Money, power and the peril of courting Chinese nationalism | Politics News

Money, power and the peril of courting Chinese nationalism | Politics News

In January, a Chinese ultranationalist vlogger – video blogger – came across red circular stickers on the glass doors of a shopping mall in Nanjing featuring the words: “Happy 2024.” The vlogger claimed that what appeared to be innocent New Year decorations were, in fact, nationalistic Japanese motifs since the…

What is Super Tuesday and why is it important? All you need to know | US Election 2024 News

What is Super Tuesday and why is it important? All you need to know | US Election 2024 News

One of the busiest days in the United States election calendar is nearly here. Super Tuesday takes place on March 5, with millions of voters expected to cast their ballots in presidential primaries and caucuses across more than a dozen states. Also on the ballot will be races for both…

Israeli MP denounces ‘tsunami of fanatic nationalism’ in Israel | Israel War on Gaza

Israeli MP denounces ‘tsunami of fanatic nationalism’ in Israel | Israel War on Gaza

‘We are on the brink of a fascist dictatorship,’ Knesset member Ofer Cassif tells Marc Lamont Hill. Over the past five months, Israel’s war on Gaza has caused mass devastation and led to more than 30,000 deaths. In January, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague found that…

In New York, Israeli conscientious objectors find community after ostracism | Israel War on Gaza News

In New York, Israeli conscientious objectors find community after ostracism | Israel War on Gaza News

New York, United States – He feared being called a “mishtamet”. A draft dodger. Someone who shrinks from their responsibility. But at age 17, Jewish social worker Asaf Calderon made a fateful decision: not to participate in the mandatory military service required of nearly all Israeli citizens. Instead, he pursued…

US Senate approves spending stopgap to avert government shutdown | Politics News

US Senate approves spending stopgap to avert government shutdown | Politics News

Short-term spending bill averts shutdown of agencies that would have kicked in on Saturday. The United States Congress has approved a short-term spending package to avoid a government shutdown, the fourth such stopgap measure in several months. The bill, which passed the Senate in a bipartisan 77-13 vote, provides funding…

Biden and Trump border visits highlight immigration as election issue | US-Mexico Border News

Biden and Trump border visits highlight immigration as election issue | US-Mexico Border News

US President Joe Biden to visit border town of Brownsville, Texas as Donald Trump heads to Eagle Pass, Texas. US President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, his likely Republican opponent in the November election, will make separate visits to the US-Mexico border on Thursday as immigration has become a key…

US lawmakers confront Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin over health secrecy | News

US lawmakers confront Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin over health secrecy | News

Republican lawmakers question how President Biden could go for days without knowing Austin was hospitalised. Republican lawmakers have criticised US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at a hearing for failing to disclose his prostrate cancer surgery and subsequent hospitalisation to President Joe Biden. Austin, with support from Democrats on the House…

‘Call it by its name’: How hateful rhetoric feeds anti-Palestinian violence | Israel War on Gaza News

‘Call it by its name’: How hateful rhetoric feeds anti-Palestinian violence | Israel War on Gaza News

Burlington, Vermont – With Israel waging war in the Gaza Strip and violence reaching new heights in the occupied West Bank, Hisham Awartani’s family thought he would be safer in the United States. That’s why, instead of going to the West Bank for Thanksgiving break, the 20-year-old Palestinian student and…

Why has the EU sanctioned Indian, Chinese companies for Russia links? | Russia-Ukraine war News

Why has the EU sanctioned Indian, Chinese companies for Russia links? | Russia-Ukraine war News

A day before the two-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the European Union released an exhaustive new list of companies, entities or people in countries including Russia, India, Iran, China and Syria, that it said it was sanctioning over allegations that they were connected to Russia’s defence and security…

US judge disqualifies Trump from Illinois ballot | Donald Trump News

US judge disqualifies Trump from Illinois ballot | Donald Trump News

Former president barred from appearing on Republican presidential primary ballot over his role in US Capitol attack. A judge in the US state of Illinois has barred former President Donald Trump from appearing on Illinois’s Republican presidential primary ballot because of his role in the attack at the US Capitol…