Climate change threatening access to water and sanitation — Global Issues

Climate change threatening access to water and sanitation — Global Issues

“Climate change is already posing serious challenges to water and sanitation systems in countries around the world,” said Thomas Croll-Knight, spokesperson for the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Rising risks According to UNECE and the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), despite being a priority aligned with…

Rescuing global goals, world’s ‘highest common priority’ – UN chief — Global Issues

Rescuing global goals, world’s ‘highest common priority’ – UN chief — Global Issues

From the economic repercussions of the COVID pandemic to food insecurity exacerbated by the Ukraine war, Secretary-General António Guterres painted a picture of accumulating crises that have put the drive towards the global goals into reverse. “We must rise higher to rescue the SDGs – and stay true to our promise of…

Unity among nations, in push for greater space security at UN-led talks — Global Issues

Unity among nations, in push for greater space security at UN-led talks — Global Issues

The first Open-ended Working Group on Reducing Space Threats that’s been meeting all week in the Swiss city, is the result of a UN General Assembly resolution last December, seeking to promote “norms, rules and principles of responsible behaviours” among countries already present in the cosmos – or which are planning to have a…

‘Coalition of the willing’ to ensure healthy diets from sustainable food systems — Global Issues

‘Coalition of the willing’ to ensure healthy diets from sustainable food systems — Global Issues

The Coalition of Action for Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems for all (HDSFS), brings together governments, UN agencies, civil society organizations, academic institutions, and social movements.  It is one of the outcomes of the UN Food Systems Summit held in September 2021, as part of the Decade of Action…

UN spotlights plant health, crucial for boosting food security worldwide — Global Issues

UN spotlights plant health, crucial for boosting food security worldwide — Global Issues

Plants under threat Healthy plants have the power to help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment, and boost economic development. But even though plants make up 80 per cent of the food we eat, and provide 98 per cent of the oxygen we breathe, threats to their survival in…

Rescuing global goals, world’s ‘highest common priority’ – UN chief — Global Issues

UN meets to help reverse ‘precipitous drop’ in tourism — Global Issues

The COVID-19 pandemic ground the entire tourism sector to a halt, dealing a “devastating blow to the global economy,” he told the first-ever High-Level Thematic Debate on Sustainable Tourism. “In 2019, prior to the pandemic, tourism contributed $3.5 trillion to global GDP. The precipitous drop during the pandemic is estimated…

Rescuing global goals, world’s ‘highest common priority’ – UN chief — Global Issues

New plan to accelerate clean energy access for millions globally — Global Issues

The UN-Energy Plan of Action Towards 2025 delivers on commitments made at a high-level meeting in September that laid out a global roadmap for energy access and transition by the end of the decade, while also contributing to net zero emissions by 2050.    The UN-Energy partnership brings together some…

Rescuing global goals, world’s ‘highest common priority’ – UN chief — Global Issues

Digital tech investment, critical to workforce in least-developed nations — Global Issues

That’s according to the report Present and future of work in the Least Developed Countries, published on Friday by the International Labour Organization (ILO).  Economic and social progress in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) have been slowed by the impact of the #COVID19 pandemic, climate change and the continuing energy and…