Physicists Successfully Develop Atom Laser That Can Stay On Forever

A team of physicists from the University of Amsterdam has recently developed an atom laser that can last forever. Inside a commonly used laser such as in measuring devices and CD players, all the light vibrates in sync. When it comes to an atom laser, it works on the concept of the Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC). The condensate was created in labs around 25 years ago and enabled scientists to make atom lasers that could emit beams of matter. However, the lasers could be operated only for a short time as the laser required a new BEC after sending out matter pulse.

But now, in the new study published in Nature, physicists have devised a way to create eternal matter waves. Elementary particles in nature occur in two types namely bosons and fermions. While fermions are hard in nature, bosons are soft and can move through each other with ease. Photon, the smallest possible quantity of light, is one such example of a boson. Bosons have a special character due to which they can condense in a coherent wave. The resultant condensation of matter particles is termed Bose-Einstein Condensate.

Using the BEC, scientists could create the pulsed variant of the atom lasers, but failed to make the continuous one for 25 years.

BECs are fragile by nature and get destroyed when light falls on them. But, light is also required in the formation of the condensate. Due to this, BECs could only be made in fleeting bursts. This long-standing problem was solved in the new study. “In previous experiments, the gradual cooling of atoms was all done in one place. In our setup, we decided to spread the cooling steps, not over time, but in space: we make the atoms move while they progress through consecutive cooling steps,” explained team leader Florian Schreck.

Schreck added that the ultracold atoms arrive at the heart of the experiment at the end where they can be used to make coherent matter waves in a BEC. He highlighted that while the atoms are in use, new atoms take their place and replenish the BEC. “In this way, we can keep the process going – essentially forever,” Schreck said.

Now, researchers are aiming to create not only continuous, but also a stable beam of atoms so that it can be used in various applications.

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Our Favorite LGBTQ Characters in Video Games

It’s Pride Month, and what better way to celebrate than to shout out our favorite LGBTQ characters in video games. These are characters who have spoken to us through meaningful LGTBTQ representation and are also complex, fascinating, hilarious, or otherwise cool as hell. Be sure to let us know who your favorite LGBTQ video game characters are in the comments below!

1. Ellie – The Last of Us

Ellie has proven to be an extraordinarily complex character over the course of The Last of Us, Left Behind, and The Last of Us Part 2. She’s resilient, ruthless, kind, protective, vulnerable, vengeful, and ultimately capable of great change. Her first love Riley was taken from her while she survived, and she carried that guilt with her for years. By the time Part 2 wraps, she had fallen in love again, this time with Dina, started a family… and left that family. We last left her on an emotional cliffhanger, where it’s uncertain if she’ll be able to find herself once again. – Colin Stevens

2. Lev – The Last of Us Part 2

Lev is maybe the most beloved character from The Last of Us Part 2 despite having less screen time than many of his counterparts. He becomes the game’s moral center, temporarily stopping the cycle of violence from continuing and acting as a saving grace for Abby on her journey to redemption. He’s compassionate and intelligent, and brave, especially in the face of scrutiny from his community after he came out as trans. Lev’s a character we’d love to see further explored in future games. – Colin Stevens

The Last of Us Part 1 – Summer Game Fest 2022

3. Alex Chen – Life is Strange: True Colors

Alex Chen is the latest protagonist in the Life is Strange franchise. Witty, hardened, and independent, Alex is a deeply endearing character, and there are many ways her journey could progress, depending on your choices. And while Alex is not the first protagonist to have the option to romance either a male or female romantic partner (or none at all), it genuinely feels like there’s no right or wrong choice in the latest Life is Strange, a major boon for a series that has always prioritized player choice. – Taylor Lyles

4. Steph Gingrich – The Life is Strange Series

Despite the fact she’s a side character in the Life is Strange series, Steph Gingrich gets some suitably interesting backstory, particularly in Ture Colors, where she not only plays a more prominent role in the main story but has her own prequel DLC that centers on her first year living in Haven Springs. While Steph’s queerness was confirmed in her first appearance in Life is Strange: Before the Storm, we certainly learn more about her by the end of True Colors and the DLC. It’s a part of her identity – but so is the fact she’s a loyal friend, a music lover, and, of course, a tabletop enthusiast. – Taylor Lyles

