Torture as a weapon of war must cease, rights experts demand — Global Issues

Torture as a weapon of war must cease, rights experts demand — Global Issues

Today, more than 100 armed conflicts are raging worldwide, devastating communities, winding back development, and leading to grave violations of human rights. Ranging from severe beatings to sexual humiliation and rape, torture iswidely used as a means of war. And often, torture involves the use of tools or instruments, mock…

Torture as a weapon of war must cease, rights experts demand — Global Issues

A knowledge-based approach to tackling Afghanistan’s drug abuse crisis — Global Issues

Afghanistan, one of the world’s largest producers of heroin and methamphetamine – most of it smuggled abroad – is home to an estimated 3.5 million drugs users, according to the UN. The worsening crisis has left most of the country’s drug treatment and rehabilitation centers struggling to cope. A walk…

Torture as a weapon of war must cease, rights experts demand — Global Issues

OHCHR calls for ‘urgent action’ to end militia attacks on people fleeing El Geneina — Global Issues

The explosion of ethnic violence in Darfur largely by nomadic “Arab” groups in alliance with the RSF who have been battling national army forces for control of the country since mid-April, has led tens of thousands to flee into neighbouring Chad. ‘Horrifying accounts’ In a statement,OHCHR Spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani said…

Torture as a weapon of war must cease, rights experts demand — Global Issues

Reducing the harm caused by drugs in Thailand — Global Issues

Watcharapol Mahaprom, who goes by the name Paan, accesses services at a clinic in Bangkok run by the UNODC-supported non-governmental organization, Ozone. The organization promotes harm-reduction services which focus on their clients’ needs with the aim of preventing the health and social impacts of drug use. He spoke to UN…

Torture as a weapon of war must cease, rights experts demand — Global Issues

Killings drive Israelis and Palestinians ‘deeper into an abyss’, warns Türk — Global Issues

“These latest killings and the violence, along with the inflammatory rhetoric, serve only to drive Israelis and Palestinians deeper into an abyss,” said the High Commissioner for Human Rights, as his Office warned of the “terrible impact on both Palestinians and Israelis” of the escalation, before calling for an immediate…

Torture as a weapon of war must cease, rights experts demand — Global Issues

War ‘weakening’ international security, political affairs chief warns — Global Issues

“The war in Ukraine has created a humanitarian and human rights catastrophe, traumatized a generation of children, and accelerated the global food and energy crises,” said Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs. “We cannot discount further dangerous knock-on effects,” she cautioned, citing urgent concerns, from rising death tolls…

Torture as a weapon of war must cease, rights experts demand — Global Issues

On Peacebuilding Day, ambassadors discuss response to organized crime in the Sahel — Global Issues

The PBC, an intergovernmental advisory body launched in 2006, plays a crucial role in supporting peace efforts in conflict-affected countries. Consisting of 31 Member States elected from the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Economic and Social Council, it brings together top donors and troop-contributing countries. Ambassador Ivan Šimonović…

Torture as a weapon of war must cease, rights experts demand — Global Issues

Urgent reform needed to shield women and children from violence during custody battles — Global Issues

“The tendency of family courts to dismiss the history of domestic violence and abuse in custody cases, especially where mothers and/or children have brought forward credible allegations of domestic abuse, including coercive control, physical or sexual abuse is unacceptable,” said Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, in…