Rise of disinformation a symptom of ‘global diseases’ undermining public trust: Bachelet — Global Issues

Rise of disinformation a symptom of ‘global diseases’ undermining public trust: Bachelet — Global Issues

Michelle Bachelet said the restoration of public trust was essential, as disinformation should really be seen as a symptom of diseases such as systemic inequality, which has seen “deep-seated discrimination” flourish, along with fragile institutions, a loss of trust in effective governance, and “limited rule of law”. She said those…

Rise of disinformation a symptom of ‘global diseases’ undermining public trust: Bachelet — Global Issues

Sustainable blue economy vital for small countries and coastal populations — Global Issues

The world’s coastal populations contribute significantly to the global economy – an estimated $1.5 trillion per year – with expectations pointing to some $3 trillion by 2030. Ensuring ocean ecosystem health, supporting livelihoods and driving economic growth requires targeted support for key sectors, including fisheries and aquaculture, tourism, energy, shipping…

Rise of disinformation a symptom of ‘global diseases’ undermining public trust: Bachelet — Global Issues

UN rights office in probe call, after Morocco-Spain migrant deaths, Texas tragedy, show need for safer pathways — Global Issues

The Morocco-Spain border incident took place last Friday when African migrants were reportedly “beaten with batons, kicked, shoved, and attacked with stones by Moroccan officials”, said OHCHR spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani, in their attempt to scale the barbed-wire fence that separates Morocco from the North African, Spanish city of Melilla. “This…

Rise of disinformation a symptom of ‘global diseases’ undermining public trust: Bachelet — Global Issues

Decade of brutal war left nearly 307,000 civilians dead — Global Issues

“The conflict-related casualty figures in this report are not simply a set of abstract numbers, but represent individual human beings,” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said, in a press release. “The impact of the killing of each of these 306,887 civilians would have had a profound, reverberating…

Rise of disinformation a symptom of ‘global diseases’ undermining public trust: Bachelet — Global Issues

UN highlights need to speed up progress towards national elections — Global Issues

“The United Nations’ priority in Libya remains to facilitate a return to the electoral process, based on a sound and consensual constitutional basis for elections. This is what the Libyan people have asked for,” she declared.  Elections the only path to settle disagreements over the democratic legitimacy of Libyan institutions….

Rise of disinformation a symptom of ‘global diseases’ undermining public trust: Bachelet — Global Issues

UN drug report shines light on cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine trends — Global Issues

The World Drug Report 2022 also details the environmental consequences of the illicit drugs trade, the expansion of synthetic drugs to new markets, and an all-time high in cocaine production. “Numbers for the manufacturing and seizures of many illicit drugs are hitting record highs, even as global emergencies are deepening…

Dozens dead and injured as UN condemns ‘utterly deplorable’ shopping centre attack — Global Issues

Dozens dead and injured as UN condemns ‘utterly deplorable’ shopping centre attack — Global Issues

At least ten people have reportedly been killed by what Ukrainian authorities have said was a Russian missile strike on a crowded shopping centre, and attack which the UN condemned on Monday as “utterly deplorable”. The mall in the eastern city of Kremenchuk – a city which has largely escaped…

Rise of disinformation a symptom of ‘global diseases’ undermining public trust: Bachelet — Global Issues

Countries urged to ‘dig deep’ and support Afghanistan in aftermath of deadly earthquake — Global Issues

“Yesterday’s visit reaffirmed to me both the extreme suffering of people in Afghanistan and their tremendous resolve in the face of great adversity,” said Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Humanitarian Coordinator for Afghanistan. The UN and partners have developed a three-month emergency appeal, included within…

Youth are the generation that will help save our ocean and our future, says UN chief — Global Issues

Youth are the generation that will help save our ocean and our future, says UN chief — Global Issues

The two-day event brought together hundreds of youth from some 165 countries with a shared goal: protecting the Ocean.   I am inspired by the energy & commitment of the young climate activists I met today at the @UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon. Youth of the world: We need your…