Screens – Life is Strange: True Colors

5. Parvati – The Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds could have been a game that was simply “Fallout in space” but ended up being so much more, and a big reason for this is the companions you meet along the way. Parvati is one of these, an engineer working at the Saltuna Cannery on Edgewater who asks the player character if she can join you off-world for adventure. After meeting Junlei, another engineer on the Groundbreaker, Parvati opens up to you about her feelings and her past relationships. She tells you that she’s been in other relationships in the past, but that everyone always felt she was “cold” and left her because she had no interest in physical relationships. It’s one of the most heartfelt and honest depictions of an asexual character in a video game ever (so far), and the questlines to get Parvati to open up and trust you and Junlei enough to pursue a relationship is extremely rewarding. – Chelsea Miller

6. Tiny Tina – The Borderlands Series

It’s hard not to fall completely in love with Tiny Tina when you first meet her in Borderlands 2. The 13-year-old explosions expert who tragically lost her parents at a young age is feisty, witty, and extremely capable…if not still a little wild. She’s also, according to her writer Anthony Burch, a lesbian. While relationships and queer-coded adult characters are great and important, it’s refreshing to have a kid who exists outside of any kind of relationship and is just allowed to exist on the LGBTQ spectrum. Tiny Tina is confident in who she is and while she has pretty heavy emotional moments in the series (looking at you Assault on Dragonkeep), she never questions her own identity. In Borderlands 3, as a fully grown adult, we see and hear her more explicitly talk about relationships (both emotional and physical) with others – pretty sure an orgy is mentioned at one point! – but it’s the kid, sure of her own identity, that sticks with you. – Chelsea Miller

7. Krem – Dragon Age: Inquisition

In a cozy corner of Skyhold’s tavern, a handsome young soldier quietly sips out of his stein between quick glances at the bard, Maryden. This is the Iron Bull’s Chargers second-in-command, Cremisius Aclassi “Krem”, and he was the first transgender character introduced in a Bioware game. Gender identity is a big part of Krem’s origin story and how he came to be involved with the Iron Bull, and subsequently, the Inquisition. Krem was raised in Tevinter as a girl but quickly realized at a young age that he was different from the girls he knew. After Krem’s father lost his tailor business, Krem joined the army. His secret was discovered after many years of successfully presenting as male and the Tevinter tribune attacked him after he attempted to flee. During the battle, the Iron Bull came to Krem’s defense and famously lost his eye in the attack. Afterward, the Iron Bull offered Krem a position with the mercenary group “The Bull’s Chargers” and eventually rose to second-in-command. Krem is a skilled warrior and excellent commander, and his determination to be his authentic self never wavers throughout his entire journey. Krem is confident in who he is and risked everything to fight to help others. – Amanda Flagg

8. Tyler Ronan – Tell Me Why

Tyler Ronan broke many barriers when Tell Me Why was announced back in 2019. Before writing a trans lead character in the game, Tell Me Why developer Don’t Nod consulted with expert groups such as GLAAD to ensure that Tyler’s representation was not only respectful but also authentic. It’s an important note as the game approaches a lot of sensitive topics, primarily regarding Tyler’s identity, which plays a key part in the story. – Taylor Lyles

9. Bill and Frank – The Last of Us

We love Bill & Frank’s relationship in The Last of Us. It’s unexpected, and sad, but feels extremely authentic. We don’t know their backstory. Were they together before? Were they driven together by the cruel world they were forced to live in? Either way, love is love and they had each other. And maybe Frank had to try to run away on his own in the end – and maybe that letter was kind of shitty. But ultimately, something special was there. –Jackie Jing

10. Gregg – Night in the Woods

We really like Gregg because he’s this small rebellious trash animal who, despite being a troublemaker and a punk, cares about his friends and his relationship with his boyfriend so much that he’s constantly afraid of messing up. He’s so well-written and real, but so is the entire cast of wonderful characters in Night in the Woods. It’s cool to see a character in a game who’s just a normal dude with normal problems and not someone who’s trying to save the universe. Also, crimes. –Eric Sapp

11. Vivian – Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Vivian from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has an odd history. She’s a canonically transgender character in every translation of the game… except for English. She refers to her and her siren sisters as “the three shadow sisters,” a moment her cruel oldest sister uses to insultingly misgender her. That moment is made stronger in the Italian translation, where Vivian fires back about being proud of her transition. Disappointingly, it’s changed entirely in the English translation, and Vivian is just presented as a cisgender woman, a decision apparently driven by age rating concerns. It’s a crappy decision, and just a shame as Vivian stood as one of the few transgender characters in games (let alone a Nintendo game) where her gender identity wasn’t the crux of her character. Once she escapes her family to fight with Mario, she’s just Vivian. –Tom Marks

