location known for its kyber crystal supplies, as he visited Ilum in the first game to forge his lightsaber with a new kyber crystal.

As for that lightsaber? Well, it ends up in the hands of someone of power working for the Empire. Though Cal loses his lightsaber in the midst of the trailer, the reveal actually opens with a shot of Stormtroopers carrying a suitcase to a secure location, and we later see that suitcase open, in the mitts of this figure.

The pointy teeth and skin suggest this is a pau’an, and it’s natural to assume this would be the Grand Inquisitor hunting Cal down, his appearance is different enough from that character’s live-action and animated appearances to signal it isn’t him, and in fact StarWars.com labels him as an imperial senator. Still, this antagonistic force is clearly interested in hunting down Cal Kestis. And that’s no surprise, given Cal has been outrunning the Empire for years as a known Jedi, and in particular his run-in with some powerful foes in Jedi: Fallen Order. This imposing figure’s voiceover intones the entire trailer, saying “Tell me Cal Kestis, why lead when they won’t follow,” questioning what Cal’s next move will be as he creepily ogles Cal’s lightsaber.

Here, we may get another hint at Cal and the rest of the Mantis’ current plight, if the crew is indeed the “they” this figure is referring to. He could be alluding to some sort of division of purpose among the group amidst the increasing, imposing force of the Empire. As we know from the end of Fallen Order, rather than choose to pursue the locations of other potential Jedi in the galaxy, Cal destroyed the Holocron containing that information to keep those children safer, allowing them to choose their own paths. That information would have been valuable to the Empire, but also left the Mantis crew on their own – it’s possible not everyone in the ensuing years agreed with Cal’s call, or there may be other issues brewing during such an oppressive time in the galaxy.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Reveal Trailer Screenshots

As we see from this figure’s brief scenes, whether he’s working directly with the Inquisitors who have previously hunted Cal, he’s not at the Fortress Inquisitorious. We know that he’s somewhere on Coruscant, as that city skyline looks like the perfect place to fly through while barely hanging onto a droid. Either way, the Inquisitorious is undoubtedly also going to continue to be an antagonistic force against Cal.

As we mentioned earlier, it seems Cal is quite alone for the moment. But the last remaining mystery of the trailer could indicate one potential ally in Cal’s continuing quest.

Who’s in the Tank?

Throughout the trailer, slow pans of a character in a bacta tank are interspersed along with the rest of Cal’s tribulations, before ultimately ending with Cal standing before said person in the tank, amidst an otherwise spare and desolate room overgrown with flora. Cal is looking up at this white-haired character, seemingly otherwise alone in this room. It’s also worth noting he does have his trademark lightsaber (that he loses at some point in the trailer) on him in this moment. He’s also seemingly sporting a blaster in a holster, which is not something Cal typically carried on him in Fallen Order. Maybe Respawn is pulling from some of its expertise with shooters like Apex Legends and Titanfall and giving Cal some more ranged options.

We only get brief glimpses of a close-up at them, and while they give off some major Cloud Strife vibes, it’s quite possible this is a brand new character, though someone Cal may be turning to for help at his darkest moments, whether he wants to or not. After all, Cal’s antagonist asks, “What is your next move, Jedi?” just before the trailer pans to this mysterious new figure, and the ominous room, coupled with Cal’s seeming dismay on his face as he observes the figure, could mean it’s not someone he’s particularly happy to turn to. Respawn game director Stig Asmussen did tell https://www.starwars.com/news/swca-2022-star-wars-jedi-survivor-interview that Cal will be “making connections with people that, in other times, might be considered unsavory.”

This figure has mysterious, inky black veins running across their shoulder, potentially signaling some sort of corruption or injury that required them to be inside this bacta tank. They may be someone essential to Cal, well, surviving, in Jedi: Survivor, and could very well be a survivor of some kind themselves, but perhaps they’re someone who tests Cal’s commitment to his survival – this could potentially be a Sith or someone else who follows the Dark Side, resulting in the grim look on Cal’s face.

