Why Lisa Marie Presley Kept Her Son’s Body on Dry Ice After His Death

Why Lisa Marie Presley Kept Her Son’s Body on Dry Ice After His Death

She emphasized, “I felt so fortunate that there was a way that I could still parent him, delay it a bit longer so that I could become okay with laying him to rest.”

Ultimately, though, Lisa Marie had to let her son go, as Riley called the experience of keeping Benjamin at their property for so long became “absurd.”

“We all got this vibe from my brother that he didn’t want his body in this house anymore,” Riley wrote in the memoir, out Oct. 8. “‘Guys,’ he seemed to be saying, ‘This is getting weird.’ Even my mom said that she could feel him talking to her, saying, ‘This is insane, Mom, what are you doing? What the f–k!’”

But while Lisa Marie was eventually able to have Benjamin laid to rest near his grandfather on Graceland’s property—where she herself was also buried—Riley has shared before that her mother was never really able to work through her grief. 

“My mom tried her best to find strength for me and my younger sisters after Ben died, but we knew how much pain she was in,” Riley told People last month. “My mom physically died from the after effects of her surgery, but we all knew she died of a broken heart.”

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