12. Dorian – Dragon Age Inquisition

If the carefully groomed mustache of Dorian Pavus didn’t catch your attention at first, his quick-witted and sassy banter is sure to charm you. A proud mage from Tevinter, Dorian is the first male party member to be romanced exclusively by a male protagonist in the Dragon Age series. Dorian is extremely intelligent and has a sharp memory, and as your friendship with Dorian develops (as either male or female Inquisitor) you learn that his sexuality is a point of contention between him and his family. You even have the option to support Dorian in a heart-wrenching confrontation with his father, Halward. If you choose not to romance Dorian or you are a female inquisitor, you discover through party banter that the Iron Bull and Dorian have engaged in a wild and consensual sexual relationship (much to our delight). Dorian is proud of who he is, both as a gay man and as a Tevinter mage. Posh and never unfashionable, Dorian is always ready with a cheeky comeback and maybe a touch of blood magic. – Amanda Flagg

13. Judy Alvarez – Cyberpunk 2077

The Judy versus Panam debate is one that will outlive us all, but for this list, we have to emphasize just how wonderful Judy Alvarez is in Cyberpunk 2077. Judy’s a quick-witted braindance technician you meet early on, and the more you learn about her, the more you want to know about her. Romanceable by only a female V, Judy is integral to Cyberpunk 2077’s early main storyline, and while she’s usually at odds with the choices that V and Evelyn Parkers make – it’s always a joy to receive that phone call from her explaining her actions and asking V to come and spend time with her. Judy is the lost, lovable character that one just can’t help but adore, and has become one of the most recognizable and relatable characters to stem from Cyberpunk 2077.

Walter Fitzroy Jr., better known as Fuse, is an Explosives enthusiast and brings loads of mayhem into Apex Legends. Fuse may only have seven toes, one eye, and only one of the arms he was born with, but that adds to his charm and doesn’t stop him from exuding joy. He’s charismatic, scrappy, and all about having a good time with friends and making things explode. Fuse is a favorite of fans who prefer beginning and ending fights with a bang. When a game of Apex Legend is nearing its end, and there is minimal to no cover for protection, Fuse is someone you want in your squad.

You may be wondering why Fuse is on this list. Developers at Respawn confirmed that the first line in Fuse’s lore, “Ladies man, man’s man, and all-around manly man.” means he is indeed Pansexual. Apex Legends has never shied away from including members of the LGBTQ+ community, and Fuse is just one of the many other confirmed LGBT legends. – Jada Griffin

Apex Legends Mobile

15. Zagreus – Hades

As much as Hades is a game about trying to fight your way out of the underworld, it’s also a game about relationships. Be that familial or romantic, the conversations you have as Zagreus are just as important as the giant monsters you kill, and his slick but genuinely caring demeanor carries you through them all. While you’re given the opportunity to romance both the Fury Megaera and Death-incarnate Thanatos, the way Zag’s relationship to every character in the game regardless of situation or societal standing is something truly special to watch. Hades reset the bar for stories in roguelike games, and Zagreus is a massive part of why. – Tom Marks

16. Madeline – Celeste

The story of Celeste is an unexpectedly candid one. It may look like a cute pixelated platformer on the surface, but it quickly reveals itself to be far more than that, and the struggle of its main character Madeline is the beating crystal heart at the center of it. Madeline’s journey as she resists and then tries to make peace with the parts of herself that frighten her is truly touching – whether you read that conflict as her more explicit struggle with depression and anxiety or the journey of transitioning that Celeste’s creator discussed in length later on. Madeline is clever, charmingly stubborn, kind-hearted, and painfully relatable, and her story is a standout part of a game that would be absolutely fantastic already on its own. – Tom Marks

17. Undyne – Undertale

Undertale’s Undyne is an incredibly over-the-top character who suplexes boulders and loves anime, and can either be an extremely tough boss, or a great friend. So much of her charm comes from seeing multiple facets of her personality depending on your actions – kill some monsters, and you’ll come to know her as a fairly intimidating warrior, but if you take on a more genocidal approach, she becomes the hero of the game to foil your villainous intent. It’s only when you go for a pacifist route that you become privy to what’s hiding under her tough-as-nails exterior… a tough-as-nails interior that wants her friends and loved ones to be their very best self – even if it involves dunking them in a trash can. We should all aspire to get on her level. –Brendan Graber

Those are our favorites – what are yours? Let us know in the comments, and for everything else Pride in gaming, stick with IGN.