Unfortunately, the breathing mask, lighting, and flowing hair obscures the character’s face a bit, so it’s hard to guess their exact identity, but the scene and trailer overall convey the dark moment Cal finds himself in, leaving mysteries about what’s happened to the Stinger Mantis crew, how he plans to keep outrunning the Empire, and more. We’ll have to wait to find out what returning faces join Cal along the way, which new ones prove to be true allies, and how he plans to continue surviving against the Empire closer toward Jedi: Survivor’s launch next year.

Jonathon Dornbush is IGN’s Senior Features Editor, PlayStation Lead, and host of Podcast Beyond! He’s the proud dog father of a BOY named Loki. Talk to him on Twitter @jmdornbush.

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LEGO Star Wars BD-1 Is Up for Preorder

Star Wars: Andor – Teaser Trailer

Check out the teaser trailer for Andor, an upcoming series starring Diego Luna (as Cassian Andor), Genevieve O’Reilly, Stellan Skarsgård, Adria Arjona, Denise Gough, and Kyle Soller. The Andor series will explore a new perspective from the Star Wars galaxy, focusing on Cassian Andor’s journey to discover the difference he can make. The series brings forward the tale of the burgeoning rebellion against the Empire and how people and planets became involved. It’s an era filled with danger, deception, and intrigue where Cassian will embark on the path that is destined to turn him into a rebel hero.Star Wars Andor begins streaming on Disney+ on August 31, 2022.

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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Release Date Announced for Nintendo Switch

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords will officially be released on Nintendo Switch on June 8, 2022.

The news was shared during Star Wars Celebration, and the teaser trailer gives a glimpse of the game in action and the promise that “Restored Content DLC” is coming soon.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords will soon join Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on Switch, as the original arrived on Nintendo’s latest console in November 2021.

The original Knights of the Old Republic is being remade for PS5, but there has been no word as of yet as to whether the sequel will also get the remake treatment.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords was first released on Xbox in 2004 before making its way to PC in 2005.

In our review of KOTOR II: The Sith Lords, we said, “If you like roleplaying games or if you like Star Wars, you’ll be hard pressed to find a game as enjoyable as Knights of the Old Republic II. Sure, it’s got some technical problems and, sure, it starts fairly slowly but if you can see past those flaws, you’re in for one hell of a treat.”

For more, check out the announcement and trailer of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and all the biggest news from Star Wars Celebration, what Knights of the Old Republic 3 would have been, why KOTOR 2 tells one of our writer’s favorite Star Wars stories, and why we believe the world is ready for a new entry in the series.

Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to newstips@ign.com.

Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.

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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Announced, First Trailer and 2023 Release Revealed

The first trailer for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor premiered as part of Star Wars Celebration. The sequel to Respawn’s critically-acclaimed Star Wars game is set to be released in 2023.

In a brief, cinematic trailer we see Cal Kestis after the events of Jedi: Fallen Order. Where he is still on the run from the Empire. While the trailer is short on plot, it’s got plenty of Star Wars with new inquisitors and new mysteries.

Curiously, Cal who spent the previous game gaining a family of allies is all alone. And his lightsaber which he spent so much time rebuilding appears to fall into the hands of the Empire. Essentially, Cal is in a bad place at the start of Jedi: Survivor.

Respawn’s next Star Wars action RPG will be released on next-gen platforms PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. EA doesn’t make mention of past-gen consoles, but with developers moving towards new-gen systems there’s a good chance Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is too.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Reveal Trailer Screenshots

The trailer premiered during Star Wars Celebration amid the buzz of new trailers for upcoming Star Wars shows like Andor, and Mandalorian season 3.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was one of the best-reviewed games when it was released, and a big coup for Respawn who were primarily known for their online multiplayer games like Titanfall and Apex Legends. By combining Star Wars with a deep single-player story campaign and Souls-like action RPG mechanics, Respawn brought Star Wars into the modern era. Check out IGN’s review for Jedi: Fallen Order here.

