Crypto Mining Banned in Venezuela, Thousands of Machines Seized

Crypto Mining Banned in Venezuela, Thousands of Machines Seized

The crypto mining industry often finds itself under the scanner for being power-intensive and releasing greenhouse gasses into the environment. In a recent development, the South American nation of Venezuela has announced a ban on crypto mining. The massive load of electricity that is used for the mining several cryptocurrencies…

Chile calls for the extradition of Venezuelans after dissident’s murder | Crime News

Chile calls for the extradition of Venezuelans after dissident’s murder | Crime News

Chilean Interior Minister Carolina Toha said all ‘eyes’ are on Venezuela to act in the pursuit of justice. Chile has announced plans to seek the extradition of two Venezuelans it considers suspects in the grisly murder of a political dissident. Speaking to reporters on Friday, Chilean Interior Minister Carolina Toha…

Faced with an election ban, Venezuela opposition leader names alternate | Elections News

Faced with an election ban, Venezuela opposition leader names alternate | Elections News

Opposition leader María Corina Machado named professor Corina Yoris as her replacement in the 2024 presidential race. Maria Corina Machado, the opposition leader in Venezuela’s upcoming presidential election, has thrown her support behind an alternate candidate as she continues to face a ban from running for office. She named the…

Venezuela orders suspension of UN rights office, gives staff days to leave | United Nations News

Venezuela orders suspension of UN rights office, gives staff days to leave | United Nations News

Earlier this week the UN agency expressed ‘deep concern’ over the detention of prominent rights activist, Rocio San Miguel. Venezuela has ordered the local office of the United Nations human rights body to suspend operations and given its staff 72 hours to leave, accusing it of promoting opposition to the…

Venezuela accuses US of ‘blackmail’ over sanctions | Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions News

Venezuela accuses US of ‘blackmail’ over sanctions | Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions News

The US reimposed sanctions after a ban blocking the candidacy of the opposition in Venezuela’s elections was upheld. Venezuela has criticised Washington’s decision to reimpose oil and gas sanctions and warned it could halt deportation flights for Venezuelan migrants who are in the United States without documents. “All of Venezuela…

US reimposes some sanctions after Venezuela bans presidential hopeful | News

US reimposes some sanctions after Venezuela bans presidential hopeful | News

Venezuela’s Supreme Court upheld a 15-year ban on opposition leader Maria Corina Machado holding public office. The United States has begun reimposing sanctions on Venezuela by restricting its mining sector after the South American nation’s top court upheld the disqualification of an opposition presidential hopeful. Any US companies doing business…

Venezuela court disqualifies leading opposition presidential candidate | Elections News

Venezuela court disqualifies leading opposition presidential candidate | Elections News

Maria Corina Machado had declared victory in the Venezuelan opposition’s presidential primary last October. Venezuela’s Supreme Justice Tribunal has upheld a ban which prevents presidential candidate Maria Corina Machado from holding office, upending the opposition’s plans for elections planned for later this year. Machado, a former lawmaker, won the opposition’s…

Seeking medical care, one family races anticipated US border restrictions | Migration News

Seeking medical care, one family races anticipated US border restrictions | Migration News

Medellin, Colombia – Victor Hidalgo Lopez had already carried his three-year-old daughter through 10 countries by the time they reached Mexico. Along the way, they used long hours on the road to prepare for their destination, the United States. Hidalgo, a 37-year-old from Venezuela, quizzed Emiliannys on how to count to…