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What Rob Lowe Has to Say About Raising Teens Into Strong Adults

E!: Do you know what your son is going to post before he does it?

RL: No! It’s in real time—and sometimes it’s super mean! But it’s always funny, I gotta give it up. He’s a little wiseacre, as my grandmother and grandpa used to say. 

E!: And how does that translate to TV?

RL: So we figured out, what is the math of it, because we’re not going to play our actual selves on the show. So from his point of view, it’s a father that he rolls his eyes over, who he feels doesn’t have a great grasp of the world. And I play a tech guru, Elon Musk-esque, who everybody just falls all over for every eccentric, cool, odd thing—and he is the one person who can talk truth to power.

E!: So is Rob Lowe going to be working all summer?

RL: No, I had four weeks. I took my wife to Bora Bora, it was beautiful, and now I’m back on the literal and actual treadmill of work. I start our fourth season of Lone Star in September. I figured out a way to do comedy with Unstable, which will come out next year, and Lone Star, which is drama. It’s an actor’s dream.

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Vince McMahon Steps Down From W.W.E. Amid Misconduct Investigation

Vince McMahon, a longtime executive for World Wrestling Entertainment who led professional wrestling from a sideshow curiosity into a mainstream phenomenon, has stepped down as chairman and chief executive while the company’s board investigates allegations of misconduct against him, the company said on Friday.

Stephanie McMahon, his daughter, will take over as interim chief executive and chairwoman, the company said in a statement. Mr. McMahon will remain involved with the W.W.E.’s creative content and “remains committed to cooperating with the review underway,” the company said.

“I have pledged my complete cooperation to the investigation by the Special Committee, and I will do everything possible to support the investigation,” Mr. McMahon said in a statement. “I have also pledged to accept the findings and outcome of the investigation, whatever they are.”

On Wednesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Mr. McMahon agreed to pay a secret $3 million settlement to an employee with whom he was said to have had an affair, and that the board had been investigating since April. The investigation unearthed other nondisclosure agreements involving claims of misconduct by Mr. McMahon, The Journal reported.

A lawyer for Mr. McMahon told The Journal that the employee had not made any claims of harassment against Mr. McMahon and that he used personal funds to pay the settlement.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Is Second Game in Remake Trilogy, Coming to PS5 Next Winter

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the name of the second game in the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy and it will launch “next winter” on PlayStation 5. Developer and publisher Square Enix also shared the first look trailer during its 25th Anniversary event for the original Final Fantasy VII. Among other major announcements, the developer also said that Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion will be launched later this year. It will make its debut on PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Steam (PC).

As per a blog shared by Square Enix, the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will continue the story of Final Fantasy VII Remake “taking Cloud and the party out of Midgar into the wider world.” The first look trailer shows Cloud and Sephiroth. As per the developer, the game’s standalone experience reimagines Final Fantasy VII for the modern era.

As per Tetsuya Nomura, creative director of the game of the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the game is designed in a way so that new players can enjoy the game regardless of whether they know the original game or not. He also pointed out that the development has already begun on the third title. Meanwhile, producer Yoshinori Kitase said that the game will have “stunning story twists” and deeper character explorations.

In related development, Square Enix also announced Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion, a prequel to original Final Fantasy VII launched in 2007, is coming on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Steam, and Switch later this winter. The game is said to follow the original narrative wherein Zack Fair is on a mission to find the missing soldier Genesis Rhapsodos. The game will come with multiple improvements in terms of graphics and dialogue delivery which is now fully voice-acted.

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iOS 16 Carries Built-In Unit Conversion in Messages, Notes, Calendar, More

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iOS 16 Carries Built-In Unit Conversion in Messages, Notes, Calendar, More

iOS 16 was announced last week, and it certainly has much more to offer than what was previewed at the WWDC 2022. Now, a new report suggests that iOS 16 will have a built-in unit conversion on Messages, Notes, Mail, Calendar, and other apps. Through this, Apple users will be able to easily see conversions for units such as time zones, distance, currencies, and more. It’ll make it easier for users to have a conversation with an overseas friend.