Every Star Wars Game in Development

While short, the Jedi: Survivor trailer is chock-full of tantalizing narrative threads, so check out our deep dive into the trailer for all the storylines and secrets we’ve uncovered.

Matt T.M. Kim is IGN’s News Editor. You can reach him @lawoftd.

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Destiny 2: Where Is Xur Today? Location and Exotic Items for May 27-31

Everyone’s favorite hoarder, Xûr, is now live in Destiny 2 for the weekend until next week’s reset. If you’re looking to get your some shiny new Exotic armor or weapons for your Guardian, look no further.

Each week, Xûr has a random assortment of Exotic armor, one for each Guardian class, as well as a random Exotic Weapon and an Exotic Engram available for purchase. In addition to his Exotic wares, he’s got a random collection of Legendary weapons and armor to deck out your Guardians.

We’ve rounded up all the info on Xûr for the week including where to find Xûr, which Exotic weapons and armor are available, as well as which Legendary weapons you should pick up, either for PvE or PvP.

Where Is Xûr Today?

Xûr’s location can be found at The Tower on May 27 through May 31. To reach him, travel to the landing point at The Courtyard and make your way to the Hangar. You’ll find ol’ snake-face chilling near the stairs at the back of the Hangar area.

Xûr can be found in the Hangar of The Tower.

What’s Xûr Selling Today?

Xûr has at least one good find this week. Check out this exotic gear!

Xûr’s Exotic offering this weekend.

Exotic Engram

The Colony – Exotic Grenade Launcher

Wormhusk Crown – Exotic Hunter Helmet

  • 17 Mobility
  • 6 Resilience
  • 7 Recovery
  • 9 Discipline
  • 11 Intellect
  • 10 Strength
  • Total: 60

Heart of Inmost Light – Exotic Titan Chest Armor

  • 4 Mobility
  • 29 Resilience
  • 2 Recovery
  • 8 Discipline
  • 9 Intellect
  • 12 Strength
  • Total: 64

Karnstein Armlets – Exotic Warlock Gauntlets

  • 22 Mobility
  • 7 Resilience
  • 3 Recovery
  • 7 Discipline
  • 2 Intellect
  • 21 Strength
  • Total: 62

The Titan chest piece, Heart of Inmost Light, isn’t my favorite exotic in the world, but the roll this week is undeniably spiky in a major way, especially with the importance of Resilience in the current season. Pick it up just in case it ever becomes good if for no other reason. The Warlock Karnstein Armlets are especially good gloves for the current season and this is a pretty spiky roll that could work well with some Warlock builds, so I’d recommend picking that up as well.

Exotic Weapons

Each week Xûr sells Hawkmoon & Dead Man’s Tale.

Hawkmoon – Exotic Hand Cannon

  • Paracausal Shot
  • Fluted Barrel
  • Alloy Magazine
  • Moving Target
  • Heavy Grip

Dead Man’s Tale – Exotic Scout Rifle

  • Cranial Spike
  • Arrowhead Brake
  • Steady Rounds
  • Moving Target
  • Composite Stock

Neither of these weapons has a particularly incredible roll this week, so I’d recommend waiting for better rolls unless for some reason you still don’t have one or both in your collections.

Legendary Weapons

Xûr’s Legendary Weapon offerings this weekend.

