Accessible finance is key to realizing Uganda’s potential — Global Issues

Accessible finance is key to realizing Uganda’s potential — Global Issues

Dmitry PoshidaevMany UN agencies have a very specific thematic focus: they are dealing with women, children, health care, or other important issues. However, the UNCDF can get engaged in a variety of various thematic areas, provided that there is a financial solution that can be used to address a specific…

Accessible finance is key to realizing Uganda’s potential — Global Issues

‘De-escalate’ urges UN chief, rise above differences — Global Issues

In a statement issued late Saturday night, the UN chief appealed to all relevant actors “to take immediate steps to de-escalate the situation, avoid any further violence, and ensure the protection of peaceful protesters and State institutions”.  Freedom of expression and peaceful assembly are fundamental rights – UN chief For the…

Accessible finance is key to realizing Uganda’s potential — Global Issues

Rights experts denounce shutdown of over 700 civil society groups — Global Issues

In a letter to the Nicaraguan Government last Monday, the group of 16 UN experts upheld that the action “represents a clear pattern of repressing civic space”. The UN experts echoed a statement earlier this year by the High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding the crackdown. They expressed shock over the extent…

Accessible finance is key to realizing Uganda’s potential — Global Issues

UN Committee against Torture: Focus on Botswana, Nicaragua, Palestine, United Arab Emirates

The UN Committee against Torture on Friday concluded its current session by releasing findings on Botswana, Nicaragua, the State of Palestine and the United Arab Emirates  Read the full story, “UN Committee against Torture: Focus on Botswana, Nicaragua, Palestine, United Arab Emirates”, on → Check out our Latest News…

Accessible finance is key to realizing Uganda’s potential — Global Issues

Prospects for end to war look bleak, despite ‘encouraging’ grain deal — Global Issues

Ambassadors were briefed by UN political affairs chief Rosemary DiCarlo, who pointed to the recent agreement on the safe resumption of grain exports via the Black Sea as a bright light in the conflict, though acknowledging the dim prospects for peace.  “The grain agreement is a sign that dialogue between…

Accessible finance is key to realizing Uganda’s potential — Global Issues

As vast Za’atari refugee camp turns 10, Syrians face uncertain future — Global Issues

“With the increase in food prices across the world, many refugee families are struggling to meet their basic needs on a daily basis,” said Dominik Bartsch, UNHCR Representative in Amman. “There is of course food assistance provided, but overall, household incomes are declining rapidly and we’re seeing the level of…

Accessible finance is key to realizing Uganda’s potential — Global Issues

‘All-out assault’ on rights, safety and dignity, says UN chief — Global Issues

“Tragically, it is also a problem that is growing worse – especially for women and girls, who represent the majority of detected trafficked persons globally”.  Separated and vulnerable Conflicts, forced displacement, climate change, inequality and poverty, have left tens of millions of people around the world destitute, isolated and vulnerable….

Rights experts call for moratorium on executions for drugs offences — Global Issues

Rights experts call for moratorium on executions for drugs offences — Global Issues

Nazeri Bin Lajim, a Malay Singaporean national, was arrested in April 2012 for trafficking more than 33 grammes of diamorphine. He was executed last Friday.   “Under international law, States that have not yet abolished the death penalty may only impose it for the ‘most serious crimes’, involving intentional killing,”…