The best free WordPress plugins for building your eCommerce site

The best free WordPress plugins for building your eCommerce site

Thinking about starting an online store with WordPress? Or perhaps you already have an eCommerce shop and you’re wondering what else is out there? Every year, WordPress gets stronger as an eCommerce platform. And today, from simple PayPal buttons to sophisticated full-featured eCommerce systems, WordPress is a serious online shop…

Getting started with Local as your WordPress development environment

Getting started with Local as your WordPress development environment

While most websites are (naturally) hosted online, there are plenty of situations in which you may want to create a local WordPress site. For example, you might need to set up a staging environment to develop your site before it goes live, require a safe place to experiment with designs,…

How to change your WordPress login page and increase your site’s security

How to change your WordPress login page and increase your site’s security

“Alertness is the hidden discipline of familiarity,” wrote poet David Whyte. In a similar vein, keeping your WordPress site as secure as possible means staying attentive to some of the more mundane aspects of your site. (Hold that yawn — don’t do it!) We’ve written before about the importance of…

6 WordPress security tips & best practices every site owner should know

6 WordPress security tips & best practices every site owner should know

WordPress security is one of the most important topics for any site owner. Whether you’re managing a boutique eCommerce shop or 50 client sites, experiencing a security breach can mean a loss in time, money, and credibility — all things no one wants to face. While there’s no “one-size-fits-all” security solution…