The feature was first spotted by the editor-in-chief of MacStories, Federico Viticci, who shared it via a Tweet. The tweet and a report by 9to5 Mac say that the built-in unit conversion feature in iOS 16 update will be available everywhere, including the Messages app on Apple iPhones.

The built-in unit conversion feature works for currencies, weight, volume, distance, and time zones in Apple phones running iOS 16. In fact, this feature is said to be functional across all Apple apps. Also, this feature will always show the user’s time zone, currency, or temperature preferences, as per the report.

Apple will release a public beta version of iOS 16 next month, and users can avail of the built-in unit conversion feature on their iPhones.

Apart from this, recently, Apple has also updated the Nearby Interaction framework on iOS 16 to integrate the ultra-wideband (UWB) enabling U1 chip with ARKit — the software suite meant to enable immersive experiences. And separately, iOS 16 is found to allow users to delete an additional list of preloaded apps, including Clock, Find My, and Health.

iOS 16 also features a Copy-Paste Photo Edits feature, in which a user will be able to copy the edits made on a photo and paste them to another photo. From texts to all the filters applied, every edit on the picture can be copied.

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Microsoft Defender Online Security App Launched for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows

Microsoft on Thursday announced the availability of new Microsoft Defender app for Microsoft 365 subscribers. Users across Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows devices with Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscriptions will be able to access the online security app now. The Defender app works as a central hub for managing and monitoring the security status across your computers and phones. It is claimed by the company to safeguard data and devices from malicious online threats and it will also recognise third-party antivirus solutions from Norton, MacAfee, and other companies. With the Defender app, users will get instant security alerts and tips to ensure the security of their devices, Microsoft says.

The company announced the release of Microsoft Defender app for individuals via a blog post on Thursday. The cybersecurity app, which was available for preview earlier, can now be accessed on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows. It is bundled with Microsoft 365 Family or Personal plans and the features of the app vary across platforms.

Microsoft Defender, as detailed on the company’s forum, offers antivirus and anti-phishing protection for your data and devices. Once installed, you can manage security protections for you and all devices used in your family from the centralised dashboard. This hub will also show the third-party antivirus protection from Norton, McAfee or any other vendors. Besides, the new cross-platform Defender app gives security alerts and tips across different devices. This feature is for now limited to Windows and macOS devices. The company is also planning to add features like identity theft protection and a secure online connection to the framework soon.

As mentioned, Microsoft Defender comes free of cost, but you’ll need a Microsoft 365 subscription to use the Microsoft Defender app. The Microsoft 365 Personal plan costs Rs. 489 for a month in India, while the Microsoft 365 Family plan costs Rs. 619 per month. Besides, Microsoft is also offering a 30-day free trial for users. It is available for download via Microsoft Store, App Store, and Google Play.

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Realme Techlife Watch R100 Hinted to Launch in India on June 23: All the Details

The Realme Techlife Watch R100 has been tipped to launch in India on June 23 at 12:30pm. The smartwatch is expected to sport a 1.32-inch colour display and come with Bluetooth calling feature. The watch will flaunt a round shaped dial and come in two colour options. The Realme TechLife Watch S100 and Realme TechLife Watch SZ100 was launched by the Chinese company earlier this year.

According to reliable tipster Mukul Sharma, Realme is reportedly set to launch the Realme Techlife Watch R100 on June 23 at 12:30pm. The wearable from Realme is said to sport a 1.32-inch colour display and come with Bluetooth calling feature. The poster shared along with the leak indicates that the smartwatch will sport a round shaped dial and will come in two colour options, seemingly Black and Cream. The wearable may go on sale via Flipkart although the e-commerce site now shows only two inactive links to the product.

Realme had recently launched the Realme TechLife Watch SZ100. The smartwatch came with a price tag of Rs. 2,499 and debuted in Lake Blue and Magic Grey colours. The SZ100 also came with a 1.69-inch HD colour display. It was equipped with sensors to enable skin temperature measurement and was rated to deliver up to 12 days of battery life on a single charge.

In March, Realme had also launched the TechLife Watch S100. Its price in India had been set at Rs. 2,499 and it came in Black and Grey colours.

