Are airdrops an effective way to deliver humanitarian assistance to Gaza? | Israel War on Gaza

Are airdrops an effective way to deliver humanitarian assistance to Gaza? | Israel War on Gaza

The United States has become the latest country to airdrop humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Amid growing fears of famine in the besieged Palestinian territory, the US Air Force parachuted in more than 30,000 meals.

But some aid agencies have said military airlifts are not the answer.

Instead, they want Israel to open more border crossings to allow aid trucks to drive in.

Israel is accused of limiting aid deliveries – despite warnings that people were starving.

The limited amount of aid that has been delivered is not nearly enough for the 2.3 million Palestinian residents of Gaza.

To complicate the crisis, Israel’s constant military bombardment makes it difficult and dangerous for aid to be distributed.

So how effective are airdrops?

Presenter: Adrian Finighan


Bushra Khalidi – Oxfam policy lead in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel

Tamer Qarmout – Professor at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

Aseel Baidoun – Acting Director of advocacy and campaigns at Medical Aid for Palestinians

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