At least 576,000 people in Gaza one step away from famine, UN says | Israel War on Gaza News

At least 576,000 people in Gaza one step away from famine, UN says | Israel War on Gaza News

Officials from the United Nations have accused Israel of “systematically” blocking aid from reaching desperate Palestinians in Gaza, warning that at least one-quarter of the enclave’s population was a step away from famine without urgent action. The warnings on Tuesday came as footage from northern Gaza showed Israeli forces again…

Two-month old Palestinian boy dies of hunger amid Israel’s war on Gaza | Israel War on Gaza News

Two-month old Palestinian boy dies of hunger amid Israel’s war on Gaza | Israel War on Gaza News

A two-month-old Palestinian boy has died from starvation in northern Gaza, according to media reports, days after the United Nations warned of an “explosion” in child deaths due to Israel’s war on the besieged enclave. The Shehab news agency said Mahmoud Fattouh died at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on…

WFP halts food deliveries to north Gaza amid ‘complete chaos, violence’ | United Nations News

WFP halts food deliveries to north Gaza amid ‘complete chaos, violence’ | United Nations News

The UN food agency pauses deliveries amid Israeli gunfire and a ‘collapse of civil order’ in northern Gaza. The United Nations food agency has paused delivering aid to northern Gaza, citing Israeli gunfire as well as “complete chaos and violence due to the collapse of civil order” in the area….

US vetoes another UN Security Council resolution urging Gaza war ceasefire | Israel War on Gaza News

US vetoes another UN Security Council resolution urging Gaza war ceasefire | Israel War on Gaza News

Majority of members voted to call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza that has killed more than 29,000 people. The United States has vetoed another United Nations Security Council draft resolution on Israel’s war on Gaza, blocking a demand for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas….

Does Israel care about international justice? | Israel War on Gaza

Does Israel care about international justice? | Israel War on Gaza

UN’s International Court of Justice holds public hearings on consequences of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. The International Court of Justice is hearing submissions on Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories. It will consider the legal consequences of Israel’s ongoing breach of Palestinians’ right to self-determination as well as how…

Taliban’s conditions to attend UN meeting ‘unacceptable’, Guterres says | United Nations News

Taliban’s conditions to attend UN meeting ‘unacceptable’, Guterres says | United Nations News

The Taliban has set unacceptable conditions for attending a United Nations-sponsored meeting about Afghanistan in the Qatari capital, Doha, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says. “I received a letter [from the Taliban] with a set of conditions to be present in this meeting that were not acceptable,” Guterres said at a…

Why are Israel and its Western allies targeting UNRWA? | Israel War on Gaza

Why are Israel and its Western allies targeting UNRWA? | Israel War on Gaza

Is Israel trying to associate Hamas and UNRWA to mobilise anti-Palestinian sentiment in the US? About 20 countries have announced suspension of funding to UNRWA, the agency that has been providing services to Palestinian refugees since 1950. The official reason for the suspension was Israel’s accusation that a dozen UNRWA…

“It’s not complex, it’s genocide” Former top UN official on Gaza | Israel War on Gaza

“It’s not complex, it’s genocide” Former top UN official on Gaza | Israel War on Gaza

‘Israel operates under a climate of absolute impunity,’ says Craig Mokhiber, former top UN official. Since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza the United Nations has been under pressure. More than 85 percent of the Gazan population is currently homeless and living in dire conditions, while the UN remains…

Venezuela orders suspension of UN rights office, gives staff days to leave | United Nations News

Venezuela orders suspension of UN rights office, gives staff days to leave | United Nations News

Earlier this week the UN agency expressed ‘deep concern’ over the detention of prominent rights activist, Rocio San Miguel. Venezuela has ordered the local office of the United Nations human rights body to suspend operations and given its staff 72 hours to leave, accusing it of promoting opposition to the…

UN envoy warns of ‘dangerous’ escalation cycle in war-wracked Yemen | Houthis News

UN envoy warns of ‘dangerous’ escalation cycle in war-wracked Yemen | Houthis News

A separate UN official expresses fears over how the US designating the Houthis a ‘terrorist’ group may affect Yemen’s economy. The United Nations special envoy for Yemen has called for immediate action to end the “dangerous escalatory cycle” in the war-wracked country, as Houthi rebels continue their attacks in the…