Audiences suspicious of AI being used to create news, survey shows | Technology News

Audiences suspicious of AI being used to create news, survey shows | Technology News

News consumers most opposed to use of AI for sensitive topics such as politics, report finds. Most news consumers in the United States and the United Kingdom would be uncomfortable with journalism produced mainly by artificial intelligence (AI), a survey has found. Only 23 percent of respondents in the US…

Why Microsoft, OpenAI and Nvidia are facing anti-monopoly probes | Technology

Why Microsoft, OpenAI and Nvidia are facing anti-monopoly probes | Technology

The United States Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have reportedly reached a deal on how they will pursue an antitrust investigation into tech giants Microsoft, Nvidia, and Open AI. The companies are all major players in generative AI: OpenAI is the nonprofit startup behind ChatGPT, the…

Despite huge PR push, is US plan for Gaza doomed to fail? | Israel-Palestine conflict

Despite huge PR push, is US plan for Gaza doomed to fail? | Israel-Palestine conflict

After rejecting a ceasefire for months in Israel’s war on Gaza, the Biden administration wants to see an end to the fighting. How “permanent” is the US/Israeli plan for a “permanent ceasefire” in Gaza? The intentional vagueness of the proposal to bring a “sustainable period of calm” to the Gaza…

How not to show solidarity with the Palestinian people | Israel-Palestine conflict

How not to show solidarity with the Palestinian people | Israel-Palestine conflict

The Israeli war on Gaza has entered its ninth month. In this “hell on earth”, as the United Nations has described it, Palestinian women are exposed to unimaginable atrocities and suffering. Women and children make up 70 percent of deaths from the Israeli army’s relentless bombardment. Pregnant and lactating women…

What grief for a dying planet looks like: Climate scientists on the edge | Climate Crisis News

What grief for a dying planet looks like: Climate scientists on the edge | Climate Crisis News

“I was scared as hell. … I remember feeling very nervous.” On April 6, 2022, Peter Kalmus, a climate scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, got a ride into downtown Los Angeles, where he was about to handcuff himself to the door of a JPMorgan Chase bank alongside three fellow…

Children among nine wounded in shooting at Michigan water park | Gun Violence News

Children among nine wounded in shooting at Michigan water park | Gun Violence News

Eight-year-old is in critical condition after the attack at the Brooklands Plaza Splash Pad park in a Detroit suburb. At least nine people, including two young children, have been wounded after being shot at a city-run water park in Michigan in the United States, officials said. An attacker opened fire…

US top court rejects federal ban on gun ‘bump stocks’ | Gun Violence News

US top court rejects federal ban on gun ‘bump stocks’ | Gun Violence News

Supreme Court rules prohibition on device that increases the firing rate of semi-automatic weapons is unlawful. The United States Supreme Court declared a federal ban on “bump stock” devices that enable semiautomatic weapons to fire rapidly unlawful, rejecting yet another firearms restriction. In a six-to-three ruling on Friday, the justices…

US sanctions Israeli group for attacking Gaza aid convoys | Israel-Palestine conflict News

US sanctions Israeli group for attacking Gaza aid convoys | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Washington, DC – The United States has imposed sanctions on a “violent extremist” Israeli group for blocking and damaging humanitarian aid convoys to Gaza as the risk of famine increases in the besieged Palestinian territory. The administration of President Joe Biden on Friday targeted Tzav 9, a group whose stated…

US vice presidential candidates: Everything you need to know | US Election 2024 News

US vice presidential candidates: Everything you need to know | US Election 2024 News

Washington, DC – The vice presidency in the United States does not come with much power, yet the names of vice presidential nominees appear on the ballot, yard signs and campaign merchandise next to the main candidates for president. Vice presidents can play an outsized role in the White House…

US ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China’s COVID efforts: Report | Coronavirus pandemic News

US ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China’s COVID efforts: Report | Coronavirus pandemic News

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus, an investigation by the Reuters news agency has found. Through phony internet accounts meant…