Wisconsin school shooting, Letters
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The Issue: This week’s fatal shootings at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wis.
I can’t believe it has happened again (“Deadly Refrain,” Dec. 18).
Monday’s shooting in Madison, Wis., which left at least two dead and several wounded, came a couple days after the 12th anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Conn.
Dating back to when President Barack Obama was in office, each time there has been a school shooting,
I have urged the sitting president to convene a gun-safety summit.
Fifty of my neighbors co-signed a letter to President Biden on the subject.
I thought someone in the White House would respond. Unfortunately, no one ever did.
So now, another school shooting has occurred, leaving grieving parents and friends to wonder why.
If you ask me, it didn’t have to happen.
Denny Freidenrich
Laguna Beach, Calif.
It’s a sad day in America when yet another school shooting has taken innocent lives and families are left to grieve.
What makes it even worse is that this tragedy occurred just a week before Christmas.
But in the meantime, let us hope that a copycat school shooting does not come on the heels of the Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wis.
We don’t need another tragedy.
JoAnn Lee Frank
Clearwater, Fla.
Yet another tragic school shooting has occurred, with several students injured, one student and a teacher killed, as well as the shooter shooting and killing herself.
Why are these terrible events continuing to happen in America?
Congress needs to pass more stringent gun-control laws to get these weapons off the streets and to prevent people who should not be able to get these weapons, like this teenage shooter, from being able to acquire them.
Schools are supposed to be safe havens for teaching and learning, not war zones.
John Amato
Another school shooting and people continue to blame lack of gun control.
Just for the record, during my school days there were fewer school shootings.
JR Cummings
The Issue: The consequences of President Biden’s possible blanket pardons.
Why does Sen. Bernie Sanders think that people like Anthony Fauci need a pardon (“The staggering preemptive cost,” Jonathan Turley, Dec. 17)?
Did Fauci commit crimes?
If not, then no pardon is necessary.
President Biden shouldn’t pardon Fauci or Liz Cheney.
He has already ruined his legacy by the pardons he has already issued, especially the one for the judge who was involved with “kids for cash.”
Charlie Honadel
Venice, Fla.
Should Biden issue these preemptive pardons, the Dems can kiss the presidency goodbye for 12 more years and possibly Congress for at least four years and most likely more.
How they still don’t get it after this last election dumbfounds me.
I trust the public is watching.
Blanket pardons will prove to anyone the deep state exists and the Biden family is nothing but grifters.
James Schwartz
Summit, NJ
Recent pardons by Biden include one for disgraced Pennsylvania judge Michael Conahan, who was involved in a “kids for cash” scheme, in which he received kickbacks by sending children to private jails.
Also, Chinese nationals who are known spies have been pardoned.
Biden appears to have dementia, so who’s calling the shots?
Paul Burgdorf
Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.
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