Long Shadow – Sniper Rifle

  • ATD Raptor/ZTA Scout
  • Tactical MAg/Alloy Mag
  • Hip-Fire Grip
  • Explosive Payload
  • Stability Masterwork

Seventh Seraph Saw – Machine Gun

  • Fluted Barrel/Full Bore
  • Appended Mag/Light Mag
  • Field Prep
  • Firing Line
  • Reload Speed Masterwork

Seventh Seraph SI-2 – Sidearm

  • Arrowhead Brake/Full Bore
  • Extended Mag/Flared Magwell
  • Hip-Fire Grip
  • Snapshot Sights
  • Range Masterwork

Whispering Slab – Combat Bow

  • Agile Bowstring/Natural String
  • Carbon Arrow Shaft/Fiberglass Arrow Shaft
  • Archer’s Tempo
  • Demolitionist
  • Accuracy Masterwork

Widow’s Bite – Sniper Rifle

  • Arrowhead Brake/Corkscrew Rifling
  • Alloy Magazine/Flared Magwell
  • Firmly Planted
  • Eye of the Storm
  • Range Masterwork

Royal Entry – Rocket Launcher

  • Countermass/Quick Launch
  • Black Powder/High-Velocity Rounds
  • Field Prep
  • Unrelenting
  • Velocity Masterwork

Eternal Blazon – Scout Rifle

  • Signal MS5/Jolt PS
  • Extended Mag/Alloy Magazine
  • Full Auto Trigger System
  • Distruption Break
  • Stability Masterwork

The highlights for me this week are the Seventh Seraph Saw, which has a killer combo of Field Prep and Firing Line that works well for a machine gun, and the Seventh Seraph SI-2 sidearm with an awesome PvP-focused set of perks. Everything else is either just okay, or completely laughable, especially that trash-tier Long Shadow roll.

Warlock Legendary Armor

For Warlocks, Xûr is selling the Xenos Vale IV set which includes:

Xûr’s Legendary Armor for Warlocks this week.

Xenos Vale IV Gauntlets

  • 2 Mobility
  • 12 Resilience
  • 14 Recovery
  • 16 Discipline
  • 2 Intellect
  • 13 Strength
  • Total: 59

Xenos Vale IV Chest Armor

  • 9 Mobility
  • 9 Resilience
  • 12 Recovery
  • 2 Discipline
  • 15 Intellect
  • 14 Strength
  • Total: 61

Xenos Vale IV Helmet

  • 9 Mobility
  • 17 Resilience
  • 2 Recovery
  • 14 Discipline
  • 6 Intellect
  • 12 Strength
  • Total: 60

Xenos Vale IV Leg Armor

  • 22 Mobility
  • 2 Resilience
  • 2 Recovery
  • 9 Discipline
  • 18 Intellect
  • 6 Strength
  • Total: 59

Xenos Vale Bond

Warlocks drew the short end of the Xur stick this week, with very few interesting rolls and no spikiness. That’s what you get for winning Guardian Games, Warlocks!

Titan Legendary Armor

For Titans, Xûr is selling the Shelter In Place set which includes:

Xûr’s Legendary Armor for Titans this week.

Shelter In Place Gauntlets

  • 2 Mobility
  • 26 Resilience
  • 2 Recovery
  • 7 Discipline
  • 16 Intellect
  • 8 Strength
  • Total: 61

Shelter In Place Chest Armor

  • 9 Mobility
  • 7 Resilience
  • 15 Recovery
  • 2 Discipline
  • 18 Intellect
  • 11 Strength
  • Total: 62

Shelter In Place Helmet

  • 8 Mobility
  • 16 Resilience
  • 8 Recovery
  • 2 Discipline
  • 8 Intellect
  • 19 Strength
  • Total: 61

Shelter In Place Leg Armor

  • 2 Mobility
  • 18 Resilience
  • 12 Recovery
  • 7 Discipline
  • 9 Intellect
  • 15 Strength
  • Total: 63

Mark of Shelter

Titans have some decent rolls this week, especially those very Titan-friendly boots, but nothing that’s a must-have this week. Pick up what you need and forget the rest!

Hunter Legendary Armor

For Hunters, Xûr is selling the Took Offense set which includes:

Xûr’s Legendary Armor for Hunters this week.

