RNC’s vegan BBQ proves a surprising hit — with PETA welcoming Republicans into the fold

RNC’s vegan BBQ proves a surprising hit — with PETA welcoming Republicans into the fold

One piece of head-scratching news coming out of the Republican National Convention this week concerns the list of food vendors — as one in particular makes waves on social media. Gray Jett Cafe says on the Milwaukee host committee’s website that it provides “a full service Traditional, Vegan, Vegetarian menu.” NOTUS…

Majority of swing-state voters believe vaping is as bad as or worse than smoking: poll

Majority of swing-state voters believe vaping is as bad as or worse than smoking: poll

BETHLEHEM, Pa. — A new poll the Vapor Technology Association released reveals that three-quarters of voters across three swing states believe vaping is “as bad as or worse” than smoking cigarettes and other nicotine products. Former Trump official Kellyanne Conway’s firm conducted the poll, which surveyed 600 registered voters in…