Massive Continent-Sized Blobs Deep in Earth’s Mantle May Be Over a Billion Years Old

Massive Continent-Sized Blobs Deep in Earth’s Mantle May Be Over a Billion Years Old

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates Massive structures buried deep within the Earth’s mantle have been found to be more than a billion years old, according to recent research. These continent-sized formations, referred to as large low-seismic-velocity provinces (LLSVPs), are believed to be both older and hotter than their…

Gold-Sulfur Complex Found to Play Crucial Role in Gold Deposit Formation

Gold-Sulfur Complex Found to Play Crucial Role in Gold Deposit Formation

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates A breakthrough discovery by an international team of scientists has highlighted the role of a gold-sulfur complex in the formation of gold deposits on Earth. The study, co-authored by Adam Simon, Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Michigan, was…