Amid uncertainty, global situation ‘cannot be ignored’ says WHO chief — Global Issues

Amid uncertainty, global situation ‘cannot be ignored’ says WHO chief — Global Issues

Members of the committee could announce their decision on whether or not the outbreak constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, as early as Friday, but meanwhile Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the spread of the disease both in non-endemic and endemic countries, “cannot be ignored”. The first mysterious cluster…

Supporting UN’s Palestine refugee agency, means ‘investing in stability for the region’ — Global Issues

Supporting UN’s Palestine refugee agency, means ‘investing in stability for the region’ — Global Issues

“It means investing in the economic and social wellbeing of Palestine refugees and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” Secretary-General António Guterres told the UN General Assembly ad hoc committee for voluntary contributions to UNRWA. “It means investing in the future through education of children and youth, girls and boys,…

Violence against indigenous women, ‘legacy of colonialism’ rooted in racism — Global Issues

Violence against indigenous women, ‘legacy of colonialism’ rooted in racism — Global Issues

“This violence is rooted in historic and unequal patriarchal power structures, racism, exclusion, and marginalization enabled by a legacy of colonialism,” said the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, Reem Alsalem, on Tuesday. Stem ‘alarming’ impunity Meanwhile, perpetrators continue to go free, without consequences. “The level of impunity…both State…

Violence against indigenous women, ‘legacy of colonialism’ rooted in racism — Global Issues

‘De facto lethargy’ in Central African Republic, despite escalating attacks — Global Issues

“The fears legitimately nurtured by the civilian populations who are still suffering the harmful effects of persistent ceasefire violations […] continue to be reported,” said Valentine Rugwabiza, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for the Central African Republic and Head of the UN’s peacekeeping mission in the country, known by its French acronym,…

Iran urged to halt imminent finger amputation of eight prisoners — Global Issues

Iran urged to halt imminent finger amputation of eight prisoners — Global Issues

The men were sentenced to “have four fingers on their right hands completely cut off so that only the palms of their hands and their thumbs are left”.  OHCHR is deeply concerned that the amputations are imminent.  Guillotine already installed  Of the eight prisoners, seven were identified as Hadi Rostami,…

UN chief honours staff who died in service — Global Issues

UN chief honours staff who died in service — Global Issues

“We are united in sorrow and solidarity,” said Secretary-General António Guterres, consoling the family members and loved ones, joining in the memorial event from all over the world, telling them: “our hearts are with you”. ‘Immeasurable suffering’ Throughout the past year, COVID-19 continued to cause “immeasurable suffering and death,” he…

Guterres ‘shocked and outraged’ by reports of civilian massacres — Global Issues

Guterres ‘shocked and outraged’ by reports of civilian massacres — Global Issues

At the weekend, at least 100 civilians reportedly died when rebel militia attacked several villages in the Bandiagara region, close to Mopti. According to a statement issued earlier in the week by the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, MINUSMA, several homes and shops were burned, and the attacks “also led to the…

Violence against indigenous women, ‘legacy of colonialism’ rooted in racism — Global Issues

Violence, rhetoric, hate speech, drive atrocity crimes in Ukraine and beyond, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Beginning her briefing with a wider perspective, Wairimu Nderitu said that hateful and contentious narratives that form in the wake of growing hostility, violence and discrimination, could have a “devastating impact” on societies at large. “We saw it in the lead up to the Holocaust, in Rwanda in 1994” and…

Violence against indigenous women, ‘legacy of colonialism’ rooted in racism — Global Issues

UN and partners deliver lifesaving aid to Donetska region — Global Issues

The 12 trucks carrying food, water purification tablets, hygiene and other desperately needed household items, arrived in the region on Monday.  Yesterday, humanitarians delivered 12 trucks of life-saving items to 64K people in Kramatorsk & Sloviansk.Intense hostilities left the entire population of these two cities in desperate need of assistance….

Violence against indigenous women, ‘legacy of colonialism’ rooted in racism — Global Issues

UN brainstorms how to strengthen aid delivery amid ‘megacrises’ — Global Issues

The three-day ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) brings together UN agencies, diplomats, aid workers, the private sector and other partners, to discuss current and emerging challenges, as well as priorities, and to share experiences and lessons learned.  ECOSOC President Collen Kelapile recalled that the world is witnessing the highest number…