US accuses Iran of being ‘deeply involved’ in Houthi attacks in Red Sea | Crime News

US accuses Iran of being ‘deeply involved’ in Houthi attacks in Red Sea | Crime News

White House says Tehran is providing Yemeni rebel group with weapons and tactical intelligence. The United States has accused Iran of being “deeply involved” in attacks by Houthi rebels on commercial ships in the Red Sea. Tehran’s support for the Yemeni rebel group includes both weapons and tactical intelligence, the…

US Supreme Court declines to speed up ruling on Trump immunity claim | Donald Trump News

US Supreme Court declines to speed up ruling on Trump immunity claim | Donald Trump News

Decision by the nation’s top court turns down a request by prosecutor Jack Smith to expedite review of immunity plea. The top court in the United States has declined to rule on whether former President Donald Trump can claim immunity for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, rejecting efforts…

Biden pardons thousands of marijuana offenders, gives clemency to 11 people | Drugs News

Biden pardons thousands of marijuana offenders, gives clemency to 11 people | Drugs News

The US president says the actions are meant to address disparities in sentencing that have long taken a toll on the Black community. US President Joe Biden has pardoned thousands of people convicted of use and simple possession of marijuana on federal lands and in the District of Columbia, says…

UN Security Council passes resolution on increased Gaza aid delivery | Israel-Palestine conflict News

UN Security Council passes resolution on increased Gaza aid delivery | Israel-Palestine conflict News

BREAKINGBREAKING, The US abstains on resolution that it lobbied to weaken over the course of several days, allowing it to pass. The United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution to boost humanitarian aid to Gaza, following several delays over the last week as the United States lobbied to weaken…

Watching the watchdogs: Why the West misinterprets Middle East power shifts | Israel-Palestine conflict

Watching the watchdogs: Why the West misinterprets Middle East power shifts | Israel-Palestine conflict

“In Yemen, there is wisdom,” goes the medieval Arab saying. Remember that, if you’re trying to sort out how the Israel-Palestine confrontation in Gaza rattles the Middle East – because ongoing Yemeni attacks against Israel-linked ships in the Red Sea clarify one of the region’s most important political dynamics of recent…

Marianne Williamson on her US presidential campaign, the economy and Gaza | Elections News

Marianne Williamson on her US presidential campaign, the economy and Gaza | Elections News

Washington, DC – Marianne Williamson says she is not merely running a protest campaign. A spiritual author who is challenging President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination in the 2024 presidential race, Williamson believes someone needs to stand up to the growing corporate influences in the United States government. “And I’m…

What’s the latest UN Gaza resolution that the US has agreed to? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

What’s the latest UN Gaza resolution that the US has agreed to? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

After a week of diplomatic back and forth, the United States has signalled that it is ready to support a United Nations Security Council resolution. Here is what we know about the draft resolution. Why did the US want the draft resolution watered down? The original draft was put forth…