The Realme TechLife Watch S100 featured a 1.69-inch (240×280 pixels) colour display that delivered 530 nits of peak brightness. It was equipped with a Photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor to deliver 24×7 heart rate monitoring. The smartwatch also claimed to be capable of measuring skin temperature and blood oxygen saturation levels (SpO2) and included a three-axis accelerometer for activity tracking.

Realme preloaded features including Weather Forecast, Music Control, Find my phone, and Camera access via the Realme TechLife Watch S100. Further, the watch came with regular options such as Alarm, Stopwatch, Timer, and Flashlight. The smartwatch also housed 24 sports modes, including dancing, riding, running outdoors, and walking, among others.

The Realme TechLife Watch S100 came in an IP68-certified metallic-finish build, had Bluetooth v5.1 connectivity and supported devices running on at least Android 5.0 or iOS 11. The smartwatch packed a 260mAh battery that is rated to deliver up to 12 days of usage on a single charge.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator Is On Sale

It’s no secret I love Microsoft Flight Simulator. In fact, I reviewed Flight Simulator and gave it a 10. I couldn’t have imagined any other score for it at the time: I was completely blown away. But they keep making it better. Not only are they constantly improving the sim side of it, with physics tweaks and performance upgrades, but they just keep adding more and more content. It’s astounding.

Microsoft Flight Simulator Deal


Flight Simulator

This is the physical edition of the game for Xbox Series X. If you have a Series S or an Xbox One… this isn’t for you I’m afraid.

This deal, which is incredible by the way, is for the physical Xbox Series X version. If you already have Game Pass, well, you already have Flight Sim, but if you don’t for some reason, and you want that sweet, sweet disc, you can snag this really excellent deal.

From a content to price perspective, it’s impossible to beat. You get the ENTIRE EARTH to explore. It’s amazing. The simulation aspect of it is incredible enough, but the ability to fly literally anywhere on Earth is what makes it a masterpiece. I still can’t believe it sometimes, even though I spend most of my time doing touch-and-goes at my local municipal airport.

I’ve been having a great time with the Top Gun Maverick content, which is far from a hollow Hollywood tie-in but is actually a set of really awesome challenges based on the movie. Landing on a carrier is, perhaps unsurprisingly, not easy.

They also just added the Pelican from Halo, and you would think that might feel out of place, but let me tell you something about Asobo Studios: they don’t half-ass anything when it comes to Flight Simulator. It’s amazing.

No idea how long this deal will be around, but if you’re in the market for a physical edition of one of the most technically astonishing games ever created, grab this one now.

Seth Macy is Executive Editor, IGN Commerce, and just wants to be your friend. You can find him hosting the Nintendo Voice Chat podcast.

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Nokia G400 5G Variants Reportedly Spotted Ahead of Global Launch

Nokia G400 5G official user guide has been reportedly spotted revealing the names of the three variants of the smartphone. The Nokia G400 was announced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2022 along with the Nokia C100, Nokia C200, Nokia G100, and Nokia 2760 flip phones. The G400 is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 SoC paired with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. The recent spotting of the Nokia G400 5G hints at the imminent official launch of the smartphone.

Three variants of the Nokia G400 5G — TA-1448, TA-1476, and N1530DL have reportedly been spotted by NokiaPowerUser as it appeared in the leaked user guide before launch. The report also mentioned that the N1530DL will be the US variant of the Nokia G400 5G. As mentioned earlier, the latest spotting of the 5G variants of the smartphone from the Finnish company is said to hint at its imminent launch. The report also hinted that the handset may be launched as Nokia G40 or Nokia G41 globally.

An earlier report from the same publication had mentioned the appearance of the Nokia G400 5G TA-1448 variant on the Wi-Fi alliance website. The variant was listed with the product name Style+. The user guide confirms the code name Style for the handset.

As mentioned earlier, the Nokia G400 was announced at CES 2022 along with the Nokia C100, Nokia C200, Nokia G100, and Nokia 2760 flip phones. To recall, the handset from Nokia is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 SoC paired with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. It sports a triple rear camera setup with a 48-megapixel primary sensor, an ultra-wide-angle sensor, and a macro lens. Nokia G400 is available for $239 (roughly Rs. 17,800) in the United States at Tracfone, Boost, and Consumer Cellular.

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TSMC’s 3nm SoCs to Debut in 2023, 2nm Chips Production to Begin 2025

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