Warcraft 3: Reforged 2.0 Patch Notes: Full List of Changes Includes Multiplayer Updates, Bug Fixes, and More
In the wake of today’s large 2.0 update for Warcraft III: Reforged, Blizzard has released the complete list of patch notes, revealing changes to everything from multiplayer to various bug fixes.
The biggest highlight is a graphical update that adds HD versions of classic units, buildings, visual effects, environments, and icons. It also includes the option to customize between Reforged and Classic HD assets so fans can mix and match as they please.
Elsewhere, Warcraft III: Reforged 2.0 includes improvements to the lighting, the addition of XP and leveling to ranked play, and music from Warcraft I and II. The user interface also features various updates.
The 2.0 update represents another step forward for Blizzard’s ill-fated remaster, which is considered one of the worst moments in the publisher’s long history. The original release was panned for poor graphics, missing features, and broken promises, leaving it with a poor reputation from which it has never really recovered. Nevertheless, Blizzard has continued to work on Warcraft III: Reforged in the background, adding in ranked play and other requested features.
Warcraft III: Reforged 2.0’s launch was part of Wednesday’s Warcraft 30th Anniversary stream, which also included the release of remasters for Warcraft I and II, updates to World of Warcraft, and lots more. You can read the full list of patch notes below.
Warcraft III: Reforged 2.0 Patch Notes
Classic HD + Addon System
- Added HD versions of Classic Units, Buildings, VFX, Heroes, Environments and Icons.
- Added new section (under Reforged in the option screen) which will give players the ability to customize between Reforged and Classic HD Assets.
- Collection screen now has a filter option between skins and portraits.
- Added 5 new Warcraft III Starter Portraits.
- Added Reforged Campaign Heroes as playable skins in Multiplayer (if the skin has a Classic equivalent, the Classic version will show if you have Classic HD Heroes enabled).
- Added an option to disable Skins (for players who only want to see default units).
- Added Warcraft 2 Portraits.
- Added Warcraft 1 Portraits.
User Interface
- Added The Frozen Throne Theme (TFT). Players can toggle back by clicking the logo on the main menu or in the options.
- Menu flow has been updated.
- All front-end menus have been updated.
- Added in-game hotkey customization screen in the option menu. Players must have custom keys enabled to access the menu.
- Added options to turn on APM, FPS, Timer, Ping through the option menu.
- Added the ability for a player to watch through their Match History if they have the replay saved.
- Search filter added to create game.
- Search filter added to replays.
In-Game User Interface
- Added in-game timer that can be turned on/off via the options or using “/time”.
- Added deny indicator that can be turned on/off via the options.
- Added Goldmine worker counter that can be turned on/off via the options.
- Added Race Indicator in the Allies menu (F11) next to the players’ names.
- All chat is disabled by default but can be turned on manually via the options.
- Squad formation is disabled by default but can be turned on manually via the options.
- Health bars are set to always on by default but can be changed manually via the options.
- Numbers on cooldown are set to on by default but can be turned off manually via the options.
- Idle worker key will camera snap to the unit only after the player has double tapped.
- HUD can now be scalable in the option.
- Classic mode HUD now has the option of removing the side boarders.
- Campaign Talking Head UI is disabled by default but can be turned on manually via the options.
- Added Warcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 Music as an option.
- Added XP and leveling to ranked play.
- Leaderboard ranking is based on the amount of XP if player have the same XP rank tie breaker will be MMR.
- MMR bands have been reduced from 0-10000 to 0-7000.
- MMR will no longer reset after a new season if you are currently ranked. MMR will reset slightly if you played 0 games in the previous season.
- Level and XP will reset completely at the start of every season.
- AT can no longer match RT in 4v4 and 3v3.
- Added game servers located in Chicago, United States of America and Sydney, Australia.
Reforged Environments
- All Reforged Terrian Art has been updated for all environments.
- Various Tree Doodads have been updated to reflect the environment changes.
- Foliage is disabled by default.
Reforged Lighting
- Bloom has been removed.
- Tone map has been updated.
- Increased Ambient Lighting.
- All settings have been set to default settings.
- Updated various tooltips to better reflect ability usage for Heroes.
World Editor
- Added option to turn on/off Addons from Reforged to Classic HD.
- Added the ability to toggle on/off foliage.
- Fixed an issue where players could no longer create or invite players to Clans.
- Fixed an issue where the Demon Hunter would lose vision permanently if it was revived through the Ankh of Reincarnation.
- Fixed an issue where match results would not be processed.
- Fixed an issue preventing Mac users from launching the game.
Kat Bailey is IGN’s News Director as well as co-host of Nintendo Voice Chat. Have a tip? Send her a DM at @the_katbot.
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