Took Offense Gauntlets

  • 14 Mobility
  • 2 Resilience
  • 16 Recovery
  • 8 Discipline
  • 16 Intellect
  • 8 Strength
  • Total: 64

Took Offense Chest Armor

  • 10 Mobility
  • 2 Resilience
  • 18 Recovery
  • 6 Discipline
  • 16 Intellect
  • 12 Strength
  • Total: 64

Took Offense Helmet

  • 13 Mobility
  • 6 Resilience
  • 9 Recovery
  • 10 Discipline
  • 17 Intellect
  • 2 Strength
  • Total: 57

Took Offense Leg Armor

  • 2 Mobility
  • 24 Resilience
  • 2 Recovery
  • 2 Discipline
  • 7 Intellect
  • 20 Strength
  • Total: 57

Took Offense Cloak

Hunters are getting a lot of love this week and not just from their ridiculous Solar 3.0 builds. The guantlets and chest armor this week are especially delightful, so pick them up if they pair well with your new fire-based build.

That’s a wrap on Xûr for this week, Guardians! How are you enjoying the Season of the Haunted so far? Let me know in the comments! For more on Destiny, check out some of the new weapons and gear you can find in The Witch Queen and read about how Sony’s purchase of Bungie fits into its larger plans.

Travis Northup is a writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @TieGuyTravis and read his games coverage here.

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WB Changes Batgirl’s Gotham Knights Biography Following Criticism

WB Montreal has responded to criticism that Batgirl’s official biography for Gotham Knights is a harmful trope of disabled people, and has made adjustments to her description accordingly.

In a Discord Q&A, as reported by Eurogamer, Gotham Knights developers acknowledged the controversy around Barbara Gordon, whose biography was published to the game’s website recently. The initial criticism of her backstory centered on her ending up in a wheelchair after an unspecified “face-off” but returning to “active duty” as Batgirl following training.

While it’s unclear what her injury in Gotham Knights entails, in the comics, Barbara is shot in the spine, and many fans pointed out that overcoming a disability through sheer training and determination is an inaccurate and harmful trope throughout media.

During the Q&A, however, creative director Patrick Redding said that the Gotham Knights team “worked with the awesome folks at AbleGamers to learn about different types of spinal injuries and the potential for someone to regain mobility.”

He then noted that her biography on the official website has since been adjusted to read, “With extensive training and rehabilitation, she recovered from her wounds, and returned to active duty as Batgirl.” Additionally, he clarified that the specifics of her injury in Gotham Knights would differ from the comics, and that she had undergone multiple surgeries, physical therapy, and pain management. She also wears clothing with “back bracing integrated,” and some of her rehabilitation process will be depicted in Gotham Knights itself.

Gotham Knights – 6 New Screenshots

Gotham Knights is headed to PS5, Xbox Series X and S, and PC on October 25, but will skip PS4 and Xbox One. It’s set in a different universe from the Arkhan games, and includes a combat system specifically designed for co-op.

Rebekah Valentine is a news reporter for IGN. You can find her on Twitter @duckvalentine.

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More of PlayStation’s Biggest Games Are Becoming Movies, TV Shows – Beyond 751

On this week’s episode of IGN’s weekly PlayStation show, host Jonathon Dornbush is joined by Mark Medina and Jada Griffin to check in on Mark’s perilous journey atop Splash Mountain, and also discuss the biggest PlayStation news of the week.

The crew digs into PlayStation confirming it is adapting God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo into TV shows or movies (note: we recorded before reports suggested GT will be a movie, not a show!), our hopes and expectations for what Netflix’s Horizon show may be, how God of War on Amazon could shake out, and if the classic Need for Speed film is a good blueprint for Gran Turismo.

The History of PlayStation’s State of Play

We also discuss some of PlayStation’s future ambitions for not just PlayStation’s biggest games becoming movies and TV shows, but also their plans to expand their PC experiences, as well as their mobile games output. We look into their plans for the next few years, what they likely mean for PlayStation’s focuses, and while we think the great PlayStation games we love aren’t going anywhere.

We also dig into the leaks of a Death Stranding 2, some PS Plus updates, Jada’s impressions of Multiversus, and more!

00:00:00 – Intro
00:05:55 – PlayStation Bets On Big TV Shows
00:33:33 PlayStation Investments Report
00:48:36 – Death Stranding 2 Speculation
01:09:51 – News Roundup
01:11:40 – What We’ve Been Playing
01:17:20 – Outro

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And if you’re looking for more places to enjoy this PlayStation podcast show, check out Podcast Beyond! on all available platforms: https://linktr.ee/podcastbeyond.

Jonathon Dornbush is IGN’s Senior Features Editor, PlayStation Lead, and host of Podcast Beyond! He’s the proud dog father of a BOY named Loki. Talk to him on Twitter @jmdornbush

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Star Wars Face-Off: Which Video Game From That Galaxy Far, Far Away Is the Best?

It’s a great time to be a fan of that galaxy far, far away. From Star Wars Celebration to Disney+’s Obi-Wan Kenobi series there’s a lot going on, plus there’s the promise of a whole suite of new games that developers are busy working on behind the scenes.

As we impatiently wait for that bright future to arrive, we thought it would be a great time to sort through the games that have blazed the trail for the next generation. We need you to help us decide what the best Star Wars video game of all time is.

Do you think Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic deserves the top spot? Or does relative newcomer Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order take number one? Maybe even LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga? We’ve selected 64 of the best Star Wars games to “Face-Off” against each other two at a time. Will you choose Star Wars: Rogue Squadron over Star Wars: Republic Commando? Masters of Teras Kasi (we know there are some of you out there!) over Jedi Power Battles? The choice is yours…

(And don’t forget, you can pass on a Face-Off round if you don’t know a character by just hitting “skip” at the bottom of the page.)

Click here to start voting in the Star Wars Face-Off!

What Is a Face-Off?

Like the name suggests, a Face-Off pits two things against one another and you decide which one is the superior of the two. In this case, you are voting to determine what the best Star Wars video game is. It’s possible to see certain games multiple times, so you can keep voting for your favorites to ensure they get ranked higher than the rest. IGN’s resident team of Star Wars experts pre-selected 64 games for you to choose from. These get randomly paired up and each time you pick a winner, it’s tracked.

How Is the Winner Determined?

When voting ends on June 2, we tally up the total number of “wins” and “losses” each Star Wars video game has and create a ranked list based on your choices that will go live on June 3. The game that won the most matchups will be crowned the “winner,” and in the event of a tied number of “wins,” the game with the least “losses” will take the top spot. If you continue to keep voting for your favorite game, they’ll have a better chance of ranking high on the list. You can vote as many times as you want until the Face-Off closes.

How Do I Know When I’ve Clicked Through Everything?

It’s difficult to know when you’ve seen every Star Wars video game included because they are matched randomly, and there are many possible match-ups. Playing until you vote for all your favorites or ensuring that certain games don’t get in the winner’s circle are different options you can take with a Face-Off. By deciding the winner throughout all these match-ups, you’re ensuring that your picks for the best Star Wars video game will have a fighting chance to reach the top of the list.

Which Star Wars Video Games Have You Included?

The list of Star Wars video games has been decided by IGN staff, and we’ve tried to include the most recognizable games from the storied history of the franchise. There have been a lot of games, and some have been more forgettable than others. To keep the list manageable, we’ve tried to keep it to the most popular choices and those that could be considered cult classics or subpar but beloved entries, and that left us with 64 games. These video games range from arcades to consoles to PC to mobile, so hopefully, your favorite is included! If not, be sure to let us know below!

Click here to start voting in the Star Wars Face-Off!

For more on Star Wars, be sure to check out our review of the first two episodes of Disney+’s Obi-Wan Kenobi and all the news out of Star Wars Celebration, including the release date and first trailer of Star Wars’ Andor, the reveal of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, the official teaser trailer of Willow, the first image from Indiana Jones 5, and the confirmation that the third season of The Mandalorian and the premiere of Ahsoka will arrive in 2023.

Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.

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